League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Данный модуль используется для генерации стандартных блоков текста, состоящих из иконки объекта и текста-ссылки к нему. Объектами являются различные элементы игр League of Legends и Teamfight Tactics, а также подписей к ним.

Список функций

Большинство функций действуют по одному и тому же принципу. Сначала формируется единый объект, в котором обязательно указываются имя объекта, название файла иконки (вызывается из Модуль:Filename), ссылка на страницу и выводимый текст ссылки. Также присутствует несколько побочных аргументов, которые изменяют внешний вид иконки и подписи к ней. Помимо этого в большинстве случаев получившийся текст оборачивают в span, которому присваивают информацию о вызываемом объекте (в виде HTML атрибутов), что позволяет показывать всплывающую подсказку об этом объекте при наведении курсора мыши.

Ниже в таблице перечислены основные публичные функции, вызывающие иконки игровых объектов.

Краткое название функции Соответствующий игровой объект
ability Умение чемпиона League of Legends
buff Усиление из League of Legends
champion Чемпион League of Legends
championTFT Чемпион Teamfight Tactics
item Предмет League of Legends
itemOld Предмет League of Legends (устаревший вариант)
itemTFT Предмет Teamfight Tactics
loading Иллюстрация образа из экране загрузки
rune Руна League of Legends
skin Образ чемпиона League of Legends
spell Заклинание призывателя League of Legends
ward Образ тотема League of Legends
faction Фракция Рунтерры
universe Иконка альтернативной вселенной
TFTTrait Группа (фракция/класс/стихия) TFT
basic Generic-вариант функции для вызова произвольной информации

Все вышеперечисленные функции вызываются через шаблоны-обертки категории Шаблоны иконок.

From Модуль:ImageLink/doc

-- <pre>
local ImageLink = {}
-- Dependencies
local HF        = require("Dev:HF")
local FN        = require("Module:Filename")
local lib       = require('Module:Feature')
local userError = require('Dev:User error')
local skinGetter = require("Модуль:SkinData/getter")
{{#invoke: ImageLink | basic
| link        = 
| text        = 
| alttext     = 
| image       = 
| image2      = 
| image3      = 
| size        = 
| width       = 
| height      = 
| border      = 
| separator   = 
| display     = 
| class       = 
| style       = 
| iconclass   = 
| iconstyle   = 
| label       = 
| labellink   = 
| labelclass  = 
| labelstyle  = 
| possessive  =
| edit        =
| editlink    =
function ImageLink.ability(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    args['link'] = args['link'] or formatnil('%s#%s', args['champion'], args['ability']) or args['champion'] or ''
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['ability'] or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.ability{args['ability'], args['variant']}
    args['editlink'] = args['editlink'] or formatnil('Template:Data %s/%s', args['champion'], args['ability']) or ''
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['champion'] and args['ability'] then
        if args['champion'] then link:attr('data-champion', args['champion']) end
        if args['ability'] then link:attr('data-ability', args['ability']) end
        if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link
function ImageLink.buff(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
	args['engname'] = args['engname'] or args['buff']
    args['link'] = args['link'] or args['buff'] or ''
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['buff'] or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.buff{args['engname'], args['variant']}
    args['editlink'] = args['editlink'] or formatnil('Template:Buff data %s', args['buff']) or ''
    local link, img  = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['buff'] then link:attr('data-param', args['buff']) end
    if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link
function ImageLink.champion(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    args["link"] = args["link"] or args["champion"] or ""
    args["text"] = args["text"] or args["champion"] or ""
    if args["circle"] == "true" then
        args["image"] = args["image"] or FN.championcircle(args)
        args["border"] = args["border"] or "false"
        args["image"] = args["image"] or FN.championsquare(args)
    args["editlink"] = args["editlink"] or "Модуль:ChampionData/data"

    args["selflink"] = args["selflink"] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootText
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    link:attr("data-skin", args["skin"] or "Original")
    if args["champion"] then link:attr("data-champion", args["champion"]) end
    if args["variant"] then link:attr("data-variant", args["variant"]) end
    if args["width"] and img ~= nil then img:addClass("icon-" .. args["width"]) end
    return link

function ImageLink.championTFT(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    local tftChampion = args["champion"]
    local tftData = args["data"]
    if(tftData == nil) then
    	return userError(
    			"Данные для чемпиона %s не переданы (message from Модуль:ImageLink)",
    			tftChampion or "Неизвестно"
    		"ImageLink errors")
    args['link'] = args['link'] or args['champion'] .. '/TFT'  or ''
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['champion'] or ''
    args['set']  = tonumber(args['set'])
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.championsquare(args)
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
        ['data-param'] = args['champion'],
        ['data-type'] = 'champion',
        ['data-set'] = args['set']

    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then
        img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) 
    return link
function ImageLink.item(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    if args['enchantment'] then
        args['link'] = args['link'] or args['enchantment'] or ''
        args['text'] = formatnil('%s (%s)', args['item'], args['enchantment']) or args['text'] or ''
        args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.item{['item'] = args['item'], ['enchantment'] = args['enchantment'], ['variant'] = args['variant'], ['engname'] = args['engname'] or args['item']}
        args['link'] = args['link'] or args['item'] or ''
        args['text'] = args['text'] or args['item'] or ''
        args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.item{args['item'], args['variant'], ['engname'] = args['engname'] or args['item']}
    args['editlink'] = args['editlink'] or "Модуль:ItemData/data"
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['item'] then link:attr('data-param', args['item']) end
    if args['enchantment'] then link:attr('data-enchantment', enchantment):addClass('enchantment-icon') end
    if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link
function ImageLink.itemOld(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    if args['enchantment'] then
        args['link'] = args['link'] or args['enchantment'] or ''
        args['text'] = formatnil('%s (%s)', args['item'], args['enchantment']) or args['text'] or ''
        args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.item{['item'] = args['item'], ['enchantment'] = args['enchantment'], ['variant'] = args['variant'], ['engname'] = args['engname'] or args['item']}
        args['link'] = args['link'] or args['item'] or ''
        args['text'] = args['text'] or args['item'] or ''
        args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.item{args['item'], args['variant'], ['engname'] = args['engname'] or args['item']}
    args['editlink'] = args['editlink'] or "Модуль:ItemData/data"
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['item'] then link:attr('data-param', args['item']) end
    if args['enchantment'] then link:attr('data-enchantment', enchantment):addClass('enchantment-icon') end
    if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link

function ImageLink.itemTFT(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    local itemData = args["data"]
    if(itemData == nil) then 
    	return userError(
    			"Данные для предмета TFT %s не переданы (message from Модуль:ImageLink)",
    			args["item"] or "Неизвестно"
    		"ImageLink errors")
    args["link"] = args["link"] or args["item"] .. " (Teamfight Tactics)" or ""
    args["text"] = args["text"] or args["item"] or ""
    args["image"] = args["image"] or FN.itemTFT{args["item"], ["engname"] = itemData.engname or args["item"]}
    args["editlink"] = args["editlink"] or ("Модуль:TFTItemData/data/" .. tostring(args["set"])) or ""
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
        ["data-param"] = args["item"],
        ["data-type"] = "item",
        ["data-set"] = args["set"]
    if args["variant"] then link:attr("data-variant", args["variant"]) end
    if args["width"] and img ~= nil then img:addClass("icon-" .. args["width"]) end
    return link
function ImageLink.loading(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    local sk = ''
    if(args['skin'] == '' or 'Классический') then
        sk = skinGetter.original(champion)
    args['link'] = args['link'] or args['champion'] or ''
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['champion'] or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.loading{args['champion'], sk, args['variant']}
    args['border'] = args['border'] or 'false'
    args['size'] = args['size'] or '110px'
    args['selflink'] = args['selflink'] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootText
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    link:attr('data-skin', sk)
    if args['champion'] then link:attr('data-champion', args['champion']) end
    if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link
function ImageLink.rune(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    args['link'] = args['link'] or args['rune'] .. ' (Руна)'
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['rune'] or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.rune{args['rune'], args['variant']}
    args['editlink'] = args['editlink'] or formatnil('Template:Rune data %s', args['rune']) or ''
    local link, img  = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['rune'] then link:attr('data-param', args['rune']) end
    if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link
function ImageLink.skin(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    local champion = args["champion"]
    local engname = args["engname"]
    local skin = args["skin"]
    local engskin = args["engskin"]
    local formatname = args["formatname"]
    args["link"] = args["link"] or champion or ""
    args["text"] = args["text"] or formatname
    if args["circle"] == "true" then
        args["image"] = args["image"] or FN.championcircle(args)
        args["border"] = args["border"] or "false"
        args["image"] = args["image"] or FN.championsquare(args)
    args["editlink"] = args["editlink"] or ""
    args["selflink"] = args["selflink"] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootText
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    link:attr("data-skin", args["skin"])
    if args["champion"] then link:attr("data-champion", args["champion"]) end
    if args["variant"] then link:attr("data-variant", args["variant"]) end
    if args["width"] and img ~= nil then img:addClass("icon-" .. args["width"]) end
    return link
function ImageLink.spell(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    args['link'] = args['link'] or args['spell'] .. ' (Заклинание)'
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['spell'] or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.spell{args['spell'], args['variant']}
    args['editlink'] = args['editlink'] or formatnil('Template:Spell data/%s', args['spell']) or ''
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['spell'] then link:attr('data-param', args['spell']) end
    if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link
function ImageLink.ward(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    args['link'] = args['link'] or 'Ward skins'
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['ward'] .. ' Ward' or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.ward{args['ward']}
    args['size'] = args['size'] or 64
    args['border'] = args['border'] or 'false'
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link

function ImageLink.faction(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    args['link'] = args['link'] or args['faction'] or 'Рунтерра'
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['faction'] or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.faction{args['faction']}
    args['size'] = args['size'] or 20
    args['border'] = args['border'] or 'false'
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['faction'] then link:attr('data-param', args['faction']) end
    if args['variant'] then link:attr('data-variant', args['variant']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link

function ImageLink.universe(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    args['link'] = args['link'] or args['universe'] or 'Рунтерра'
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['universe'] or ''
    args['image'] = args['image'] or FN.universe{args['universe']}
    args['size'] = args['size'] or 20
    args['border'] = args['border'] or 'false'
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    if args['universe'] then link:attr('data-param', args['universe']) end
    if args['width'] and img ~= nil then img:addClass('icon-' .. args['width']) end
    return link

function ImageLink.TFTtrait(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
	local set = tonumber(args["set"])
    args["link"] = args["link"] or (args["trait"] .. " (Teamfight Tactics)") or ""
    args["text"] = args["text"] or args["trait"] or ""
    if(args["image"] == nil) then
		args["image"] = args["data"].icon or (args["trait"] .. " TFT icon.svg")
    args["editlink"] = args["editlink"] or "Модуль:TFTTraitData/data" .. tostring(args["set"])
    args["selflink"] = args["selflink"] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootText
    local link, img = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    link:attr("data-param", args["trait"])
    link:attr("data-type", "trait")
    link:attr("data-set", set)
    return link
function ImageLink.basic(frame)
    local args; if frame.args == nil then args = lib.arguments(frame) else args = lib.arguments(frame.args) end
    local link, img, label = ImageLink._createLink(args)
    return link
function ImageLink._createLink(args)
	local builder = require("Модуль:SimpleHTMLBuilder")
    -- define args.display (default: inline)
    args['display'] = (({['inlineblock'] = 'inline-block'})[args['display']]) or args['display'] or 'inline'
    -- define args.image (default: '')
    args['image'] = args['image'] or ''
    if args['image'] == '*none*' then args['image'] = '' end
    -- define args.border (true or false; default: true)
    args['border'] = args['border'] or true
    if args['border'] == 'false' or args['border'] == '0' then args['border'] = false end
    -- define args.edit (true or false; default: false)
    args['edit'] = args['edit'] or false
    if args['edit'] == 'true' or args['edit'] == '1' then args['edit'] = true end

    -- define args.style (default: 'white-space:pre')
    args['style'] = args['style'] or 'white-space:pre'
    if args['style'] == '*none*' then args['style'] = nil end
    -- define args.labelstyle (default: 'white-space:normal')
    args['labelstyle'] = args['labelstyle'] or 'white-space:normal'
    if args['labelstyle'] == '*none*' then args['labelstyle'] = nil end
    -- define args.width, args.height (%%x%%px or %%x%% or %%px or %%; default: 20px)
    local width, height
    if(args['size']) then width, height = getSize(args['size']) end
    args['size'] = args['size'] or 20
    args['width'] = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(args['width'] or width or '', '%d*'))
    args['height'] = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(args['height'] or height or '', '%d*'))
    if(not args['height']) then args['width'] = args['width'] or args['size'] end
    -- define args.selflink (default: articlename)
    args['selflink'] = args['selflink'] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText
    -- define args.link (default: '')
    args['link'] = args['link'] or ''
    if args['link'] == '*none*' then args['link'] = '' end
    -- define args.text (default: '')
    args['text'] = args['text'] or args['link'] or ''
    if args['text'] == '*none*' then args['text'] = '' end
    -- define args.alttext (default: '')
    args['alttext'] = args['alttext'] or ''
    -- define args.label (before or after; default: after)
    args['label'] = (({['after'] = 'after', ['before'] = 'before'})[args['label']]) or 'after'
    if args['image'] == '' then args['label'] = 'only' end
    if args['text'] == '' then args['label'] = 'none' end
    -- define args.labellink (true or false; default: true)
    args['labellink'] = args['labellink'] or true
    if args['labellink'] == 'false' or args['labellink'] == '0' then args['labellink'] = false end
    --define args.data-param (specified or '')
    args['data-param'] = args['data-param'] or ''
    if args['data-param'] == '*none*' then args['data-param'] = nil end
	args['attr-name'] = args['attr-name'] or 'param'
    -- define args.separator (default: ' ')
    args['separator'] = args['separator'] or ' '
    local tag = lib.ternary(args['display'] == 'inline', 'span', 'div')
    local link = builder.create(tag):css('display', args['display']):addClass(args['display'] .. '-image')
    if args['class'] then link:addClass(args['class']) end
    if args['style'] then link:cssText(args['style']) end
    if args['data-param'] then link:attr('data-'..args['attr-name'], args['data-param']) end
    -- //img start
    local img = builder.create(tag)
    if args['image'] ~= '' then
        img:css({position = 'relative', display = 'inline-block'})
        local size = tostring(args['width'] or '') .. 'x' .. tostring(args['height'] or '') .. 'px'
        if args['iconclass'] then img:addClass(args['iconclass']) end
        if args['width'] then img:attr('data-width', tostring(args['width'])) end
        if args['height'] then img:attr('data-height', tostring(args['height'])) end
        if args['border'] == true then img:addClass('border') end
        if args['iconstyle'] then img:cssText(args['iconstyle']) end
        -- [[File:test.jpg|24px|border|link=test|testing]]
            lib.ternary(size == 'px', '', '|'..size),
            lib.ternary(args['border'], '|border', ''),
            lib.ternary(args['link'] == args['selflink'], '', args['link']),
            lib.ternary(args['alttext'] == '', 
                lib.ternary(args['text'] == '', '', '|' .. args['text']),
                '|' .. args['alttext']
        if args['image2'] then
                lib.ternary(size == 'px', '', '|'..size),
                lib.ternary(args['border'], '|border', ''),
                lib.ternary(args['link'] == args['selflink'], '', args['link']),
                lib.ternary(args['alttext'] == '', 
                lib.ternary(args['text'] == '', '', '|' .. args['text']),
                    '|' .. args['alttext']
        if args['image3'] then
                lib.ternary(size == 'px', '', '|'..size),
                lib.ternary(args['border'], '|border', ''),
                lib.ternary(args['link'] == args['selflink'], '', args['link']),
                lib.ternary(args['alttext'] == '', 
                lib.ternary(args['text'] == '', '', '|' .. args['text']),
                    '|' .. args['alttext']
        -- //bottom right number start
        if args['number'] and args['number'] ~= '' then
            local number = builder.create('span')
            local t = {
                ['position'] = 'absolute',
                ['font-size'] = string.gsub(math.min(args['width'] or 1e309, args['height'] or 1e309), 'px', '')/2 ..'px',
                ['line-height'] = '1em',
                ['bottom'] = '0.08em',
                ['right'] = '0.1em',
                ['font-weight'] = 'bold',
                ['pointer-events'] = 'none',
                ['color'] = lib.ternary(args['blacknum'] == 'true', '#111', '#EEE'),
                ['text-shadow'] = lib.ternary(args['blacknum'] == 'true', '-1px 0 1px #fff, 0 1px 1px #fff, 1px 0 1px #fff, 0 -1px 1px #fff', '-1px 0 1px #000, 0 1px 1px #000, 1px 0 1px #000, 0 -1px 1px #000')
        -- //bottom right number end
        img = nil
    -- //img end
    -- //label start
    local label = builder.create(tag)
    if args['text'] ~= '' then
        link:addClass('label-' .. args['label'])
        if args['labelclass'] then label:addClass(args['labelclass']) end
        if args['labelstyle'] then label:cssText(args['labelstyle']) end
        if args['link'] == '' or args['labellink'] == false then
        elseif args['selflink'] == args['link'] then
            label:wikitext('<strong class="selflink">' .. args['text'] .. '</strong>')
        elseif args['text'] == args['link'] then
            label:wikitext(formatnil('[[%s]]', args['text']))
            label:wikitext(formatnil('[[%s|%s]]', args['link'], args['text']))
        if args['edit'] == true and args['editlink'] ~= nil then
            label:wikitext(' <sup>[' .. tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(args['editlink'], 'action=edit')) .. ' e]</sup>')
        label = nil
    -- //label end
    if args['label'] == 'before' then
        if label then link:node(label) end
        if args['separator'] and img and label then link:wikitext(args['separator']) end
        if img then link:node(img) end
        if img then link:node(img) end
        if args['separator'] and img and label then link:wikitext(args['separator']) end
        if label then link:node(label) end
    return link, img, label
function formatnil(text, ...)
    if select("#", ...) == 0 then return text end
    for i=1, select("#", ...) do
        if select(i, ...) == nil then return nil end
    return mw.ustring.format(text, ...)
function getSize(size)
    local fields = HF.explode('x', mw.ustring.gsub(tostring(size or ''), 'px', '', 1))
    local width = tonumber(fields[1]) or nil
    local height = tonumber(fields[2]) or nil
    return width, height
return ImageLink
-- </pre>
-- [[Category:Lua]]