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(не показано 15 промежуточных версий 3 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{Заголовок чемпиона|{{PAGENAME}}}}
{{Вкладки чемпиона}}
{{champion info|Nami}}
== Умения ==
{{Ability frame|I|
{{Ability info
|name=Бурные волны
|icon=Surging Tides.png
|description= Когда Нами задевает своим умением союзного чемпиона, тот получает бонус к скорости передвижения, равный 60 {{as|(+ 20% силы умений)}} единицам, на {{fd|1.5}} секунды. Мощность ускорения при поражении союзника {{ai|Tidal Wave|Nami|Приливной волной}} удваивается.
|targeting = '''Бурные волны''' - умение, предоставляющее [[усиление]].
|damagetype =
|spelleffects =
|onhiteffects =
|spellshield =
|additional =
* ''Бурные волны'' активируются, когда на союзника поражает {{ai|Ebb and Flow|Nami|Прилив и отлив}}, {{ai|Aqua Prison|Nami|Водяная тюрьма}} или {{ai|Tidal Wave|Nami|Приливная волна}}, либо на него накладывается {{ai|Tidecaller's Blessing|Nami|Благословение Повелительницы морей}}.
|video=Nami IVideo
{{Ability frame|Q|
{{Ability info
|name=Водяная тюрьма
|icon=Aqua Prison.png
|description={{sbc|Активация:}} Нами запускает пузырь в выбранную область. При приземлении, он наносит {{as|магический урон}} всем пораженным врагам, а также {{cctip|suspension|удерживает}} их в воздухе в течение {{fd|1.5}} секунд.
|leveling={{lcaps|Магический урон|75|130|185|240|295|(+ 50% силы умений)}}
|targeting= '''Водяная тюрьма''' - это [[нацеленное на землю]] [[умение массового поражения#Нацеленный на землю|умение массового поражения]].
|spellshield= Заблокируют урон и удержание.
* В отличие от остальных умений с удержанием, ''Водяная тюрьма'' может быть использована для активации {{cai|Last Breath|Yasuo|Последний вздох|Ясуо}}.
* It seems to take {{fd|~0.875}} seconds from cast to land (there's wind-up before the bubble is launched) regardless of distance. The AoE has a radius of ~162, making it impossible to escape only if an enemy is at 185 movement speed or less (325 movement speed slowed by 43% would put an enemy within this). This means that CC may be necessary to ensure that this CC lands. Rank 5 {{ai|Tidecaller's Blessing|Nami}} with 160 AP could reach this slow value (though few enemies would likely have 325 movement speed by that time).
|video=Nami QVideo
{{Ability frame|W|
{{Ability info
|name=Ebb and Flow
|icon=Ebb and Flow.png
|description={{sbc|Active:}} Nami unleashes a stream of water that bounces between allied and enemy champions. This ability can only bounce to each target once and hits up to 3 targets. The damage and heal are modified by -15% {{as|(+ {{fd|7.5%}} per 100 AP)}} with each bounce.
|description2 = On ally hits, ''Ebb and Flow'' heals the target and bounces towards a nearby enemy champion. On enemy hits, the torrent deals magic damage and bounces towards a nearby allied champion.
{{lcaps|Heal|65|95|125|155|185|(+ 30% AP)}}
{{lcaps|Magic Damage|70|110|150|190|230|(+ 50% AP)}}
|targeting='''Ebb and Flow''' is a [[area of effect|target chain area of effect]].
|spelleffects=area of effect
|spellshield=Will block one bounce of the ability. ''Ebb and Flow'' will continue to bounce, and the target who blocked the ability may be targeted again by a later bounce.
* Additional [[Ability Power]] will modify the damage/healing of ''Ebb and Flow'' by a percentage based on the number of bounces.
** At 0 AP (-15% per bounce) the first heal/damage of rank 5 will be 185/230, the second 157/196 and the third 130/161
** At 200 AP (no change per bounce) the heal/damage of rank 5 will be 245/330 and will remain as the same for all the bounces.
** At 600 AP (+30% per bounce) the first heal/damage of rank 5 will be 365/530 the second 475/689 and the third 584/848.
|video=Nami WVideo
{{Ability frame|E|
{{Ability info
|name=Tidecaller's Blessing
|icon=Tidecaller's Blessing.png
|description={{sbc|Active:}} Nami empowers an allied champion for 6 seconds or until they have attacked 3 times. During this time, their basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and slow the target hit for 1 second.
{{lcaps|On-hit Magic Damage|25|40|55|70|85|(+ 20% AP)}}
{{lcaps|Total Magic Damage|75|120|165|210|255|(+ 60% AP)}}
{{lcaps|Slow|15|20|25|30|35%|(+ 5% per 100 AP)}}
|targeting='''Tidecaller's Blessing''' is an ally champion-targeted [[buff]].
|spellshield={{Pending for test}}
* The damage dealt is based on Nami's own [[Ability Power]] at the time of cast and the buffed target's [[Magic Penetration]].
* ''Tidecaller's Blessing'' has no cast time and does not interrupt Nami's movement.
* ''Tidecaller's Blessing'' bonus damage won't trigger either on-hit effects or spell effects.
** Though, interaction with {{ii|Muramana}} is {{pending for test}}.
* Both effects of ''Tidecaller's Blessing'' will be wasted if the attack is {{ai|Counter Strike|Jax|dodged}}, {{ai|Aegis Protection|Pantheon|blocked}}, {{ai|Riposte|Fiora|parried}}, or if the attack [[blind|misses]].
|video=Nami EVideo
{{Ability frame|R|
{{Ability info
|name=Tidal Wave
|icon=Tidal Wave.png
|description={{sbc|Active:}} Nami summons a tidal wave that moves outward in a broad line and deals magic damage to enemies it comes into contact with, briefly knocking them up and then slowing them.
|description2= The slow duration increases based on how far the tidal wave has traveled, with a minimum duration of 2 seconds and a maximum duration of 4 seconds.
{{lcaps|Magic Damage|150|250|350|(+ 60% AP)}}
|targeting='''Tidal Wave''' is a [[skill shot|pass-through skill shot]]
|spelleffects=Area of Effect
|spellshield=Will block the ability.
* There is a brief channel time during which Nami performs the animation. It can only be interrupted by death, in which case the ability will not trigger and will not go on cooldown
* Nami's passive will immediately trigger on herself on cast.
* The wave travels for {{fd|~3.2}} seconds at a speed of ~859, with a missile width of ~562, making it undodgable (by foot at 325 movement speed) at a range of 742.
|video=Nami RVideo
== Ссылки ==
[[Категория:Чемпионы с замедлением]]
[[Category:Pre-Season Three release]]
[[Категория:Чемпионы с ускорением]]
[[Category:Выпущенные чемпионы]]
[[Category:2012 release]]
[[Category:Чемпионы с подбрасыванием]]
[[Category:Чемпионы с лечением]]
[[Category:Чемпионы с ускорением]]
[[Category:Чемпионы с замедлением]]
[[Category:Чемпионы дальнего боя]]
[[Категория:Чемпионы за 6300 IP]]
[[Категория:Чемпионы за 975 RP]]

Версия от 00:15, 15 января 2020

Nami OriginalCentered
Повелительница морей
Манипулятор icon Чародей
Mana resource Мана | Ranged role Дальний
BE icon 3150 | RP icon 790
Дата выхода:
V1.0.0.152 [1]
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