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"Time for a shakedown."

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For the Legends of Runeterra icon Legends of Runeterra game mode, see Lab (Legends of Runeterra)#A.R.A.M..
Howling Abyss Minimap

ARAM, abbreviation of All Random, All Mid, is a game mode in League of Legends in a 5v5 format on the Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss, where the objective is to destroy the opposing team's Nexus. The game includes an Reroll All random draft type, and takes place only on one long lane (specifically referencing its resemblance to Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift's middle lane).

In ARAM, players are given random champions from the available champion pool and are able to trade or reroll their picks.

Before its introduction on June 29, 2012, the mode was a popular spin on Summoner's Rift Custom Game icon Custom games (where it was often played as ARAM) or Dominion (where it was often played as ARAB) in which players agreed to deliberately focus on 5v5 fights in a single lane, most often the middle lane for Summoner's Rift (as it was the shortest) and the bottom half of the map for Dominion (by community consensus), with gameplay mainly focused on fighting and buying items until either team wins. After a Thunderdome event, the Proving Grounds map was revamped from being used solely for the game's first original tutorials, to a playable Custom game map, which players used for this purpose. Eventually, the Howling Abyss replaced Proving Grounds (for the tutorials included, up until their removal and release of the modern tutorial) for this game type, and ARAM was released as an official queue on the Howling Abyss map in Patch 3.6.

Each side of the Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss has two lane turrets, two patches of brushes, two health relics, one inhibitor, two nexus turrets, a nexus and a shopkeeper. The map was replaced with Butcher's Bridge during Bilgewater events (Burning Tides, Curse of the Drowned).


The following features are exclusive to the Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss map:


Howling Abyss base gate
Howling Abyss frost-gate
Howling Abyss frost-gate channel
Howling Abyss frost-gate dash 2
Howling Abyss tower rubble
Health Relic (Howling Abyss) screenshot
Health Relic beam
Health Relic (Howling Abyss) screenshot 2
  • There is only one lane.
  • There are only two turrets protecting the inhibitor and two turrets protecting the nexus.
    • Champions deal 0% − 25% (based on minutes) bonus damage to structures.
  • There is a base gate that blocks champions from leaving the base for the first 15 seconds.
    • After these base gates have fallen, there will be frost-gates that are spawned in front of each team's Nexus.
      • Champions can interact with these gates to initiate Frostgate Warp, causing them to Channeling icon channel for 0.75 seconds. Upon completion, they Dash dash to the other side of the gate over 2.25 seconds, during which they are Untargetable icon untargetable and Lockout icon 2 unable to act. If the channel is interrupted, the gate will be placed on a 1.5-second cooldown. They may also choose a location to dash another time up to a distance away from the gate upon reaching their destination. Frost-gates have a 15-second cooldown for each champion that activates them.
        • Leading gates cannot be interacted with and are located in front of the outer turret.
          • If the outer turret is destroyed, the leading gate is relocated to the front of the inhibitor turret.
        • Frost-gates on both sides of the map can be interacted with by champions regardless of which team they are on.
  • There are 4 health relics positioned in front of the outer towers, with 2 relics on each team's respective side of the map.
    • Restores Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)8% of missing health and Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range8% of missing mana to the champion who picks up the relic.
    • After being picked up, triggers a beam of light to strike the ground after 2.5 seconds, restoring Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)16% of missing health and Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range16% of missing mana for all champions within.
  • Recall Recall is disabled, however, the channel's animation will still play.
  • The fountain does not grant any restoration effects to champions.
  • The shop will be disabled after champions have moved too far away from the fountain. It will be enabled after death.
    • The range at which the shop becomes disabled is a slight distance away from the Nexus turrets.
  • Surrender is enabled at 12:00.


  • Minions take 75% damage from AoE damage.
  • Minion waves spawn every 25 − 13 (based on minutes) seconds.
  • Minions have 325 − 425 (based on minutes) movement speed.
  • Siege minions spawn every two waves, starting with the third wave.
  • Siege minions and super minions are empowered by Blackout.
    • Passive Effect - Blackout: When there is a Noxious Trap stealthed trap nearby, gain Blackout, True Sight icon revealing and Exposed icon exposing all stealthed traps within 1100 units. Blackout lingers for 4 seconds after there are no longer any traps nearby.


All champions on the Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss gain the following bonuses:

  • +70 summoner spell haste
  • Restores Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range0.15% of maximum mana per second.
  • Passively gains Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)5 experience per second.
  • Reduces all outgoing heals by 50%. The healing reduction does not affect self-heals.
  • Omnivamp and life steal against minions are reduced by 40%.
  • While you are alive, nearby enemy minions killed by any ally other than you grant 6 Gold 6.
  • Melee role Melee champions gain 15 bonus magic resistance and their basic attacks deal 20% bonus damage against siege and super minions.
  • Melee role Melee champions now deal 20% bonus damage against structures, if they adaptively have more ability power. This buff is replaced by the generic time-based ARAM buff's bonus damage to structures once the latter exceeds 20%.


  • Champion kills are worth 180 Gold 180.
    • Kill bounties are increased by an amount based on the number of consecutive kills of the slain champion.
      • 2 consecutive kills: 150 Gold 150 (330 Gold 330 total)
      • 3 consecutive kills: 300 Gold 300 (480 Gold 480 total)
      • 4 consecutive kills: 375 Gold 375 (555 Gold 555 total)
      • 5 consecutive kills: 450 Gold 450 (630 Gold 630 total)
      • 6 consecutive kills: 600 Gold 600 (780 Gold 780 total)
  • Kill and assist bounties are reduced based on the number of consecutive deaths of the slain champion.
  • First blood increases both kill and assist bounties by 50%.
  • Assists are worth 90 Gold 90, which is split among all assisting allies.
    • This is reduced to 50% − 100% (based on Game Time).

Death timers[]

  • Champions respawn 8 − 40 (based on level) seconds after death.

Exclusive items[]

Summoner spells[]

Mode-Specific Changes[]

Since the Butcher's Bridge event (V9.7), champions, runes and items have been adjusted for ARAM, similar to Featured game modes.

This table extracts the data from Module:ChampionData/data and Template:map_changes/data/aram.

ChampionDamage dealtDamage receivedOther effects
Aatrox Aatrox+5%
Akali Akali+5%-10%
  • Energy regeneration increased by 20%.
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Akshan Akshan+5%-5%

Going Rogue Going Rogue

  • Scoundrel duration changed to 10 seconds.
Alistar Alistar-5%+5%
  • Healing done reduced by 20%.
Anivia Anivia+5%
Annie Annie-5%+5%
  • Shielding done reduced by 10%.
Ashe Ashe+5%
  • Total attack speed increased by 3%.

Volley Volley

  • Cooldown changed to 18 / 17.5 / 17 / 16.5 / 16 seconds.
Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol

Singularity Singularity

  • Cooldown changed to 14 seconds.
Azir Azir-5%
  • Ability haste increased by 20.
  • Total attack speed increased by 2.5%.

Arise! Arise!

  • Azir will start the game with one point already ranked in Arise!, allowing him to allocate the other two to his other abilities.
Bard Bard+15%-15%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.

Traveler's Call Traveler's Call

  • Chime spawn rate changed to every 30 seconds (initial spawn unchanged).
Bel'Veth Bel'Veth+5%

Death in Lavender Death in Lavender

  • Bel'Veth gains 2 stacks from nearby siege minion deaths.

Endless Banquet Endless Banquet

  • Enhanced Void Corals spawn from nearby turrets being destroyed.
Brand Brand-5%+10%
  • Ability haste reduced by 10.
Briar Briar+5%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
Caitlyn Caitlyn+5%
Camille Camille+5%-5%
  • Shielding done increased by 10%.
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
  • Ability haste increased by 10.
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath+10%
Corki Corki-10%
  • Ability haste increased by 20.
Darius Darius+5%
Diana Diana+2%-2%
Dr Dr. Mundo-10%+5%
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.
Draven Draven+5%-5%
Ekko Ekko+10%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Elise Elise+5%-10%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Evelynn Evelynn+10%-10%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks-5%+5%
Fiora Fiora-5%
Fizz Fizz+5%-5%
  • Tenacity increased by 10%.
Galio Galio-10%+5%
Gangplank Gangplank+5%

Parrrley Parrrley

Garen Garen-5%

Courage Courage

  • Bonus resistances on-kill changed to 0.5. Number of enemy kills needed to reach the maximum amount changed to 60.
Gnar Gnar+5%-5%
  • Total attack speed increased by 2.5%.
Gragas Gragas-5%
Hecarim Hecarim+5%-10%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
  • Ability haste increased by 10.
Heimerdinger Heimerdinger-10%+10%
Hwei Hwei

Subject: Disaster Subject: Disaster

Subject: Serenity Subject: Serenity

Subject: Torment Subject: Torment

Illaoi Illaoi-5%+5%
  • Healing done reduced by 20%.
Irelia Irelia
  • Ability haste increased by 20.
Ivern Ivern-5%
  • Shielding done reduced by 20%.
Janna Janna-5%+5%
  • Shielding done reduced by 5%.
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.

Howling Gale Howling Gale

  • Cooldown changed to 16 seconds.
Jax Jax+5%-3%
Jayce Jayce+5%
Jhin Jhin-10%+5%
Jinx Jinx-10%+5%
K'Sante K'Sante+5%
Kai'Sa Kai'Sa-5%
  • Total attack speed increased by 2.5%.
Kalista Kalista+10%-10%
Karma Karma-2%
Karthus Karthus-10%+5%

Death Defied Death Defied

  • Duration changed to 5 seconds.
Kassadin Kassadin-5%
Katarina Katarina
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
  • Ability haste increased by 10.
Kayle Kayle-5%+10%
Kayn Kayn
  • Healing done reduced by 20%.
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.

The Darkin Scythe The Darkin Scythe

  • Transformation no longer restores full Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)health and Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangemana.
Kennen Kennen+5%
  • Energy regeneration increased by 20%.
Kha'Zix Kha'Zix+10%-10%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Kindred Kindred+10%-10%
  • Total attack speed increased by 2.5%.
Kled Kled+5%
Kog'Maw Kog'Maw-12%+10%
LeBlanc LeBlanc+10%-10%
  • Ability haste increased by 20.
Lee Sin Lee Sin+5%-5%
  • Shielding done increased by 20%.
  • Healing done increased by 10%.
  • Energy regeneration increased by 20%.
Leona Leona-5%+5%
Lillia Lillia-5%+5%

Swirlseed Swirlseed

  • Cooldown changed to 18 seconds.
Lissandra Lissandra-5%+5%
Lucian Lucian+5%-5%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
  • Ability haste increased by 10.
Lulu Lulu
  • Shielding done increased by 0%.
Lux Lux-15%+10%
  • Shielding done reduced by 20%.
Malzahar Malzahar-10%+10%

Call of the Void Call of the Void

  • Deals 80% damage to minions (60% total).

Void Swarm Void Swarm

  • Deals 80% damage to minions (60% total).

Nether Grasp Nether Grasp

  • Null Zone deals 80% damage to minions (60% total).
Maokai Maokai-20%+10%
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.
Master Yi Master Yi-3%
Milio Milio
  • Shielding done reduced by 10%.
  • Healing done reduced by 5%.
  • Ability haste reduced by 10.
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune-10%+10%
Mordekaiser Mordekaiser-5%+5%
Morgana Morgana-5%+10%
Naafiri Naafiri+10%
  • Ability haste increased by 10.
Nami Nami-5%+5%
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.
Nasus Nasus-10%+5%

Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike

  • Per-kill stacks changed to inherit6.
  • Per-large-kill stacks changed to inherit24.
Nautilus Nautilus-5%+10%
Nidalee Nidalee+10%
Nilah Nilah-3%
Nocturne Nocturne+10%-10%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump+10%-10%
  • Shielding done increased by 20%.
  • Healing done increased by 10%.
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Olaf Olaf+5%
Ornn Ornn-10%+5%

Living Forge Living Forge

  • New Effect: Forging an item puts Living Forge on a 120-second cooldown.
Pyke Pyke+10%-5%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Qiyana Qiyana+15%-10%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.

Terrashape Terrashape

  • Targeting a Health Relic on Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss grants the Champions executed with Starfire Spellblade (E)River Element.
Quinn Quinn+10%-10%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
  • Total attack speed increased by 2.5%.
Rakan Rakan-5%
Rek'Sai Rek'Sai+5%-10%
Rell Rell-5%
  • Shielding done reduced by 10%.
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.
Renata Glasc Renata Glasc-5%+5%
  • Shielding done reduced by 20%.
Renekton Renekton
  • Healing done increased by 5%.
Rengar Rengar+5%-8%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Riven Riven+5%-8%
  • Shielding done increased by 0%.
Ryze Ryze+5%-5%
Samira Samira-2%+5%
Senna Senna-3%+5%
Seraphine Seraphine-10%+20%
  • Shielding done reduced by 20%.
  • Healing done reduced by 20%.
  • Ability haste reduced by 20.
Sett Sett-10%+10%
  • Shielding done reduced by 10%.
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.
Shaco Shaco+5%

Jack in the Box Jack in the Box

  • Limited to 6 Boxes active.
Shen Shen-5%+5%
Shyvana Shyvana-5%

Fury of the Dragonborn Fury of the Dragonborn

  • Alternate Innate: Shyvana gains Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)1 bonus armor, Champions that have been made a Vessel by Test of Spirit (E)1 bonus magic resistance, and Shunpo (E) uses 5s before or after killing a champion0.05 bonus Fury regeneration whenever a siege or a canon minion dies within 1400 units range of her, or when she is healed by a health relic's area of effect on the enemy's side of the map.
    • She will not gain bonuses if she is dead, even if in range.
Singed Singed-10%+5%
Sion Sion-10%+10%
  • Ability haste reduced by 10.

Glory in Death Glory in Death

  • Life steal changed to 50%.

Soul Furnace Soul Furnace

  • Health icon Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)Health per lesser unit kill changed to 2.
  • Health icon Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)Health per greater unit kill changed to 8.
  • Shield health ratio changed to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14% maximum health.
Sivir Sivir-10%+5%

Boomerang Blade Boomerang Blade

  • Cooldown changed to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds.
Skarner Skarner+5%
Smolder Smolder+5%
  • Ability haste reduced by 10.
Sona Sona+10%
  • Shielding done reduced by 15%.
  • Healing done reduced by 15%.
  • Ability haste reduced by 20.
Soraka Soraka-3%
Swain Swain-10%+15%
  • Healing done reduced by 20%.
Sylas Sylas+5%
Syndra Syndra+5%
  • Ability haste increased by 5.
Tahm Kench Tahm Kench+5%
Talon Talon+5%-5%
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Taric Taric+10%
Teemo Teemo-10%+10%
  • Ability haste reduced by 20.

Noxious Trap Noxious Trap

  • Deals 66% damage to minions (50% total).
  • Maximum charges changed to 2 / 3 / 4.
Thresh Thresh+5%

Damnation Damnation

  • Stacks per soul changed to 2.
Tristana Tristana+5%-5%
Trundle Trundle+5%
  • Healing done increased by 0%.
Tryndamere Tryndamere+10%-10%
  • Healing done increased by 35%.
Twitch Twitch-5%
Urgot Urgot+5%
Varus Varus-2%+5%
Vayne Vayne+5%-5%
Veigar Veigar-10%+10%

Event Horizon Event Horizon

  • Cooldown changed to 23 / 21.5 / 20 / 18.5 / 17 seconds.
Vel'Koz Vel'Koz-5%+5%
Vex Vex-5%
Vi Vi+5%-5%
Viego Viego+5%
Viktor Viktor-5%+5%
Vladimir Vladimir-5%+5%
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.
Warwick Warwick+5%-5%
  • Healing done increased by 5%.
Xayah Xayah+5%
  • Total attack speed increased by 3%.
Xerath Xerath-7%+5%
Xin Zhao Xin Zhao-5%
Yasuo Yasuo
  • Total attack speed increased by 2.5%.
Yone Yone+5%-3%
  • Total attack speed increased by 2.5%.
Yorick Yorick

Shepherd of Souls Shepherd of Souls

  • Deaths required for a grave changed to 5 at all levels.
Yuumi Yuumi+5%
Zac Zac-4%
  • Healing done increased by 10%.
Zed Zed+5%-5%
  • Energy regeneration increased by 20%.
  • Tenacity increased by 20%.
Zeri Zeri+10%

Burst Fire Burst Fire

  • Zeri will start the game with one point already ranked in Burst Fire!, allowing her to allocate the other two to her other abilities.
Ziggs Ziggs-13%+20%
  • Ability haste reduced by 20.

Short Fuse Short Fuse

  • Damage to structures changed to 150%.

Satchel Charge Satchel Charge

  • Tower execute threshold changed to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5% of turret's maximum health.
Zilean Zilean+5%-5%
  • Ability haste increased by 10.
Zoe Zoe+10%-5%
Zyra Zyra-10%+5%
  • Ability haste reduced by 10.

Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff

  • Each charge consumed generates 50% more mana.

Dark Seal Dark Seal

  • This item is disabled.

Guardian Angel Guardian Angel

  • This item is disabled.

Heartsteel Heartsteel

  • Permanent bonus health changed to 5% of damage amount.

Hubris Hubris

  • Total cost changed to 2950 Gold 2950.
  • Eminence base bonus attack damage changed to (Melee role 15 / Ranged role 10).
  • Eminence bonus attack damage per stack changed to (Melee role 2 / Ranged role 1).
  • Eminence duration changed to (Melee role 90 / Ranged role 45) seconds.

Malignance Malignance

  • Hatefog base damage per tick changed to 10.
  • Hatefog AP ratio per tick changed to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)0.7% AP.

Manamune Manamune

  • Each charge consumed generates 50% more mana.

Mejai's Soulstealer Mejai's Soulstealer

  • This item is disabled.

Rod of Ages Rod of Ages

  • Gain a stack every 40 seconds.

Stormsurge Stormsurge

  • Squall base damage changed to (Melee role 100 / Ranged role 75).
  • Squall AP ratio changed to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(Melee role 15% / Ranged role 11.25%) AP.

Sundered Sky Sundered Sky

  • Lightshield Strike heal health ratio changed to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)4% of missing health.

Symbiotic Soles Symbiotic Soles

  • This item is disabled.

Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess

  • Each charge consumed generates 50% more mana.

Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor

  • Champion damage cooldown changed to 8 seconds.
  • Non-champion damage cooldown changed to 4 seconds.

Winter's Approach Winter's Approach

  • Each charge consumed generates 50% more mana.

Triumph Triumph

  • Base heal ratio changed to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)1.5% of maximum health.
  • Heal health ratio changed to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)3% of missing health.
  • Bonus gold changed to 10 Gold 10.

Presence of Mind Presence of Mind

  • Mana restored changed to Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range10% of maximum mana.
  • Energy restored changed to Champions hit with Hookshot (E)10% of maximum energy.

Electrocute Electrocute

  • Cooldown changed to 15 − 10 (based on level) seconds.
  • Bonus AD ratio changed to Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)15% bonus AD.
  • AP ratio changed to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)10% AP.

Dark Harvest Dark Harvest

  • Damage per soul changed to 4.

Hail of Blades Hail of Blades

  • Bonus attack speed changed to (Melee role 130% / Ranged role 100%).

Taste of Blood Taste of Blood

  • Cooldown changed to 15 seconds.

Arcane Comet Arcane Comet

  • Cooldown changed to 15 − 8 (based on level) seconds.

Waterwalking Waterwalking

  • Automatically exchanged with Scorch Scorch.

Gathering Storm Gathering Storm

  • Stats gain changed to every 6 minutes.

Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying

  • Melee champions triggered attack bonus health changed to 10.
  • Ranged champions triggered attack bonus health changed to 6.

Guardian Guardian

  • Cooldown changed to 60 − 30 (based on level) seconds.

Demolish Demolish

  • Base damage changed to 50.
  • Health ratio changed to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)20% of maximum health.

Conditioning Conditioning

  • Initial cooldown changed to 8 minutes.

Bone Plating Bone Plating

  • Cooldown changed to 40 seconds.

Overgrowth Overgrowth

  • Bonus health per stack changed to 5.
  • Additional bonus health threshold changed to 80 minions or monsters.

Unsealed Spellbook Unsealed Spellbook

  • Cooldown changed to 180 − 60 (based on unique swaps) seconds.
  • Cooldown reduction per unique summoner spell changed to 20 seconds.

First Strike First Strike

  • Base gold changed to 15 Gold 15.
  • Gold based on damage dealt changed to (Melee role 60% / Ranged role 42%).

Magical Footwear Magical Footwear

  • Boots grant changed to 8 minutes.
  • Time reduction per takedown changed to 30 seconds.

Click on the tabs above for more information.

Champion Select[]

Each player will be rolled a single champion picked randomly from their own available champions, with the collective players' rolls processed sequentially. Teams are blind to the picks of the opponents.

When a player rerolls their champion, the previous champion is placed into the team's Available Champion Pool (aka the Bench); each team has their own bench. Any player can swap their champion with one from the bench if they own it or it is in Free champion rotation.

Available Champions[]

Available champions include champions owned & champions in Free champion rotation. The pool of champions that may be randomly assigned to a player in the initial roll consists of:

  • Owned champions
  • Free champion rotation
  • A select number of champions who are always available in ARAM (free roster)

ARAM free roster[]


In a matchmade game, the player can reroll their randomly assigned champion by consuming a reroll credit. A reroll will exclude champions that have already been rolled by any player in the lobby.

The player can have up to 2 reroll credits, and a credit is rewarded for earning 250 ARAM points. ARAM points are earned every time the player completes a matchmade ARAM game. The number of points granted is based on the number of available champions, the ARAM free roster plays a constant factor.

  • 65 = ARAM free roster
  • 1.5 = Multiplier
  • Result is rounded down.
  • The number of points granted after every match can be seen on the post-game screen above the "Dice" icon tooltip.
  • Any points that reach in excess of the credit reward goal will rollover to count towards a second credit, if available. A roll credit is ensured every two matches.
  • To ensure a reroll credit every single match, a player needs to own 57 champions not contained in ARAM free roster. To ensure this at all times a player needs 122 unlocked champions.
  • Gaining Leaver / AFK status will disable point rewards for that match.
  • If the game is dodged, any used reroll credits will be refunded to all other players. This does not occur for the dodging player and their premade party.

Skin Boosts[]

In a matchmade game, the player can purchase a 95 RP 95 Skin Boost during champion select that grants all members on the team a one-game only skin, chosen at random, for the champion that they're using that game. Additionally, the benefactor earns a 200 BE 200 bonus from that game while their teammates get 100 BE 100 bonus.

  • If the game is dodged, the RP RP RP is refunded.
  • If the player changes their champion, that champion is also given a skin. Should the player reobtain a given champion, the skin will not be redetermined.
  • Other players can see who purchased a Battle Boost.
  • Battle Boosts cannot be purchased with 10 seconds remaining.

Patch History[]

For the list of all changes to the mode from Season Six (V6.12) onward, see ARAM/Patch history.


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