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"Capitão Teemo on duty!?"

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"Socorro, Pix!" Lulu pediu para Pix ajudar neste artigo/seção, pois ele precisa ser revisado ou necessita de adição de conteúdo.
Infelizmente Pix não é muito habilidosa com as palavras, ela irá precisar de sua ajuda.

Veja também outros artigos com essa marcação.


Cada segmento da barra representa no máximo 100 de vida.

Vida (mais conhecida como HP, uma abreviação de Pontos de Vida em inglês Health Points/Hit Points) é a quantidade de vida que uma unidade ou estrutura possui. Max health is the cap on life any unit can have. 

A vida atual é diretamente reduzida por dano e é recuperada de diversas formas.

Toda unidade e estrutura possui sua vida máxima exibida como uma barra encima da própria unidade. Quando exibido acima do modelo de um campeão, o medidor de vida é mostrado com barras segmentadas.


A barra verde de vida em cima, e a barra azul de mana embaixo.

Adicionalmente, para seu próprio campeão, é representada na interface como uma barra verde com dois números ( # / # ): o primeiro número representa a vida atual disponível no momento, enquando o segundo é o máximo de vida que o campeão pode ter. Se a vida de um campeão alcança zero e ele não possui nenhuma habilidade que previne isso, resultará em morte. Vida máxima aumenta aditivamente com todos os pontos de bônus de vida e aumenta a cada nível, significando que cada ponto bônus adquirido afeta diretamente a estatística.

Vida efetiva[]

Vida efetiva é considerada a quantidade de vida que um campeão tem mais (+) 1% por unidade de defesa como vida extra, devido a redução de dano. Em outras palavras, vida efetiva é a quantia de dano que o inimigo precisa infligir para matar o campeão.

Por exemplo, um campeão com 1000 HP, e 0 de armadura e um inimigo com auto-ataques que causem 100 de dano cada, o campeão precisa causar 1000 de dano antes da redução de dano para matar o alvo. Se o campeão possui 100 de armadura, o campeão previne 50% do dano inimigo, recebendo apenas 50 de dano em cada auto-ataque. Portanto, como cada auto-ataque causa apenas metade do dano, o inimigo precisa executar o dobro da quantidade de auto-ataques para causar 1000 de dano. Então o inimigo ao invés de causar 1000 de dano antes da redução para matar o alvo, o campeão precisa causar 2000 antes da redução para matar o alvo.

A vida efetiva para dano físico e dano mágico podem ser calculados com essas fórumlas :

  • Vida efetiva para dano físico = Vida Máxima × (1 + (Armadura / 100))

Vida como custo para habilidades[]

Poucos campeões utilizam de sua vida como custo para habilidades, ao invés de mana. São eles:

  • Aatrox Aatrox
  • Dr Dr. Mundo
  • Mordekaiser Mordekaiser
  • Vladimir Vladimir
  • Zac Zac

Outras habilidades de campeões[]

  • [[Arquivo:Olaf Predefinição:Dados Olaf/Balanço Temerário.png|20xpx|border|link=|Balanço Temerário]] Balanço Temerário de Olaf Olaf custa 40 / 64 / 88 / 112 / 136 de vida por uso.
  • Infusão Astral Infusão Astral de Soraka Soraka custa 10% da vida máxima por uso.

Health as scaling[]

Personal health[]

Esse campeões usam suas proprias vidas para aumentar o poder das suas habilidades ou statisticas. Podem levar em conta a sua vida total ou a vida extra. A comprar vida você pode receber mais poder nessas habilidades em maioria das situações.

  • Areias Oscilantes Areias Oscilantes de Azir Azir concede um escudo que bloqueia até 15% of his bonus health.
  • Mordida do Inverno Mordida do Inverno de Braum Braum escala com (2.5% da vida maxima).
  • Dizimar Dizimar de Darius Darius cura ele por 12% da vida perdida para cada campeão inimigo acertado pela lámina da habilidade, até no máximo 36% da vida perdida.
  • [[Arquivo:Dr. Mundo Predefinição:Dados Dr. Mundo/Injetar Adrenalina.png|20xpx|border|link=|Injetar Adrenalina]] Injetar Adrenalina de Dr Dr. Mundo recebe regeneração de vida por segundo igual a 0.3% da vida máxima.
    • [[Arquivo:Dr. Mundo Predefinição:Dados Dr. Mundo/Masoquismo.png|20xpx|border|link=|Masoquismo]] Masoquismo de Dr Dr. Mundo aumenta o dano de ataque por 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100, e ganha mais 1% desse dano de ataque para cada 1% de vida perdida.
    • [[Arquivo:Dr. Mundo Predefinição:Dados Dr. Mundo/Masoquismo.png|20xpx|border|link=|Masoquismo]] Masoquismo de Dr Dr. Mundo o próximo ataque causa um dano extra igual a 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5% de vida máxima.
    • [[Arquivo:Dr. Mundo Predefinição:Dados Dr. Mundo/Sadismo.png|20xpx|border|link=|Sadismo]] Sadismo de Dr Dr. Mundo cura ele por 40 / 50 / 60% da vida máxima durante 12 segundos.
  • Remover Escorbuto Remover Escorbuto de Gangplank Gangplank cura ele por 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+15% da vida perdida) (+90% AP).
  • [[Arquivo:Garen Predefinição:Dados Garen/Perseverance.png|20xpx|border|link=|Perseverance]] Perseverance de Garen Garen recupera Error: O parâmetro '3' não é aceitado.% da vida máxima por segundo.
  • [[Arquivo:Gragas Predefinição:Dados Gragas/Happy Hour.png|20xpx|border|link=|Happy Hour]] Happy Hour de Gragas Gragas cura ele por 4% da vida máxima a cada vez que ele usa uma habilidade no intervalo de 8 segundos.
  • [[Arquivo:Gnar Predefinição:Dados Gnar/Salto.png|20xpx|border|link=|Salto]] Salto de Gnar Gnar causa dano físico igual a 20 / 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 +6% da vida máxima.
    • [[Arquivo:Mega Gnar Predefinição:Dados Mega Gnar/Encontrão.png|20xpx|border|link=|Encontrão]] Encontrão de Mega Gnar Mega Gnar causa dano físico igual a 20 / 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 +6% da vida máxima.
  • [[Arquivo:Illaoi Predefinição:Dados Illaoi/Golpe de Tentáculo.png|20xpx|border|link=|Golpe de Tentáculo]] Golpe de Tentáculo de Illaoi Illaoi faz com que [[Arquivo:Illaoi Predefinição:Dados Illaoi/Profetisa de um Deus Ancião.png|20xpx|border|link=Illaoi/LoL#Profetisa de um Deus Ancião|tentacle]] tentacle cure ela por 5% da vida perdida para cada campeão atingido.
  • [[Arquivo:Karma Predefinição:Dados Karma/Renovação.png|20xpx|border|link=|Renovação]] Renovação de Karma Karma cura ela por 20% + (1% per 100 AP) da vida perdida dela quando ela se liga a um inimigo campeão, e de novo pela mesma quantidade se a ligação não for rompida.
  • [[Arquivo:Lissandra Predefinição:Dados Lissandra/Túmulo Congelado.png|20xpx|border|link=|Túmulo Congelado]] Túmulo Congelado de Lissandra Lissandra cura ela por 100 / 150 / 200 + (30% AP), aumentando em 1% para cada 1% de vida perdida.
  • Escudo de Granito Escudo de Granito de Malphite Malphite concede um escudo igual a 10% da vida máxima.
  • [[Arquivo:Maokai Predefinição:Dados Maokai/Seiva Mágica.png|20xpx|border|link=|Seiva Mágica]] Seiva Mágica de Maokai Maokai cura ele por Error: O parâmetro '3' não é aceitado.% da vida máxima quando ataca com 5 cargas dessa habilidade.
  • Meditar Meditar de Master Yi Master Yi se cura por 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+15% AP), aumentando em 1% para cada 1% de vida perdida.
  • [[Arquivo:Mordekaiser Predefinição:Dados Mordekaiser/Iron Man.png|20xpx|border|link=|Iron Man]] Iron Man de Mordekaiser Mordekaiser da a ele um escudo igual a até 25% da vida máxima.
  • [[Arquivo:Nautilus Predefinição:Dados Nautilus/Ira do Titã.png|20xpx|border|link=|Ira do Titã]] Ira do Titã de Nautilus Nautilus concede a ele um escudo que bloqueia até 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 (+9 / 11 / 13 / 15 / 17% da vida máxima).
  • Consumir Consumir de Nunu Nunu aumenta a vida máxima em 10% por 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 / 240 segundos se ele consumir certos monstros.
  • [[Arquivo:Olaf Predefinição:Dados Olaf/Fúria Berserker.png|20xpx|border|link=|Fúria Berserker]] Fúria Berserker de Olaf Olaf aumenta a velocidade de ataque em 1% para cada 1% de vida perdida.
    • [[Arquivo:Olaf Predefinição:Dados Olaf/Golpes Nefastos.png|20xpx|border|link=|Golpes Nefastos]] Golpes Nefastos de Olaf Olaf concede 0.5% aumento de curas e regenerações de todas as fontes para cada 1% de vida perdida.
  • [[Arquivo:Poppy Predefinição:Dados Poppy/Embaixadora de Ferro.png|20xpx|border|link=|Embaixadora de Ferro]] Embaixadora de Ferro de Poppy Poppy concede a ela um escudo ao pegar o broquel, que bloqueia 15% da vida máxima.
  • [[Arquivo:Rengar Predefinição:Dados Rengar/Rugido de Batalha Aprimorado.png|20xpx|border|link=|Rugido de Batalha Aprimorado]] Rugido de Batalha Aprimorado de Rengar Rengar cura ele por for 8 + (4 × level), aumentando por 6.25% por cada 1% de vida perdida).
  • [[Arquivo:Sejuani Predefinição:Dados Sejuani/Mangual dos Ventos Boreais.png|20xpx|border|link=|Mangual dos Ventos Boreais]] Mangual dos Ventos Boreais de Sejuani Sejuani causa 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12% da vida máxima) (+60% AP) durante 4 segundos.
  • [[Arquivo:Shen Predefinição:Dados Shen/Golpe de Ki.png|20xpx|border|link=|Golpe de Ki]] Golpe de Ki de Shen Shen após usar uma habilidade concede um escudo igual a 48 + (4 × level) (+14% vida bônus) por 2.5 segundos.
    • [[Arquivo:Shen Predefinição:Dados Shen/Corrida das Sombras.png|20xpx|border|link=|Corrida das Sombras]] Corrida das Sombras de Shen Shen
  • Fornalha da Alma Fornalha da Alma de Sion Sion concede a ele um escudo com 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 + (6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% da vida máxima) + (40% AP) por até 6 segundos.
  • [[Arquivo:Skarner Predefinição:Dados Skarner/Exoesqueleto Cristalino.png|20xpx|border|link=|Exoesqueleto Cristalino]] Exoesqueleto Cristalino de Skarner Skarner concede a ele um escudo com 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% de sua vida máxima + (80% AP) por 6 segundos.
  • [[Arquivo:Sona Predefinição:Dados Sona/Ária da Perseverança.png|20xpx|border|link=|Ária da Perseverança]] Ária da Perseverança de Sona Sona cura ela em 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 + (20% AP), aumentando em 0.5% para cada 1% de sua vida perdida.
  • Chamado Estelar Chamado Estelar de Soraka Soraka cura ela em 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 + (40% AP) para cada campeão inimigo atingido,aumentando em 1% para cada 1% de sua vida perdida.
  • [[Arquivo:TahmKench Predefinição:Dados Tahm Kench/Viagem Abissal.png|20xpx|border|link=|Viagem Abissal]] Viagem Abissal de Tahm Kench Tahm Kench faz com que seus ataques e habilidades causem 20 + (4 / 6 / 8% de sua vida bônus) de dano mágico.
  • [[Arquivo:Taric Predefinição:Dados Taric/Imbuir.png|20xpx|border|link=|Imbuir]] Imbuir de Taric Taric cura o campeão aliado selecionado em 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 + (30% AP) + (5% de vida bônus), ou 84 / 140 / 196 / 252 / 308 + (42% AP) + (7% de vida bônus) caso ele se cure.
  • Sanguinário Sanguinário de TryndamereSquare Tryndamere aumenta seu dano de ataque em 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 + 0.15 / 0.2 / 0.25 / 0.3 / 0.35 a cada 1% da vida perdida.
  • [[Arquivo:Vladimir Predefinição:Dados Vladimir/Pacto Vermelho.png|20xpx|border|link=Vladimir/LoL#Pacto Vermelho|Pacto Vermelho]] Pacto Vermelhode VladimirSquare Vladimir aumenta seu poder de habilidade igual a 2.5% de sua vida bônus.
    • [[Arquivo:Vladimir Predefinição:Dados Vladimir/Poça de Sangue.png|20xpx|border|link=Vladimir/LoL#Poça de Sangue|Poça de Sangue]] Poça de Sanguede VladimirSquare Vladimir causa 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 + (15% de vida bônus) durante 2 segundos.
  • Blindagem Blindagemde ViSquare Vi concede um escudo igual a 10% de sua vida máxima quando ela atinge um inimigo com uma de suas habilidades ativas com um tempo de recarga de Error: O parâmetro '3' não é aceitado. segundos.
  • [[Arquivo:Volibear Predefinição:Dados Volibear/O Escolhido da Tormenta.png|20xpx|border|link=Volibear/LoL#O Escolhido da Tormenta|O Escolhido da Tormenta]] O Escolhido da Tormentade VolibearSquare Volibear o cura em 30% de sua vida máxima durante 6 segundos se ele ficar com menos de 30% de vida.
    • [[Arquivo:Volibear Predefinição:Dados Volibear/Frenesi.png|20xpx|border|link=Volibear/LoL#Frenesi|Frenesi]] Freneside VolibearSquare Volibear causa 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 + (15% de vida bônus) como dano físico.
  • [[Arquivo:Volibear Predefinição:Dados Volibear/Divisão Celular.png|20xpx|border|link=Volibear/LoL#Divisão Celular|Divisão Celular]] Divisão Celularde ZacSquare Zac derrama um pedaço de si mesmo sempre que ele atinge um inimigo com uma habilidade, esse pedaço pode ser reabsorvido para restaurar 4% de sua vida máxima. Ao receber dano fatal, ZacSquare Zac se divide em 4 [[Arquivo:Zac Predefinição:Dados Zac/Divisão Celular.png|20xpx|border|link=Zac/LoL#Divisão Celular|partes]] partes que tentam se encontrar. Cada [[Arquivo:Zac Predefinição:Dados Zac/Divisão Celular.png|20xpx|border|link=Zac/LoL#Divisão Celular|parte]] parte tem 12% da vida máxima de Zac.

Escalando com a vida máxima do alvo.[]

Vida máxima[]

Essas habilidades garantem dano extra baseado na vida máxima do alvo. Tipicamente, quanto mais vida o alvo tiver, mais dano essas habilidades causarão. Portanto, elas são mais poderosas contra alvos com muita vida, mas ainda sim aplicam dano em alvos com pouca vida máxima. Também note que esse tipo de habilidade normalmente tem um limite contra tropas e monstros para que campeões não façam unidades como oBarão Barão sumir.

    • Desespero Desespero de Amumu Amumu causa 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 + (1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% (+ 1% por 100 AP) da vida máxima do alvo) de dano mágico por segundo.
    • Labareda Labareda de Brand Brand faz com que todas as suas habilidades, causem 8% da vida máxima do alvo ao longo de 4, com o máximo de 80 de dano para monstros.
  • [[Arquivo:Dr. Mundo Predefinição:Dados Dr. Mundo/Masoquismo.png|20xpx|border|link=|Masoquismo]] Masoquismo de Dr Dr. Mundo causa 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5 % da vida máxima do alvo como dano físico bônus em seu próximo ataque básico.
  • [[Arquivo:Fiora Predefinição:Dados Fiora/Dança da Duelista.png|20xpx|border|link=|Dança da Duelista]] Dança da Duelista de Fiora Fiora, against Vitals, deals 3% (+2.8% – 4.5% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health bonus true damage.
  • [[Arquivo:Gnar Predefinição:Dados Gnar/Hyper.png|20xpx|border|link=|Hyper]] Hyper de Gnar Gnar deals 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 + (100% AP) + (6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 % of target's maximum health) as magic damage each 3 hits or spells, capping at 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Gragas Predefinição:Dados Gragas/Drunken Rage.png|20xpx|border|link=|Drunken Rage]] Drunken Rage de Gragas Gragas deals 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 + (30% AP) + (8% of the target's maximum health) magic damage, capping at 300 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Garen Predefinição:Dados Garen/Demacian Justice.png|20xpx|border|link=|Demacian Justice]] Demacian Justice de Garen Garen makes the enemy champion with the most recent kills the Villain. Garen's basic attacks and ticks of [[Arquivo:Garen Predefinição:Dados Garen/Judgment.png|20xpx|border|link=Garen/LoL#Judgment|Judgment]] Judgment deal 1% target's maximum health as bonus true damage versus Villains.
  • [[Arquivo:Jayce Predefinição:Dados Jayce/Thundering Blow.png|20xpx|border|link=|Thundering Blow]] Thundering Blow de Jayce Jayce deals (8 / 10.4 / 12.8 / 15.2 / 17.6 / 20% of the target's maximum health) + (100% bonus AD) as bonus magic damage, capping at 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Kalista Predefinição:Dados Kalista/Sentinel.png|20xpx|border|link=|Sentinel]] Sentinel de Kalista Kalista deals 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20% of the target's maximum health as magic damage, capping at 75 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Kindred Predefinição:Dados Kindred/Mounting Dread.png|20xpx|border|link=|Mounting Dread]] Mounting Dread de Kindred Kindred deals 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 + (20% AD) + (5% of the target's maximum health) bonus physical damage on the third autoattack upon the crippled target.
  • [[Arquivo:KogMaw Predefinição:Dados Kog'Maw/Bio-Arcane Barrage.png|20xpx|border|link=|Bio-Arcane Barrage]] Bio-Arcane Barrage de Kog'Maw Kog'Maw gives him a temporary buff to his autoattacks dealing 2% (+ 0.75% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage, capping at 100 against minions and monsters.
    • [[Arquivo:KogMaw Predefinição:Dados Kog'Maw/Living Artillery.png|20xpx|border|link=|Living Artillery]] Living Artillery de Kog'Maw Kog'Maw deals 140 / 220 / 300 + (130% bonus AD) + (50% AP) magic damage against enemies below 50% health and 210 / 330 / 450 + (195% bonus AD) + (75% AP) magic damage against enemies below 25% health.
  • [[Arquivo:Malzahar Predefinição:Dados Malzahar/Null Zone.png|20xpx|border|link=|Null Zone]] Null Zone de Malzahar Malzahar harms enemies within an area for 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of their maximum health as magic damage per second, capping at 120 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Maokai Predefinição:Dados Maokai/Twisted Advance.png|20xpx|border|link=|Twisted Advance]] Twisted Advance de Maokai Maokai transforms him into a cloud of arcane energy that quickly travels to a target enemy, dealing 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health magic damage, capping at 300 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Mordekaiser Predefinição:Dados Mordekaiser/Children of the Grave.png|20xpx|border|link=|Children of the Grave]] Children of the Grave de Mordekaiser Mordekaiser deals to an enemy champion 25 / 30 / 35% (+ 4% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health as magic damage to the target, dealing half the damage initially and the other half over 10 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Nasus Predefinição:Dados Nasus/Fury of the Sands.png|20xpx|border|link=|Fury of the Sands]] Fury of the Sands de Nasus Nasus empowers him for 15 seconds, dealing 3 / 4 / 5% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of nearby enemies maximum health magic damage per second for the duration, capping at 240 magic damage per second per enemy.
  • [[Arquivo:Pantheon Predefinição:Dados Pantheon/Certain Death.png|20xpx|border|link=|Certain Death]] Certain Death de Pantheon Pantheon causes his autoattacks and [[Arquivo:Pantheon Predefinição:Dados Pantheon/Spear Shot.png|20xpx|border|link=Pantheon/LoL#Spear Shot|Spear Shot]] Spear Shot to automatically critically strike enemies below 15% health.
  • [[Arquivo:Poppy Predefinição:Dados Poppy/Hammer Shock.png|20xpx|border|link=|Hammer Shock]] Hammer Shock de Poppy Poppy deals 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 + (65% bonus AD) + (6% of target's maximum health) physical damage in an area and creates a zone that slows, then explodes after 1 second, dealing 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 + (65% bonus AD) + (6% of target's maximum health) physical damage. Hammer Shock deals 80% damage against minions.
  • [[Arquivo:Sejuani Predefinição:Dados Sejuani/Flail of the Northern Winds.png|20xpx|border|link=|Flail of the Northern Winds]] Flail of the Northern Winds de Sejuani Sejuani deals 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health bonus magic damage on her next basic attack. Upon attacking or reactivating, Sejuani deals 10 / 17.5 / 25 / 32.5 / 40 + (1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% of the target's maximum health) + (15% AP) damage around her per second for 4 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Shyvana Predefinição:Dados Shyvana/Flame Breath.png|20xpx|border|link=|Flame Breath]] Flame Breath de Shyvana Shyvana hit enemies and marks then. Shyvana's basic attacks against marked enemies deal 2.5% of their maximum health bonus magic damage, capping at 100 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Singed Predefinição:Dados Singed/Fling.png|20xpx|border|link=|Fling]] Fling de Singed Singed deals 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 + (6 / 6.5 / 7 / 7.5 / 8% of target's maximum health) + (75% AP) magic damage, capped at 300 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Sion Predefinição:Dados Sion/Glory in Death.png|20xpx|border|link=|Glory in Death]] Glory in Death de Sion Sion makes his auto attacks deal 10% of target's maximum health as physical damage, capping at 75 bonus physical damage against minions and monsters.
    • [[Arquivo:Sion Predefinição:Dados Sion/Soul Furnace.png|20xpx|border|link=|Soul Furnace]] Soul Furnace de Sion Sion deals 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 + (40% AP) + (10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% of target's maximum health) as magic damage. The health percent of the target damage is capped at 400 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:TahmKench Predefinição:Dados Tahm Kench/Regurgitate.png|20xpx|border|link=|Regurgitate]] Regurgitate de Tahm Kench Tahm Kench deals 20 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health magic damage, capped at 400 / 450 / 500 / 550 / 600 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Trundle Predefinição:Dados Trundle/Subjugate.png|20xpx|border|link=|Subjugate]] Subjugate de Trundle Trundle drains instantly to an enemy champion 10 / 13.75 / 17.5% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health magic damage, and the same amount over 4 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Varus Predefinição:Dados Varus/Blighted Quiver.png|20xpx|border|link=|Blighted Quiver]] Blighted Quiver de Varus Varus adds marks through auto attacks which can be detonated via any of his other spells for 2 / 2.75 / 3.5 / 4.25 / 5% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health magic damage per mark. Maximum 3 marks for 6 / 8.25 / 10.5 / 12.75 / 15% (+ 6% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health magic damage, capping at 360 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Vayne Predefinição:Dados Vayne/Silver Bolts.png|20xpx|border|link=|Silver Bolts]] Silver Bolts de Vayne Vayne adds marks after each spell or auto attack on her target. After 3 of these marks, the affected target will suffer 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 + (4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8% of the target's maximum health) true damage, capping at 200 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Vi Predefinição:Dados Vi/Denting Blows.png|20xpx|border|link=|Denting Blows]] Denting Blows de Vi Vi deals 4 / 5.5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10% (+ 1% per 35 bonus AD) of the target's maximum health additional physical damage on every 3rd attack on the same target, capping at 300 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Warwick Predefinição:Dados Warwick/Hungering Strike.png|20xpx|border|link=|Hungering Strike]] Hungering Strike de Warwick Warwick deals 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 + (100% AP) magic damage or 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16% of the target's maximum health + (100% AP) (whichever is higher).
  • [[Arquivo:Zac Predefinição:Dados Zac/Unstable Matter.png|20xpx|border|link=|Unstable Matter]] Unstable Matter de Zac Zac deals 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 + (4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of enemies' maximum health) magic damage to all nearby enemies. The health percent of the target damage is capped at 200 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Zed Predefinição:Dados Zed/Contempt for the Weak.png|20xpx|border|link=|Contempt for the Weak]] Contempt for the Weak de Zed Zed causes his basic attack to deal Error: O parâmetro '3' não é aceitado.% of the target's maximum health bonus magic damage whenever the target is below 50% health.

Current health[]

These abilities grant extra damage based on the target's current health. Typically, the more current health the target has, the more damage these abilities will deal. Building additional max health can reduce the effect of skills based on current health over a long fight, but has quickly diminshing returns.

  • [[Arquivo:Dr. Mundo Predefinição:Dados Dr. Mundo/Infected Cleaver.png|20xpx|border|link=|Infected Cleaver]] Infected Cleaver de Dr Dr. Mundo deals 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 magic damage or 15 / 17.5 / 21 / 22.5 / 25% of the target's current health magic damage (whichever is higher), capping at 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 / 500 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Elise Predefinição:Dados Elise/Neurotoxin.png|20xpx|border|link=|Neurotoxin]] Neurotoxin de Elise Elise deals 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 + 4% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of the target's current health. The percent health is capped at 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Evelynn Predefinição:Dados Evelynn/Agony's Embrace.png|20xpx|border|link=|Agony's Embrace]] Agony's Embrace de Evelynn Evelynn impales all enemy champions in the targeted area, dealing 15 / 20 / 25% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of enemies' current health magic damage.
  • [[Arquivo:JarvanIV Predefinição:Dados Jarvan IV/Martial Cadence.png|20xpx|border|link=|Martial Cadence]] Martial Cadence de Jarvan IV Jarvan IV causes his first attack on a target to deal 10% of their current health bonus physical damage, capping at 400.
  • [[Arquivo:Kindred Predefinição:Dados Kindred/Mark of the Kindred.png|20xpx|border|link=|Mark of the Kindred]] Mark of the Kindred de Kindred Kindred causes Lamb's auto-attacks to deal 1.25% of their current health bonus physical damage per stack, capped at 75 + (10 per stack) against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:XinZhao Predefinição:Dados Xin Zhao/Crescent Sweep.png|20xpx|border|link=|Crescent Sweep]] Crescent Sweep de Xin Zhao Xin Zhao deals 75 / 175 / 275 + (100% bonus AD) + (15% of enemies' current health) physical damage to all nearby enemies. The health percent of the enemies' hit is capped at 600 against monsters.

Missing health[]

These abilities grant extra damage based on the target's missing health. The less current health the target has (can be either a flat or percentage amount), the more damage these abilities will deal. These are often referred as "execute" abilities, as they work best on nearly dead targets.

  • [[Arquivo:Ekko Predefinição:Dados Ekko/Parallel Convergence.png|20xpx|border|link=|Parallel Convergence]] Parallel Convergence de Ekko Ekko passively makes Ekko's basic attacks deal 5% 「 (+ 2.22% per 100 AP) 」「 (+ 1% per 45 AP) 」 of target's missing health bonus magic damage versus targets below 30% of their maximum health, capping at 150 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Elise Predefinição:Dados Elise/Venomous Bite.png|20xpx|border|link=|Venomous Bite]] Venomous Bite de Elise Elise deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 + 8% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of the target's missing health. The percent health is capped at 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 against monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Fizz Predefinição:Dados Fizz/Seastone Trident.png|20xpx|border|link=|Seastone Trident]] Seastone Trident de Fizz Fizz passively makes Fizz's basic attacks deal 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 + (45% AP) + (4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8% of the target's missing health) magic damage on-hit over 3 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Garen Predefinição:Dados Garen/Demacian Justice.png|20xpx|border|link=|Demacian Justice]] Demacian Justice de Garen Garen deals to a enemy champion 175 / 350 / 525 + (28.57 / 33.33 / 40% of the target's missing health) magic damage.
  • [[Arquivo:Jinx Predefinição:Dados Jinx/Super Mega Death Rocket!.png|20xpx|border|link=|Super Mega Death Rocket!]] Super Mega Death Rocket! de Jinx Jinx deals between 25 / 35 / 45 + (10% bonus AD) + (25 / 30 / 35% of the target missing health) and 250 / 350 / 450 + (100% bonus AD) + (25 / 30 / 35% of the target's missing health). The percent health of the target is capped at 300 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Lee Sin Predefinição:Dados Lee Sin/Resonating Strike.png|20xpx|border|link=|Resonating Strike]] Resonating Strike de Lee Sin Lee Sin deals 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 + (90% bonus AD) + (8% of target's missing health) physical damage, capping at 400 against minions and monsters.
  • [[Arquivo:Morgana Predefinição:Dados Morgana/Tormented Soil.png|20xpx|border|link=|Tormented Soil]] Tormented Soil de Morgana Morgana deals 0.5% increased damage for every 1% of the target's missing health. Going from 16 / 32 / 48 / 64 / 80 + (22% AP) to 24 / 48 / 72 / 96 / 120 + (33% AP) magic damage per second for 5 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Nidalee Predefinição:Dados Nidalee/Takedown.png|20xpx|border|link=|Takedown]] Takedown de Nidalee Nidalee deals 1.5% increased damage for every 1% of the target's missing health, capping at 150% increased damage. Going from 4 / 20 / 50 / 90 + (75% AD) + (36% AP) to 10 / 50 / 125 / 225 + (187.5% AD) + (90% AP).
  • [[Arquivo:Riven Predefinição:Dados Riven/Wind Slash.png|20xpx|border|link=|Wind Slash]] Wind Slash de Riven Riven deals 2.67% increased damage for every 1% of an enemy's missing health, capping at 200% increased damage (at about 74.9% missing health). Going from 80 / 120 / 160 + (60% bonus AD) to 240 / 360 / 480 + (180% bonus AD).
  • [[Arquivo:Volibear Predefinição:Dados Volibear/Frenzy.png|20xpx|border|link=|Frenzy]] Frenzy de Volibear Volibear deals 1% increased damage for every 1% of the target's missing health, capping at 100% increased damage. Going from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 + (15% of bonus health) to 160 / 250 / 340 / 430 / 520 + (30% of bonus health).

Bonus health[]

These abilities grant extra damage based on the target's bonus health. Typically, the more bonus health the target has, the more damage these abilities will deal. Therefore, they are more powerful against tanks with a lot of health.

  • [[Arquivo:Lee Sin Predefinição:Dados Lee Sin/Dragon's Rage.png|20xpx|border|link=|Dragon's Rage]] Dragon's Rage de Lee Sin Lee Sin deals 200 / 400 / 600 + (200% bonus AD) + (12 / 15 / 18% of kicked target's bonus health) physical damage to all enemies that the target collides with.
  • [[Arquivo:Mordekaiser Predefinição:Dados Mordekaiser/Children of the Grave.png|20xpx|border|link=|Children of the Grave]] Children of the Grave de Mordekaiser Mordekaiser grants Mordekaiser 25% of target's bonus health while the ghost is active.


  • Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King makes autoattacks deal 6% of the target's current health bonus physical damage, capping at 60 against minions and monsters. Unique Active: Deals 10% of target champion's maximum health (min. 100) physical damage, heals for the same amount and steals 25% of the target's movement speed for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown) (550 range).
  • Face of the Mountain Face of the Mountain: Unique Active: Shield target ally for 10% of your maximum health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the shield explodes to slow nearby enemies by 40% for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).
  • Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment dealing spell damage applies a damage-over-time effect for 3 seconds that deal 2% of target's current health bonus magic damage per second. This bonus damage is doubled against movement-impared units and capped at 100 damage per second vs. monsters.
  • Mikael's Crucible Mikael's Crucible heals an allied champion for 150 + (10% of the target's maximum health) (180 second cooldown).
  • Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage: Unique Passive : Upon taking at least 400 to 1800 damage (based on level) within 5 seconds, gain Sterak's Fury for 8 seconds (45 second cooldown). Sterak's Fury: Grow in size and strenght, gaining increased size, +25% additional base attack damage, and a rapidly decaying shield for 30% of your maximum health.
  • Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor grants Warmog's Heart, which restores 15% of maximum health every 5 seconds if damage hasn't been taken within 8 seconds.
  • Predefinição:Iis first and every fourth voidspawn gain 15% of maximum health as damage (150 second cooldown).

Ways to restore health[]

A champion's health can be restored in several ways:

  • By the health regeneration.
  • Using a Health Potion Health Potion, Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation, Refillable Potion Refillable Potion, Hunter's Potion Hunter's Potion, or Corrupting Potion Corrupting Potion.
  • Returning to the spawning pool, which restores a percentage of your maximum health per second.
  • Leveling up will restore some maximum health, and some current health. Actual health regained is lower depending on how wounded the champion is upon leveling up.
  • Smiting Smiting the Red Brambleback Red Brambleback (restores instantly 20% of maximum health).
  • Having the Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders buff, which can be obtained by slaying the Red Brambleback Red Brambleback or by slaying an enemy champion that has the buff (restores 1% maximum health per 5 seconds).
  • Slaying a monster that has Healing Sigil (Ancient Krug Ancient Krug, Crimson Raptor Crimson Raptor, Greater Murk Wolf Greater Murk Wolf, Gromp Gromp and Rift Scuttler Rift Scuttler).
  • Killing a unit while having Feast Feast mastery active.
  • Obtaining kill or assist while having Dangerous Game Dangerous Game mastery active (restores instantly 5% of missing health).
  • By using life steal, dealing damage with basic attacks will restore health.
  • By using spell vamp, dealing damage with abilities will restore health.
  • The passive effect of Catalyst the Protector Catalyst the Protector, and Rod of Ages Rod of Ages restores 150 health over 8 seconds upon leveling up.
  • Using a healing ability or spell, such as [[Arquivo:Soraka Predefinição:Dados Soraka/Astral Infusion.png|20xpx|border|link=|Astral Infusion]] Astral Infusion de Soraka Soraka,[[Arquivo:Nami Predefinição:Dados Nami/Ebb and Flow.png|20xpx|border|link=|Ebb and Flow]] Ebb and Flow de Nami Nami, or Heal Heal.

Increasing health[]

Predefinição:Outdated if new patch


  • Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion: +200 health, +100% base health regen, +20 magic resistance. Unique Aura – Legion: Grants nearby allies +10 magic resistance. 1500 gold
  • Catalyst the Protector Catalyst the Protector: +225 health, +300 mana. Unique Passive – Valor's Reward: Upon leveling up, restores 150 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds. 1200 gold
  • Dead Man's Plate Dead Man's Plate: +500 health, +50 armor. Unique Passive – Dreadnought: While moving, build stacks of Momentum, increasing movement speed by up to 60 at 100 stacks. Momentum quickly decays while under any other form of crowd control, and slowly decays while slowed. Unique Passive Crushing Blow: Basic attacks discharge all Momentum, dealing 1 bonus physical damage per 2 stacks. If 100 stacks are discharged, damage is doubled to +100 and the target is slowed by 50% decaying over 1 second (melee only). 2900 gold
  • Doran's Shield Doran's Shield: +80 health. Passive: +6 health regeneration. Unique Passive: Blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks. 450 gold
  • Face of the Mountain Face of the Mountain: +450 health, +100% base health regeneration, +10% cooldown reduction, +2 gold per 10 seconds. Unique Passive – Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below 400 + (100% AD) health. Killing a minion by any means heals yourself and the nearest allied champion for 50 health and grants them kill gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion and consume a charge. Recharges every 30 seconds for a maximum of 4 charges. Unique Active: Shield target ally for 10% of your maximum health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the shield explodes to slow nearby enemies by 40% for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown). You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item. 2200 gold
  • Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet: +650 health, +40 attack damage. Unique Passive – Icy: Basic attacks reduce the target's movement speed by 40% (30% slow for ranged attacks) for 1.5 seconds. 3100 gold
  • Giant's Belt Giant's Belt: +380 health. 1000 gold
  • Haunting Guise Haunting Guise: +200 health, +25 ability power. Unique Passive – Eyes of Pain: +15 magic penetration. 1600 gold
  • Kindlegem Kindlegem: +200 health. Unique Passive: +10% cooldown reduction. 800 gold
  • Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment: +300 health, +80 ability power. Unique Passive – Eyes of Pain: +15 magic penetration. Unique Passive: Dealing spell damage applies a damage-over-time effect for 3 seconds that deal 2% of target's current health bonus magic damage per second. This bonus damage is doubled against movement-impared units and capped at 100 damage per second vs. monsters. 3200 gold
  • Locket of the Iron Solari Locket of the Iron Solari: +400 health, +100% base health regen, +20 magic resistance, +10% cooldown reduction. Unique Aura – Legion: Grants nearby allies +15 magic resistance. Unique Active: Shield yourself and nearby allies for 5 seconds, absorbing up to 75 + (15 × level) damage (60 second cooldown). 2500 gold
  • Phage Phage: +200 health, +15 attack damage. Unique Passive – Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. This movement speed bonus is halved for ranged champions. 1250 gold
  • Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen: +500 health, +60 armor, -10% damage taken from critical strikes. Unique Passive – Cold Steel: When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's attack speed by 15% for 1 second. Unique Active: Slows the movement speed of nearby enemy units by 35% for 4 seconds (60 second cooldown) (500 range). 2900 gold
  • Relic Shield Relic Shield: +75 health, +2 gold per 10 seconds. Unique Passive – Spoils of War: Melee autoattacks execute minions below 200 + (100% AD) health. Killing a minion by any means heals you and the nearest allied champion for 40 health and grants them kill gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion and consume a charge. Recharges every 60 seconds. Max 2 charges. You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item. 350 gold
  • Righteous Glory Righteous Glory: +500 health, +300 mana, +100% base health regeneration. Unique Active: Grants +60% movement speed to nearby allies when moving towards ennemies or enemy turrets for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds, a shockwave is emitted, slowing nearby enemy champion movement speed by 80% for 1 second. This effect may be reactivated early to instantly release the shockwave (90 second cooldown). 2600 gold
  • Rod of Ages Rod of Ages: +300 health. Passive: Grants +20 health, +40 mana, and +4 ability power every minute / 40 seconds (maximum +200 health, +400 mana, and +40 ability power). +400 mana, +80 ability power. Unique Passive – Valor's Reward: Upon leveling up, restores 150 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds. 3000 gold
  • Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal: +150 health. 400 gold
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter: +400 health, +100 ability power. Unique Passive: Damaging abilities Arquivo:Lentidão icone.png slow affected enemies based on their type: Single Target: 40% for 1.5 seconds, Area of Effect: 40% for 1 second, Damage over Time, multi-hit and pet attacks: 20% for 1 second. 3200 gold
  • Spirit Visage Spirit Visage: +500 health, +70 magic resistance, +150% base health regeneration, +10% cooldown reduction. Unique Passive: Increases all sources of healing including self-healing, health regen, life steal, and spell vamp effects by 20%. 2800 gold
  • Spectre's Cowl Spectre's Cowl: +200 health, +35 magic resistance. Unique Passive: Grants 150% base health regen for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion. 1100 gold
  • Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage: +500 health, +25% base attack damage. Unique Passive : Upon taking at least 400 to 1800 damage (based on level) within 5 seconds, gain Sterak's Fury for 8 seconds (45 second cooldown). Sterak's Fury: Grow in size and strenght, gaining increased size, +25% additional base attack damage, and a rapidly decaying shield for 30% of your maximum health. 2700 gold
  • Sunfire Cape Sunfire Cape: +500 health, +50 armor. Unique Passive – Immolate: Deals 25 + (1 × level) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (400 range). 2700 gold
  • Targon's Brace Targon's Brace: +175 health, +50% base health regeneration, +2 gold per 10 seconds. Unique Passive – Spoils of War: Melee autoattacks execute minions below 240 + (100% AD) health. Killing a minion by any means heals yourself and the nearest allied champion for 50 health and grants them kill gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion and consume a charge. Recharges every 30 seconds for a maximum of 3 charges. You may only be in possession of 1 Gold Income item. 850 gold
  • The Black Cleaver The Black Cleaver: +300 health, +55 attack damage, +20% cooldown reduction. Unique Passive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion Cleaves them, reducing their armor by 5% for 6 seconds (stacks up to 6 times, up to 30%). Unique Passive – Rage: Dealing physical damage grants 20 movement speed for 2 seconds. Assists or kills on Cleaved enemy champions or kills on any unit grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds instead. This movement speed bonus is halved for ranged champions. 3500 gold
  • Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra: +450 health, +50 attack damage, +100% base health regen. Unique Passive – Cleave: Basic attacks deal 5 + (1% of your maximum health) as bonus physical damage to your target and 40 + (2.5% of your maximum health) as physical damage to other enemies in a cone on hit. Unique Active – Crescent: Cleave damage to all targets is increased to 40 + (10% of your maximum health) as bonus physical damage in a larger cone for your next basic attack (20 second cooldown). 3600 gold
  • Trinity Force Trinity Force: +250 health, +25 attack damage, +20% critical strike chance, +15% attack speed, +10% cooldown reduction, +5% movement speed, +250 mana. Unique Passive – Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. This movement speed bonus is halved for ranged champions. Unique Passive – Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals 200% base AD bonus physical damage (1.5 second cooldown). 3800 gold

Variable Availability[]

  • Predefinição:Iac Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil: +500 health, +70 magic resistance, +100% base health regeneration. Unique Passive: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds. 2900 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Doran's Blade Doran's Blade: +80 health, +8 attack damage, +3% life steal. 450 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Doran's Ring Doran's Ring: +60 health, +15 ability power, +50% base mana regeneration. Passive: Restores 4 mana upon killing a unit. 400 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Elixir of Iron Elixir of Iron: Grants +300 health, +25% increased size, tenacity and Path of Iron for 3 minutes. Path of Iron – Moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champion's movement speed by 15%. 500 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Entropy Entropy: +275 health, +55 attack damage. Unique Passive – Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 movement speed for 2 seconds on hit. Minion, monster, and champion kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. This movement speed bonus is halved for ranged champions. Unique Active: For 5 seconds, basic attacks reduces the target's movement speed by 30% and deal 80 true damage over 2.5 seconds (60 second cooldown). 2600 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Guardian's Horn Guardian's Horn: +200 health, +125% base health regeneration. Unique Passive: Nearby enemy spellcasts reduce the cooldown of Battle Cry by 1 second. Unique Active – Battle Cry: Gain 30% movement speed, 20 armor and 20 magic resistance for 3 seconds (25 second cooldown). 1000 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Hextech Sweeper Hextech Sweeper: +225 health, +250 mana, +25 armor, +20% cooldown reduction. Unique Passive – Trap Detection: Nearby stealthed enemy traps are revealed. Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown). 2150 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Cinderhulk Cinderhulk: +400 health, +15% bonus health. Unique Passive – Immolate: Deals 15 + (0.6 × level) magic damage a second to nearby enemies. Deals 100% bonus damage to monsters. 1575 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Odyn's Veil Odyn's Veil: +350 health, +350 mana, +50 magic resistance. Unique Passive: Reduces and stores 10% of magic damage received. Unique Active: Deals 200 + (stored magic damage – max 200) magic damage to nearby enemy units (90 second cooldown). 2400 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Ohmwrecker Ohmwrecker: +300 health, +50 armor, +150% base health regen, +10% cooldown reduction. Unique Active: Prevents the closest enemy tower from attacking for 3 seconds (120 second cooldown). This effect cannot be used against the same tower more than once every 8 seconds. Unique Passive – Point Runner: Build up to +20% movement speed over 2 second while near turrets and fallen turrets. 2650 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Overlord's Bloodmail Overlord's Bloodmail: +800 health, +100% base health regeneration. Unique Passive: Upon champion kill or assist, restores 300 health over 5 seconds. 2550 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Prospector's Blade Prospector's Blade: Unique Passive – Prospector: +150 health. +16 attack damage, +15% attack speed. 950 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Prospector's Ring Prospector's Ring: Unique Passive – Prospector: +150 health. +35 ability power. Passive: +6 mana regeneration. 950 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Ruby Sightstone Ruby Sightstone: +500 health. Unique Passive: Item active cooldowns are reduced by 10%. Unique Active – Warding: Consumes a charge to place Stealth Ward Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges and refills when visiting the shop. A player may only have 3 stealth ward on the map at one time. 1800 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Sightstone Sightstone: +150 health. Unique Active – Warding: Consumes a charge to place Stealth Ward Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges and refills when visiting the shop. A player may only have 3 stealth ward on the map at one time. 800 gold
  • Predefinição:Iac Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor: +850 health, +200% base health regen. Unique Passive: Grants Warmog's Heart if you have at least 3000 maximum health. Warmog's Heart: Restores 15% of maximum health every 5 seconds if damage hasn't been taken within 8 seconds. 2850 gold

Champion abilities[]

Note: Only the additional health effect of these abilities is shown here, to read more information on each of these abilities, follow the link on each of them.

  • [[Arquivo:Cho'Gath Predefinição:Dados Cho'Gath/Feast.png|20xpx|border|link=|Feast]] Feast de Cho'Gath Cho'Gath increases his maximum health by 90 / 120 / 150 when it kills a unit. This buff stacks up to 6 times. Cho'Gath loses half his current stacks (rounded up) upon death.
  • [[Arquivo:Gnar Predefinição:Dados Gnar/Rage Gene.png|20xpx|border|link=|Rage Gene]] Rage Gene de Gnar Gnar increases his maximum health by 30 + (40 × Gnar's level) when he transforms into Mega Gnar for 15 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Lulu Predefinição:Dados Lulu/Wild Growth.png|20xpx|border|link=|Wild Growth]] Wild Growth de Lulu Lulu increases the maximum health of the targeted ally by 300 / 450 / 600 + (50% AP) for 7 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Nasus Predefinição:Dados Nasus/Fury of the Sands.png|20xpx|border|link=|Fury of the Sands]] Fury of the Sands de Nasus Nasus increases his maximum health by 300 / 450 / 600 for 15 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Nunu Predefinição:Dados Nunu/Consume.png|20xpx|border|link=|Consume]] Consume de Nunu Nunu increases his maximum health by 10% for 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 / 240 seconds if he consumes a golem golem.
  • [[Arquivo:Renekton Predefinição:Dados Renekton/Dominus.png|20xpx|border|link=|Dominus]] Dominus de Renekton Renekton increases his maximum health by 200 / 400 / 800 for 15 seconds.
  • [[Arquivo:Singed Predefinição:Dados Singed/Empowered Bulwark.png|20xpx|border|link=|Empowered Bulwark]] Empowered Bulwark de Singed Singed increases his maximum health by 25% of his maximum mana.
  • [[Arquivo:Sion Predefinição:Dados Sion/Soul Furnace.png|20xpx|border|link=|Soul Furnace]] Soul Furnace de Sion Sion increases his maximum health by 2 whenever he kills a unit, increased to 10 bonus health against large minions, large monsters, champion kills, and champion assists.
  • [[Arquivo:Vladimir Predefinição:Dados Vladimir/Crimson Pact.png|20xpx|border|link=|Crimson Pact]] Crimson Pact de Vladimir Vladimir increases his bonus health by 140% of his ability power.



Name Type Tier 1 (Lesser) Tier 2 (Normal) Tier 3 (Greater)
Health Mark

GMarks (2)

X X 3.47

410 IP Influence Point


GSeals (3)


5 IP Influence Point


35 IP Influence Point


820 IP Influence Point


GGlyphs (3)

X X 2.67

410 IP Influence Point


GQuintessences (3)


15 IP Influence Point


100 IP Influence Point


2050 IP Influence Point

Health, Scaling

(Health per level)


GMarks (4)

X X 0.54 per level (9.72)

820 IP Influence Point


GSeals (2)

X X 1.33 per level (24)

410 IP Influence Point


GGlyphs (4)

X X 0.54 per level (9.72)

820 IP Influence Point


GQuintessences (4)

X X 2.7 per level (48.6)

2050 IP Influence Point

Percentage Health Mark X X X

GSeals (3)

X X 0.5 %

820 IP Influence Point

Glyph X X X

GQuintessences (3)

X X 1.5 %

2050 IP Influence Point

List of champions' health[]

The Highest and Lowest Health Champions (Base Health)
Champion Level Top 5 champions Bottom 5 champions
Level 1 1. Tryndamere Tryndamere Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 1. Anivia Anivia Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
2. Taric Taric Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 2. Heimerdinger Heimerdinger Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
3. Garen Garen Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 3. Lux Lux Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
3. Trundle Trundle
4. Zac Zac Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 4. Zyra Zyra Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
5. Alistar Alistar Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 5. Sona Sona Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
Level 18 1. Alistar Alistar Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 1. Gnar Gnar Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
2. Tryndamere Tryndamere Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 2. Anivia Anivia Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
3. Darius Darius Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 3. Zilean Zilean Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
4. Udyr Udyr Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 4. Zyra Zyra Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp
5. Warwick Warwick Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp 5. Nami Nami Predefinição:Leveled Stat hp


[Last updated 30/8/2015 on patch 5.16]

Aside from Sion Sion, who may obtain any amount of health due to the passive effect of his [[Arquivo:Sion Predefinição:Dados Sion/Soul Furnace.png|20xpx|border|link=Sion/LoL#Soul Furnace|Soul Furnace]] Soul Furnace ; the most health any champion can obtain is 11555.0793, being a level 18 Nunu Nunu, Nunu Nunu must:

  • Have all health runes and masteries
    • 9 Scaling Marks of Health
    • 9 Scaling Glyphs of Health
    • 9 Percent Seals of Health
    • 3 Percent Quintessences of Health
    • 3 points in Predefinição:Mi4
    • 1 point in Predefinição:Mi4
  • Have 5 Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor
  • Have a Cinderhulk Cinderhulk
  • Consume an Elixir of Ruin Elixir of Ruin
  • [[Arquivo:Lulu Predefinição:Dados Lulu/Wild Growth.png|20xpx|border|link=Lulu/LoL#Wild Growth|Wild Growth]] Wild Growth cast by a Lulu Lulu with the maximum amount of ability power.
  • [[Arquivo:Nunu Predefinição:Dados Nunu/Consume.png|20xpx|border|link=Nunu/LoL#Consume|Consume]] Consume cast on a golem jungle creep
Relevant mathematics:
Lulu Lulu AP = (16.02 + 6 + 1.8 × 9 + 1.8 × 9 + 3.06 × 9 + 7.74 × 3 + 40 + 180 + 120 + 221.072 + 100 × 3 + 40 + 35) × (1.05 × 1.12 × 1.35 × 1.20) = 1983.71001024
Nunu Nunu Health = (((9.72 × 9 + 9.72 × 9 + 36 + 5 × 800 + 400 + 250 + 600 + 1983.71001024 × 0.5) × 1.15) + 2128) × (1.09 × 1.03 × 1.10) = 11792.749840504

The most health any champion can obtain at level 1 with the 475 starting gold is 1120.83158, again being Nunu Nunu with all tier 3 flat health runes, Predefinição:Mi4 and Predefinição:Mi4, a Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal and using [[Arquivo:Nunu Predefinição:Dados Nunu/Consume.png|20xpx|border|link=Nunu/LoL#Consume|Consume]] Consume on a golem jungle creep.

Relevant mathematics:
Nunu Nunu Health = (3.47 × 9 + 8 × 92.67 × 9 + 26 × 3 + 36 + 150 + 598) × (1.03 × 1.10) = 1120.83158

