League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Данная группа модулей хранит основные актуальные метаданные о League of Legends: версию игры, номер сезона, последнего чемпиона, последнего переработанного и т.п. Также хранит некоторые метаданные Teamfight Tactics (номер набора) и Legends of Runeterra (версию игры).

Перечень модулей:

  • Модуль:Maintenance data - функции для обработки и выдачи данных.
  • Модуль:Maintenance data/data - таблица метаданных об играх.

From Модуль:Maintenance data/doc

-- <pre>
-- Используется для: [[Шаблон:Актуальные технические данные]]

return {
    ["Patch"]                  = "V14.19",
    ["PatchId"]                = "14.19",
    ["NextPatch"]              = "V14.20",
    ["SeasonNumber"]           = "14",
    ["SeasonWord"]             = "Четырнадцатый",
    ["SeasonType"]             = "Сезон",
    ["SeasonStart"]            = "2024-01-10",
    ["TFTSet"]                 = "11",
    ["LoRPatch"]               = "5.4",
    ["LastChampionName"]       = "Аврора",
    ["UpcomingChampionName"]   = "Аврора",
    -- Used in [[Template:Hot]]
    ["HotChampion"] = {
        [1] = "Аврора",
        [2] = "Смолдер",
        [3] = "Хвэй",
    ["HotRelaunch"]   = {
        [1] = "Скарнер",
        [2] = "Джакс",
        [3] = "Ари",
    -- Archived date of the first champion rotation,
    -- dates do not refer to competetive seasons,
    -- but patch cycles
    ["Pre-Season1Start"]       = "2009-11-20",
    ["Season1Start"]           = "2010-07-13",
    ["Pre-Season2Start"]       = "2011-09-20",
    ["Season2Start"]           = "2011-11-29",
    ["Pre-Season3Start"]       = "2012-11-20",
    ["Season3Start"]           = "2013-02-01",
    ["Pre-Season4Start"]       = "2013-11-20",
    ["Season4Start"]           = "2014-01-15",
    ["Pre-Season5Start"]       = "2014-11-20",
    ["Season5Start"]           = "2015-01-15",
    ["Pre-Season6Start"]       = "2015-11-11",
    ["Season6Start"]           = "2016-01-14",
    ["Pre-Season7Start"]       = "2016-11-10",
    ["Season7Start"]           = "2017-01-11",
    ["Pre-Season8Start"]       = "2017-11-08",
    ["Season8Start"]           = "2018-01-10",
    ["Pre-Season9Start"]       = "2018-11-20",
    ["Season9Start"]           = "2019-01-09",
    ["Pre-Season10Start"]      = "2019-11-20",
    ["Season10Start"]          = "2020-01-08",
    ["Pre-Season11Start"]      = "2020-11-10",
    ["Season11Start"]          = "2021-01-06",
    ["Pre-Season12Start"]      = "2021-11-17",
    ["Season12Start"]          = "2022-01-05",
    ["Pre-Season13Start"]      = "2022-11-16",
    ["TotalReleasedChampions"] = (function ()
        local lolData = mw.loadData("Модуль:ChampionData/data")
        local i = 0
        local skip = {
            ["Мега-Гнар"] = true, 
            ["Клед и Скарл"] = true, 
            ["Рааст"] = true, 
            ["Сумеречный убийца"] = true,
            ["Upcoming"] = true, 
            ["N/A"] = true, 
            ["Cancelled"] = true, 
            [""] = true,
        for k, v in pairs(lolData) do
            if not skip[k] and not skip[v["date"] or "Upcoming"] then
                i = i + 1
        return i
-- </pre>
-- [[Category:Lua]]