League of Legends SK Wiki



Chinese artwork[]


  • Ahri is inspired from the Template:W - a mythological being originating from East Asia, and has become a recurring creature in modern fantasy.
  • Ahri was designed by Ezreal, although Coronach helped him develop her kit.[1]
    • There were several different names for the Nine-Tailed Fox throughout development: Ezreal himself referred to the Nine-Tails as Gumiho (구미호).[2] The more common name Kumiho is a direct reference to the Template:W. A player found a poll for her name on the Riot Korea webpage,[3] which gave 6 different options to vote for:
      • Danbi (단비) (meaning Saviour or Saving Rain)
      • Nabi (나비) (meaning Butterfly)
      • Ruri (루리) (meaning Dazzle)
      • Ari (아리) (meaning Graceful or Elegant)
      • Chorong (초롱) (meaning Glittering)
      • Dasom (다솜) (meaning Loving).
  • Ahri is voiced by Laura Post.
  • Ahri was simultaneously released (on all servers) with the launch of the Korean servers.
  • Ahri's dance is based on the choreography for the song Template:W by Template:W (소녀시대; So Nyeo Shi Dae/SNSD), an extremely popular Korean girl group. A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
  • Template:Ai, previously shared its name with Template:Ci passive - Template:Ai. The name was changed in a minor patch shortly after her release.
    • In the Champion Spotlight, Phreak refers to her passive as "Soul Eater".
  • Ahri's final design has fox ears, whereas her original design did not. Her clothes were also changed.
  • Her title on the League of Legends site is displayed as "the 9 Tails Fox"[4], while in-game and spotlight are both "the Nine-Tailed Fox". The latter title is grammatically correct.
    • This has been fixed on the website.


  • Dynasty Ahri is wearing modernized Template:W (traditional Korean clothing).
    • Additionally, this skin changes her dance to a traditional Korean dance.
  • Midnight Ahri is also referred to as the Shadow Fox skin.
  • Foxfire Ahri might be a reference to the Template:W browser as she bears the same color scheme of the browser's icon in her splash art background.
    • It is speculated Foxfire Ahri is part of a theme of skins related to the internet browsers; Template:Csi, Template:Csi, and Template:Csi are the other skins in this theme.
    • However, Foxfire Ahri is the only one of the group that actually shows some reference to the browser they are supposedly named for.


Template:Reflist Template:C-bot

  1. @Ezreal, Riot NA official forum
  2. RiotEzreal's first Tweet mentioning the Name
  3. Name Nine-Tailed Fox! Your choice, Riot NA official forum
  4. Ahri, the 9 Tails Fox on leagueoflegends.com. Retrieved 01:57, July 19, 2012 (UTC)