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The Crystal Scar

Кристальный Каньон - это Поле Правосудия в League of Legends, созданное для Доминиона. Арена расположена в деревне, когда-то известной как Каламанда.


“Как вы думаете, что случилось бы, если бы Лига не остановила Демасию и Ноксус в Каламанде? Я могу объяснить это в трёх словах: шестая война рун.”Райз, рунный маг Райз, рунный маг League of Legends за 21 год своего существования никогда не подвергала серьезной проверке мир между городами-государствами Валорана. Все политические разногласия, которые могли возникнуть в городах-государствах, были надежно решены на Полях Правосудия. Никогда прежде Лига не была вынуждена вмешиваться в какие-либо споры.


Демасианские (слева) и ноксианские (справа) лагеря за пределами Каламанды

То есть до Каламанды.

Конфликт между Демасией и [Ноксусом в Каламанде, деревне, расположенной в долине Оды Великого Барьера, спровоцирует первую демонстрацию силы Лиги. Всё началось, когда там была обнаружена сокровищница природных ресурсов. Стали появляться города-государства, каждый из которых надеялся получить львиную долю этого сокровища для себя. Огромная прибыль была получена от добычи огромных залежей кристаллов, и с добавленными ударами заколдованного золота и редких драгоценных камней города-государства процветали из вновь обретенных богатств.

Это время процветания было недолгим, так как соблазн захватить полный контроль над приисками оказался слишком трудным для сопротивления городам-государствам. За несколько месяцев Каламанда была превращена из сонной горной деревни в стадию открытой войны между двумя древними и могущественными врагами. Демасия и Ноксус подрались за контроль над деревней, спровоцированный убийством давнего лидера Ноксуса, генерала Борама Дарквилла.

Битва продолжалась, несмотря на серьезные предупреждения, и Лига была вынуждена прибегнуть к ужасающей демонстрации силы. Временно остановленное поле было вызвано по всей деревне, останавливая как жителей, так и бойцов. Волшебство времени в таком масштабе не было видно со времен Рунных войн. Ни в одном из городов-государств Валорана не было ни малейшего подозрения, что Лига сохранила такие секреты, не говоря уже о воле их использовать.

Файл:Kalamanda's FoJ.jpg

Восстановление Каламанды, которая станет Полем Правосудия.

Выводя пойманных в ловушку людей из деревни, Лига обнаружила, что использование такой мощной магии сделало Каламанду совершенно необитаемой. После того, как поле остановки было удалено, Каламанда была преобразована в новейшее Поле правосудия, «Хрустальный каньон». Это пугающее напоминание о разрушительных последствиях магии для Рунетерры и о том, как долго Лига пойдет на укрепление мира в Валоране.


  • 13 July, 20 CLE (Common League Era) – Mayor Anson Ridley reports discovery of precious mineral deposits and two nexuses within the village of Kalamanda. The League and all major city-states send representatives for research and mining purposes.
  • 25 January, 21 CLE – An earthquake causes the collapse of Demacia’s #1 Loadstone Mining Consortium. The trapped Demacian miners are rescued a month later and the body of a Noxian soldier surrounded by arcano-charges is discovered nearby, suggesting Noxian sabotage.
  • 24 February, 21 CLE – Before the investigation surrounding Noxian sabotage is complete, the Kalamanda Village Council grants an exclusive mining contract to Demacia, making Kalamanda a province of Demacia. Noxus refuses to vacate the village, claiming that they were falsely accused.
  • 1 July, 21 CLE – The leader of the Noxian High Command, General Boram Darkwill, is assassinated while on the road to Kalamanda. Open warfare erupts throughout the village between Demacian and Noxian military forces. The League’s Council of Equity demands that all hostilities stop within 24 hours or “face dire and lasting consequences”.
  • 29 July, 21 CLE – The League summons a temporal field over the village, freezing everyone and everything inside it in time. All fighting instantly ceases. Valoran is in shock, as no one believed the League possessed such might, let alone the will to use it.
  • 3 August, 21 CLE – The League releases the temporal field that had engulfed the village and claims it permanently as League territory. The village is transformed into the League’s newest Field of Justice, “Crystal Scar”.

Ancient creature awakens[]


Skarner awakens from his sleep.

For ages, A race commonly known as the Brackern has slept below the grounds near Kalamanda. The brackern were unusual beings blessed with the earth's primal magic, embodied in the form of crystals. Their kind knew of an arcane ritual to bind their life's essence to a crystal, communing with the magic embedded in it.

A vicious battle was fought near the Odyn Valley and unleashes a chaotic magic that poisoned the crystals. To avoid extinction, The brackerns only course was to hibernate underground until the wars stopped. The strongest, most intelligent brackern hibernated closer to the surface to awaken first and assess the world's condition for the return of their race. The recent mining operations and violent escalation in Kalamanda were enough to awaken Skarner the Crystal Vanguard Skarner the Crystal Vanguard. He lashes out in anger and confusion. Reason eventually won out over his anger when he realized that the agents of the League who found him were simply functionaries. For now, there is a place where Skarner can use his power to change the world into one to which his kind could eventually return: the League of Legends.


Файл:The Crystal Scar Map.jpg.jpg

Map of the Crystal Scar.

Unlike other maps, the Crystal Scar features a capture-and-hold style of gameplay. This new League of Legends experience is called Dominion. Here two teams of five players battle over a circular map and fight for control over five capture points in an effort to destroy the opposing team’s Nexus, which has a starting health of 500. The team that has captured more points than the other begin to deal damage to the opposing enemy nexus until its health reaches 0. This gameplay is designed to be fluid, with both teams constantly seizing the advantage from one another.


In-Game Description[]

Crystal Scar Map Preview

Crystal Scar Map Preview

The Crystal Scar was once known as the mining village of Kalamanda, until open war between Demacia and Noxus broke out over control of ist vast underground riches. Settle your disputes on this Field of Justice by working with your allies to seize capture points and declare dominion over your enemies!



The outer ring of the Crystal Scar is approximately 28,000 units around, taking about 80 seconds for the average champion to run around without any boots.

Capture Points[]

Capture points represent important strategic locations across the map. Controlling these points and defending them against the opposition is the central focus of Dominion. These locations are:

The Quarry

Master Yi attempting to capture the Quarry

  • The Windmill, located in the northern part of Kalamanda.
  • The Drill, located in Kalamanda’s northeastern section.
  • The Boneyard, located in the southeastern section.
  • The Quarry, in the southwestern section.
  • The Refinery, located in the northwestern section.


In the crystal scar there are several fixed position buffs that are placed in strategic locations on the map and come in three different forms:

Greater Relic Nidalee

Nidalee obtaining The Greater Relic

Greater Relic[]

The Greater Relic grants two powerful, short duration combat buffs, [[File:Шаблон:Buff data Storm Shield Shield|20xpx|border|link=Storm Shield Shield|Storm Shield Shield]] Storm Shield Shield and [[File:Шаблон:Buff data Storm Shield Lightning|20xpx|border|link=Storm Shield Lightning|Storm Shield Lightning]] Storm Shield Lightning, giving an absorption shield and a damaging nuke (that attacks and spellcasts proc) to any one teammate. There is one relic for each team and are team-specific. Positioned right next to each other the relics are located at the very center of the Crystal Scar.

Speed Shrines[]

Speed Shrine Nidalee

Nidalee running through a Speed Shrine

The Speed Shrines are three areas on the map that grant a significant, yet short duration, movement speed bonus to any champion that passes through them. These relics are located in a triangle around the seal.

Health Relics[]

The Health Relics are placed in ten areas on the map that grant a replenishment of health and mana for the champion that walks over it. A health relic is located behind every capture point and the rest are positioned around the seal (ten total).


Due to the different pace of the game, Dominion offers new items available only on the Crystal Scar and also prohibits other items to maintain balance. Each champion is also provided with a set of recommended items specially for Dominion mode.

The Crystal Scar Shop

The Crystal Scar Shop

Replaced items[]

Many Summoner's Rift items are replaced with other items to maintain balance. For instance, the Prospector items replace the Doran items with double the stats and a passive that adds health, but is unique to prevent stacking. They are a variation of the original item, but remains beneficial to the fast-paced game style that is Dominion.

  • Many of the replacing items are also used on other maps to maintain balance as well.

Replaced items:

Original items Dominion items Twisted Treeline item Howling Abyss  item
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data Banshee's Veil item.png|20xpx|border|link=Banshee's Veil|Banshee's Veil]] Banshee's Veil [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Odyn's Veil item.png|20xpx|border|link=Odyn's Veil|Odyn's Veil]] Odyn's Veil Шаблон:Mark Шаблон:Mark
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data Doran's Blade item.png|20xpx|border|link=Doran's Blade|Doran's Blade]] Doran's Blade [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Prospector's Blade item.png|20xpx|border|link=Prospector's Blade|Prospector's Blade]] Prospector's Blade Шаблон:Mark Шаблон:Mark
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data Doran's Ring item.png|20xpx|border|link=Doran's Ring|Doran's Ring]] Doran's Ring [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Prospector's Ring item.png|20xpx|border|link=Prospector's Ring|Prospector's Ring]] Prospector's Ring Шаблон:Mark Шаблон:Mark
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data The Bloodthirster item.png|20xpx|border|link=The Bloodthirster|The Bloodthirster]] The Bloodthirster [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Sanguine Blade item.png|20xpx|border|link=Sanguine Blade|Sanguine Blade]] Sanguine Blade Шаблон:Check Шаблон:Check
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data Zhonya's Hourglass item.png|20xpx|border|link=Zhonya's Hourglass|Zhonya's Hourglass]] Zhonya's Hourglass [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Wooglet's Witchcap item.png|20xpx|border|link=Wooglet's Witchcap|Wooglet's Witchcap]] Wooglet's Witchcap Шаблон:Check Шаблон:Mark
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data Rabadon's Deathcap item.png|20xpx|border|link=Rabadon's Deathcap|Rabadon's Deathcap]] Rabadon's Deathcap [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Wooglet's Witchcap item.png|20xpx|border|link=Wooglet's Witchcap|Wooglet's Witchcap]] Wooglet's Witchcap Шаблон:Check Шаблон:Mark
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data Deathfire Grasp item.png|20xpx|border|link=Deathfire Grasp|Deathfire Grasp]] Deathfire Grasp [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Blackfire Torch item.png|20xpx|border|link=Blackfire Torch|Blackfire Torch]] Blackfire Torch Шаблон:Mark Шаблон:Mark
[[File:-Шаблон-Item data Wriggle's Lantern item.png|20xpx|border|link=Wriggle's Lantern|Wriggle's Lantern]] Wriggle's Lantern [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Grez's Spectral Lantern item.png|20xpx|border|link=Grez's Spectral Lantern|Grez's Spectral Lantern]] Grez's Spectral Lantern Шаблон:Check Шаблон:Mark


  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Doran's Shield item.png|20xpx|border|link=Doran's Shield|Doran's Shield]] Doran's Shield did not get a replacement item and can be purchased from the shop on this field of justice.
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data The Lightbringer item.png|20xpx|border|link=The Lightbringer|The Lightbringer]] The Lightbringer was an item exclusive to this map but is also available on The Twisted Treeline and the Howling Abyss.
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Entropy item.png|20xpx|border|link=Entropy|Entropy]] Entropy was an item exclusive to this map, but has since been made available on the Howling Abyss.
  • There is only one trinket available, the [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Soul Anchor item.png|20xpx|border|link=Soul Anchor|Soul Anchor]] Soul Anchor, which is unique to the Crystal Scar.

Unavailable items[]

  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Warmog's Armor item.png|20xpx|border|link=Warmog's Armor|Warmog's Armor]] Warmog's Armor
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Elixir of Fortitude item.png|20xpx|border|link=Elixir of Fortitude|Elixir of Fortitude]] Elixir of Fortitude
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Elixir of Brilliance item.png|20xpx|border|link=Elixir of Brilliance|Elixir of Brilliance]] Elixir of Brilliance
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Hunter's Machete item.png|20xpx|border|link=Hunter's Machete|Hunter's Machete]] Hunter's Machete
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Madred's Razors item.png|20xpx|border|link=Madred's Razors|Madred's Razors]] Madred's Razors
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Mejai's Soulstealer item.png|20xpx|border|link=Mejai's Soulstealer|Mejai's Soulstealer]] Mejai's Soulstealer
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Ohmwrecker item.png|20xpx|border|link=Ohmwrecker|Ohmwrecker]] Ohmwrecker
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Overlord's Bloodmail item.png|20xpx|border|link=Overlord's Bloodmail|Overlord's Bloodmail]] Overlord's Bloodmail
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Spirit Stone item.png|20xpx|border|link=Spirit Stone|Spirit Stone]] Spirit Stone
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Spirit of the Ancient Golem item.png|20xpx|border|link=Spirit of the Ancient Golem|Spirit of the Ancient Golem]] Spirit of the Ancient Golem
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Spirit of the Elder Lizard item.png|20xpx|border|link=Spirit of the Elder Lizard|Spirit of the Elder Lizard]] Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Spirit of the Spectral Wraith item.png|20xpx|border|link=Spirit of the Spectral Wraith|Spirit of the Spectral Wraith]] Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Sword of the Occult item.png|20xpx|border|link=Sword of the Occult|Sword of the Occult]] Sword of the Occult
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Sightstone item.png|20xpx|border|link=Sightstone|Sightstone]] Sightstone
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Ruby Sightstone item.png|20xpx|border|link=Ruby Sightstone|Ruby Sightstone]] Ruby Sightstone
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Sight Ward item.png|20xpx|border|link=Sight Ward|Sight Ward]] Sight Ward
  • [[File:-Шаблон-Item data Vision Ward item.png|20xpx|border|link=Vision Ward|Vision Ward]] Vision Ward
Начальные предметы
World Atlas item
Gustwalker Hatchling item
Scorchclaw Pup item
Mosstomper Seedling item
Doran's Blade item
Guardian's Blade item
Doran's Ring item
Guardian's Hammer item
Guardian's Horn item
Tear of the Goddess item
Guardian's Orb item
Dark Seal item
Cull item
Doran's Shield item
Расходуемые предметы
Health Potion item
Refillable Potion item
Control Ward item
Elixir of Sorcery item
Elixir of Wrath item
Elixir of Iron item
Farsight Alteration item
Oracle Lens item
Stealth Ward item
Предоставляемые предметы
Slightly Magical Boots item
Eye of the Herald item
Poro-Snax item
'Your Cut' item
Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will item
Elixir of Avarice item
Elixir of Force item
Elixir of Skill item
Базовые предметы
Null-Magic Mantle item
Long Sword item
Rejuvenation Bead item
Dagger item
Pickaxe item
Faerie Charm item
Cloak of Agility item
Blasting Wand item
Ruby Crystal item
B. F. Sword item
Sapphire Crystal item
Glowing Mote item
Needlessly Large Rod item
Cloth Armor item
Amplifying Tome item
Boots item
Boots of Swiftness item
Plated Steelcaps item
Ionian Boots of Lucidity item
Berserker's Greaves item
Mercury's Treads item
Sorcerer's Shoes item
Эпические предметы
Watchful Wardstone item
Fiendish Codex item
Caulfield's Warhammer item
Tunneler item
Vampiric Scepter item
Kindlegem item
Blighting Jewel item
Warden's Mail item
Serrated Dirk item
Forbidden Idol item
Bandleglass Mirror item
Recurve Bow item
The Brutalizer item
Verdant Barrier item
Spectre's Cowl item
Catalyst of Aeons item
Chain Vest item
Crystalline Bracer item
Winged Moonplate item
Quicksilver Sash item
Glacial Buckler item
Seeker's Armguard item
Bami's Cinder item
Phage item
Negatron Cloak item
Hexdrinker item
Noonquiver item
Lost Chapter item
Giant's Belt item
Last Whisper item
Haunting Guise item
Executioner's Calling item
Shattered Armguard item
Zeal item
Rectrix item
Runic Compass item
Sheen item
Steel Sigil item
Oblivion Orb item
Bramble Vest item
Tiamat item
Hearthbound Axe item
Hextech Alternator item
Aether Wisp item
Легендарные предметы
Guardian Angel item
Immortal Shieldbow item
Unending Despair item
Mikael's Blessing item
Shurelya's Battlesong item
Hullbreaker item
Dead Man's Plate item
Winter's Approach item
Opportunity item
Mortal Reminder item
Hubris item
Infinity Edge item
Edge of Night item
Lich Bane item
Stormrazor item
Warmog's Armor item
Jak'Sho, The Protean item
Rod of Ages item
Banshee's Veil item
Eclipse item
Statikk Shiv item
Maw of Malmortius item
Serylda's Grudge item
Serpent's Fang item
Randuin's Omen item
Nashor's Tooth item
Imperial Mandate item
Redemption item
Sterak's Gage item
Moonstone Renewer item
Kaenic Rookern item
Blade of the Ruined King item
Guinsoo's Rageblade item
Knight's Vow item
Zeke's Convergence item
Spear of Shojin item
Cosmic Drive item
Stridebreaker item
Bloodthirster item
Frozen Heart item
Manamune item
Abyssal Mask item
Locket of the Iron Solari item
Cryptbloom item
Morellonomicon item
Liandry's Torment item
Ravenous Hydra item
Vigilant Wardstone item
Profane Hydra item
Chempunk Chainsword item
Spirit Visage item
Malignance item
Trailblazer item
Zhonya's Hourglass item
Mejai's Soulstealer item
Lord Dominik's Regards item
Luden's Companion item
Void Staff item
Archangel's Staff item
Staff of Flowing Water item
Essence Reaver item
Phantom Dancer item
Youmuu's Ghostblade item
Ardent Censer item
Sundered Sky item
Mercurial Scimitar item
The Collector item
Terminus item
Heartsteel item
Force of Nature item
Hollow Radiance item
Rapid Firecannon item
Rabadon's Deathcap item
Wit's End item
Bounty of Worlds item
Shadowflame item
Death's Dance item
Riftmaker item
Umbral Glaive item
Titanic Hydra item
Trinity Force item
Kraken Slayer item
Runaan's Hurricane item
Horizon Focus item
Hextech Rocketbelt item
Iceborn Gauntlet item
Rylai's Crystal Scepter item
Anathema's Chains item
Black Cleaver item
Axiom Arc item
Thornmail item
Stormsurge item
Sunfire Aegis item
Experimental Hexplate item
Voltaic Cyclosword item
Echoes of Helia item
Dawncore item
Fimbulwinter item
Bloodsong item
Muramana item
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike item
Celestial Opposition item
Seraph's Embrace item
Solstice Sleigh item
Dream Maker item
Несравненные предметы Орна
Эксклюзивные предметы
Raise Morale item
Death's Daughter item
Fire at Will item
Black Spear item
Scarecrow Effigy item
Удаленные предметы
Ataraxia item
Targon's Buckler item
Ceaseless Hunger item
Deicide item
Mobility Boots item
Luden's Tempest item
Swordnado item
Navori Quickblades item
Crown of the Shattered Queen item
Zeke's Harbinger item
Evenshroud item
Vespertide item
Eternal Winter item
Infinity Force item
Everfrost item
Warrior item
Arcane Sweeper item
Daybreak item
Corrupting Potion item
Forgefire Crest item
Eye of Luden item
Mikael's Crucible item
Edge of Finality item
Shurelya's Reverie item
Leeching Leer item
The Baron's Gift item
Twin Shadows item
Minion Dematerializer item
Circlet of the Iron Solari item
Relic Shield item
Stinger item
Ironspike Whip item
Stopwatch item
Frozen Mallet item
Warding Totem item
Starcaster item
Stirring Wardstone item
Luden's Pulse item
Infernal Mask item
Cinderhulk item
Gargoyle Stoneplate item
Pridestalker's Blade item
Spellthief's Edge item
Stalker's Blade item
Blade of the Ruined King item
Prowler's Claw item
Sandshrike's Claw item
Infinite Convergence item
The Unspoken Parasite item
Cry of the Shrieking City item
Bloodward item
Sanguine Blade item
Jaurim's Fist item
Lifewell Pendant item
Leviathan item
Glacial Shroud item
Hailblade item
Frozen Fist item
Flicker item
Spellbinder item
Manamune (Quick Charge) item
Hunter's Machete item
Rimeforged Grasp item
Frostfang item
Might of the Ruined King item
Muramana item
Forgefire Cape item
Sunfire Cape item
Juice of Vitality item
Juice of Power item
Juice of Haste item
Pauldrons of Whiterock item
Runesteel Spaulders item
Stopwatch item
Seething Sorrow item
Enmity of the Masses item
Athene's Unholy Grail item
Tracker's Knife item
Rageknife item
Night Harvester item
Obsidian Cleaver item
Demonic Embrace item
Seraph's Embrace item
Emberknife item
Eye of the Storm item
Bloodrazor item
Runesteel Spaulders item
Bulwark of the Mountain item
Certainty item
Kircheis Shard item
Shard of True Ice item
Heavensfall item
Zhonya's Paradox item
Primordial Dawn item
Wyrmfallen Sacrifice item
Youmuu's Wake item
Zz'Rot Portal item
Archangel's Staff (Quick Charge) item
Goredrinker item
Righteous Glory item
Ghostcrawlers item
Spectral Sickle item
Icathia's Curse item
Bloodletter's Curse item
Molten Edge item
Equinox item
Dreamshatter item
Turbo Chemtank item
Shurelya's Requiem item
Reliquary of the Golden Dawn item
Shojin's Resolve item
Rite of Ruin item
Frostfire Gauntlet item
Runic Echoes item
Bilgewater Cutlass item
Skirmisher's Sabre item
Boots of Mobility item
Stopwatch item
Syzygy item
Force of Arms item
Galeforce item
Silvermere Dawn item
Radiant Virtue item
Abyssal Scepter item
Boots of Speed item
Tear of the Goddess (Quick Charge) item
Broken Stopwatch item
Rabadon's Deathcrown item
Perfect Hex Core item
Divine Sunderer item
Salvation item
Steel Shoulderguards item
Liandry's Lament item
Liandry's Anguish item
Harrowing Crescent item
Duskblade of Draktharr item
T.U.R.B.O. item
Ninja Tabi item
Typhoon item
Hunter's Talisman item
Draktharr's Shadowcarver item
Trinity Fusion item
Seat of Command item
Turbocharged Hexperiment item
Giant Slayer item
Upgraded Aeropack item
Hope Adrift item
Youmuu's Wraithblade item
Hextech GLP-800 item
Hex Core mk-1 item
Hex Core mk-2 item
Hextech Protobelt-01 item
Hextech Revolver item
Hextech Gunblade item
Chemtech Putrifier item
Caesura item
Chalice of Blessing item
Chalice of Harmony item
Cappa Juice item
Aegis of the Legion item
Prototype Hex Core item
Oracle's Extract item
Pauldrons of Whiterock item
Luden's Echo item


Crystal Scar map has been used for certain special, limited-time, featured game modes that circulate in and out.

  • Between September 10th and 25th 2014, Riot made Ascension mode.
    • In this mode, it is not possible to leave the fountain on foot. Instead, players must teleport onto one of the ports (originally the capture points in Dominion) via a game mode-exclusive trinket: the Golden Ascension.
    • Ascension features a Shuriman-themed user interface, which displays the team scores and the current Ascended.
    • This mode uses all the items and champion changes of Dominion.
    • At the center of the map resides Xerath Xerath as an Ancient Ascendant: An immobile neutral monster. Killing him bestows the "Ascension" buff. Champions can only ascend by killing the monster and not by killing another Ascended; instead, the Ancient Ascendant will reappear after an Ascended champion is killed. After the ascended is killed, the Ancient Ascendant will respawn ~30 seconds later with a knock back burst.
    • Several Icons were given for completing certain task in the mode.


<gallery widths="300" position="center" spacing="small" captionalign="center" hideaddbutton="true"> Dominion Theme|

Dominion (70 vs. 70 Nexus points) Theme|

Associated Champions[]

Champion Ties
Garen Crownguard, the Might of Demacia Garen Crownguard, the Might of Demacia Broke the inter city-state brawl
Jarvan Lightshield IV, the Exemplar of Demacia Jarvan Lightshield IV, the Exemplar of Demacia Led the Demacian army in Kalamanda
Katarina Du Couteau, the Sinister Blade Katarina Du Couteau, the Sinister Blade Broke the inter city-state brawl
Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard Site of emergence
Jericho Swain, the Master Tactician Jericho Swain, the Master Tactician Led the Noxian army in Kalamanda
Talon, the Blade's Shadow Talon, the Blade's Shadow Believed to have assassinated General Boram Darkwill
Zilean, the Chronokeeper Zilean, the Chronokeeper Developed the temporal stasis field


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