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V4.20 | ||
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Data de Lançamento (BR) | November 20th, 2014 | |
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Preseason 2015
The preseason has begun.
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V4.19 | VPBE |
Novas Skins na Loja[]
As seguintes skins foram adicionadas à loja:
- Nova campeã
- Máquina de Combate
- Policiais e Ladrões
A seguinte Skin de Sentinela foi adicionada:
Os seguintes Ícones de Invocador foram adicionados:
League of Legends VPBE[]
- Buffs and debuffs are now displayed above the champion's portrait, rather than above the abilities.
- Item Actives are now displayed above and to the top-right of the ability bar, and will display their cooldowns.
- Items with actives are now more distinctly highlighted in the inventory.
- Recommended Items
- The recommended items for all champions have been updated.
- Recommended items now detects if you have a Smite or not and change accordingly.
- Stat Changes
- The game now uses a champion's level 1 as their base instead of a level 0 amount.
- All champions have had their level 1 (base) stats raised by 68% of their per-level, effectively starting the game at level 1.68. This is with the following exceptions:
- Base attack speed has not been changed.
- Base attack damage on ranged champions has not been changed (this includes Jayce and Kayle, but does not include Elise, Nidalee, Gnar or Quinn).
- Base magic resistance on champions with no per level and base armor on Thresh will see no increase.
- The game now refers to "per level" statistics as "growth" statistics, as the amount gained per level is no longer linear. You will gain (65 + (3.5 * level))% of your growth statistic per level, so going from 1 to 2 will gain 72% of your growth statistics and going from 17 to 18 will gain 128%.
- Base amount of increased to 105 from 30. No other manaless champions have been affected.
- The formula for calculating your statistics at any given level is where
- .
- Follow-Up
- The following champions have had their (new) mana regeneration adjusted to 6 (+0.8):
- Ahri, Alistar, Anivia, Annie, Azir, Blitzcrank, Braum, Cassiopeia, Diana, Elise, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Galio, Gragas, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Kayle, LeBlanc, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Nidalee, Orianna, Ryze, Swain, Syndra, Taric, Thresh, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Vel'koz, Viktor, Xerath, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra
- The following champions have had their (new) mana regeneration adjusted to 9 (+0.4):
- Janna, Nami, Sona, Soraka
- The following champions have had their (new) base statistics adjusted:
- Armor reduced to 23.544 from 27.544.
- Armor adjusted to 30.25 (+3.75) from 26.72 (+4).
- Health increased to 540 from 539.2.
- Armor reduced to 23 from 23.2.
- Health regeneration reduced to 2.125 from 5.
- Health regeneration increased to 11 (+1.75) from 1.056 (+0.6).
- no longer affects Heimerdinger.
- Health increased to 571.2 from 535.2.
- Armor reduced to 24.216 from 26.216.
- Heath regeneration reduced to 7.45 from 9.45.
- Mana regeneration reduced to 9 from 10.
- Health increased to 558.48 from 522.48.
- Damage increased to 65.695 from 60.025.
- Health increased to 624.76 from 487.
- Mana increased to 335.6 from 260.
- Armor increased to 31.38 from 25.5.
- Health regeneration increased to 8.024 from 7.1.
- Mana regeneration increased to 7.524 from 6.6
- Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.8 from 1.
- Damage reduced to 50.04 from 56.04.
- New champion.
- Texture Rebalance Part 3
- The following skins have had their textures recolored to match the new Summoner's Rift's color pallet.
- - Classic, Emumu, Little Knight, Vancouver, Pharoah, Almost Prom King and Re-gifted.
- - Classic, Officer, Arctic Warfare, Resistance, Safari and Sheriff.
- - Classic, Explorer, Frosted, Nottingham and Striker.
- - Classic, Tundra, Atlantean, Fisherman and Void.
- - Classic, Esquire, Hillbilly, Santa and Scuba.
- - Classic, Mighty, Angler, Pax and Jaximus.
- - Classic, Monarch, Caterpillar, Sonoran, Deep Sea, Jurassic and Reindeer.
- - Classic and Dragon Knight.
- - Classic, Redeemed, Crimson Elite and Battle Bunny.
- - Classic, Crimson Elite, Dragonblade and Renegade.
- - Classic, Black Belt and Primal.
- - Classic, Battlecast, Butcher and Giant Enemy Crab.
- - Classic, Blood Lord, Count, Marquis, Nosferatu and Vandal.
- - Classic, Groovy, Old Saint, Shurima Desert and Time Machine.
- Due to changes in champion health, this reduction in early game values should not feel like a nerf - although it is a buff late game!
- Damage rescalled to 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 from 1.5 / 1.8 / 2.1 / 2.4 / 2.7 %.
- Base damage increased to 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.
- AP ratio reduced to 60% from 70%.
- Base shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220.
- Base damage reduced to 125 / 255 / 385 from 160 / 330 / 500.
- Bonus AD ratio lowered to 0.9 from 1.2
- Damage on consecutive hits increased to 40% from 25%.
- All bonus statistics are now considered to be growth statistics and will scale non-linearly, with the exception of Mini Gnar's movement speed and attack range.
- Mega Gnar now grants: +65 Health Growth, +2 Armor and Magic Resist Growth, +2.5 Health Regeneration Growth and +2.5 Attack Damage Growth. Mega Gnar will see a reduction of ~30 health and ~4 attack damage at level 1, but this is a buff to late game.
- Movement speed increased to 10-30 (9 + 1/2) from 10-25 (9 + 1/0.5).
- All bonus statistics are now considered to be growth statistics and will scale non-linearly, with the exception of Mini Gnar's movement speed and attack range.
- Damage changed to 5 / 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 (+ 115% AD) from 10 / 45 / 80 / 115 / 150 (+ 100% AD).
- Damage-collision width reduced to 55 from 60.
- Damage adjusted to 5 / 45 / 85 / 125 / 165 (+120% AD) from 10 / 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 (+115% AD).
- Base damage changed to 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 from 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45.
- Maximum damage to monsters increased to 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 from 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275.
- Cooldown changed to 15 / 13 / 11 / 9 / 7 seconds from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.
- General
- Tweaked splash artwork.
- Cooldown increased to 90 / 60 / 45 seconds from 60 / 52.5 / 45.
- Total damage reduce to 350 / 550 / 750 from 400 / 575 / 750.
- Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.
- General
- Texture and model update to all skins, except for the Haunted and Goalkeeper Maokai skins.
- Updated animations (including a recall animation). These will apply to all skins.
- New base splash.
- New ability icons.
- Lore reverted to pre-V4.18 version.
New Passive: Nocturne gains substantially increased movement speed while moving toward feared enemies.
- Rough Rock Candy is now obtained from killing stone monsters, instead of golems.
- Spooky Mystery Meat is now obtained from killing animals and undead, instead of wraiths and wolves.
- Ornery Monster Tails is now obtained from killing "other monsters", instead of reptiles.
General- Attack range increased to 550 from 525.
Movement speed reduced to 330 from 335.
- Cooldown increased to 16 / 14.5 / 13 / 11.5 / 10 seconds from 10 at all ranks.
- Armor reduction reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
- Initial health decay reduced to 1 + (1 x level) from 2 x level.
- Health decay growth reduced to 0.7 + (0.7 x level) from 1.4 x level.
- On-hit damage AP ratio reduced to 20% from 25%.
- Base heal increased to 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 from 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105.
- Heal modifier per % missing health reduced to 0.5% from 1%.
- Drop time no longer varies based on how close the target is to Soraka.
- Range increased to 550 from 450.
- Cooldown increased to 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 seconds from 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14.
- Cooldown increased to 110 / 90 / 70 seconds from 90 / 80 / 70.
Pre-Season 2015 Beta[]
- The Pre-Season content is available as a new map within the custom game selection, called "Pre-Season 2015 Beta", which has replaced the previous "Summoner Rift VU" map. The Pre-Season content is also available in matchmade games under Classic > Summoner's Rift > Normal (Blind Pick). Most of the metagame changes are currently exclusive to this map; however, champion and item changes will affect all maps/modes.
- General
- The store now features a "Starting Item" section, with the subcategories "Lane" and "Jungle". These sections features most traditional starting items (including and , but does not include all items that are affordable with starting gold (e.g. ).
Summoner's Rift[]
- General
- Purple Team changed to Red Team.
- Bottom and top lane brushes are now centered between their respective towers (previously off-centered by ~450 units).
- Visual Upgrade
- Complete visual overhaul to field, minimap, minions and monsters.
- Cleaned up a lot of the terrain (so that the widths of the visuals match the width of the mesh).
- This is particularly noticeable in top-left quadrant of the jungle.
- Overhauled the fog of war - areas in the fog are now darker and the transition to non-fog is now more abrupt/crisp.
- Camera angle adjusted to be more similar to Howling Abyss (higher angled, less perspective).
- This should make the difference between playing up and down less significant.
- Ambient critters have been added the map.
- New minion and monster icons.
- General
- The fountain now restores 25% as much health at 0.25 second intervals (same health per second).
Champions now receivewhile inside their base, which grants 10% bonus movement speed and 10 Armor and Magic Resistance.Starting at 20 minutes into the game, a Health Relic will spawn in the river at the entrance to top and bottom lane that restores health and grants Still Waters. The relic will respawn every 3 minutes.: You gain 50 movement speed while out of combat. If you stand still for 0.5 seconds, you will reveal the surrounding 1300-radius area that expands up to a 1625-radius area if you remain still. This area of vision lingers for ~1 second upon moving. Still waters lasts for ~90 seconds.
- Towers
- No longer gain armor and magic resistance over time - now have 100 in each at all times.
- Reinforced Armor resistances increased to 200 from 150.
- Outer turret health reduced to 2000 from 2550.
- Inner turret health reduced to 2000 from 2550.
- Inhibitor turret health reduced to 2500 from 2550.
- Nexus turret health increased to 2000 from 1925.
- Inner turrets have a new mechanic, Shielding: If this turret has not taken damage in the last 60 seconds, it will regenerate a shield. While the shield holds, nearby champions gain a moderate shield as well (which ramps up in strength).
- Inhibitor and nexus turrets have a new mechanic, Beam: This turrets attacks are beams that deals damage at 0.25 second invervals, starting at 100% damage and 40% armor penetration and ramping up to 260% damage and 100% armor penetration over 6.5 seconds. The ramping stats reset each time the tower choose a new target. Beam also slows enemies hit.
- Inhibitor and nexus turret health regeneration reduced to 5 from 15.
- Inhibitors
- Respawn timer increased to 300 seconds from 240 seconds.
- Inhibitors now have a respawn indicator on their model (similar to Twisted Treeline altars).
- Minions
- Penetration wasn't intended to be a factor on pushing power - so we're removing it from the equation. This is also to make it easier for newer players (and more experienced players) to last-hit without having to calculate resistances.
- Armor and magic resistance removed.
- Base health increased to be comparable to the current effective health including armor.
- Health gained over time increased to be comparable to the current effect health including armor.
- Bounty Changes
- Kills no longer grants reduced gold before 4 minutes.
- Assists now grant reduced gold in the first 210 seconds of the game (25% which scales up to 50% over the 210 seconds).
- Death Timers
- Death Timers are now increased by 2% every 30 seconds starting at 35 minutes, rather than 2% every 60 seconds starting at 25 minutes.
- General
- Buff and epic monsters now show their current health value above their health bar.
- A new jungle monster has been added, the (previously known as Scuttle Crab). This solitary creature spawns in two locations, one outside of pit and one outside of .
Blue Sentinel, Cinderfang and the Rift Scuttler initially spawn at 2:30 (increased from 1:55).- Small camps now spawn at 1:55 (reduced from 2:05).
- Smite can now be used on large monsters to earn a buff. Each large monster will only grant the buff once per spawn, and will sparkle to indicate that a buff is available.
- Visual Upgrade
- The camp is now occupied by the golem and two monolithic .
- The and have been replaced by the and .
- The have been replaced with avian , led by a .
- The has been replaced with the , a large toad-like creature.
- The camp is now inhabited by the , a fiery ent-like creature, and two .
- Cooldown increased to 60 seconds from 40.
- Now displays its current damage over the icon, similarly to Predefinição:Ais mana cost.
- Can no longer be used on small monsters (large monsters, epic monsters and minions only).
- Smiting a large monster will "harvest" a bonus effect, based on the monster you Smite. Monsters will only grant the bonus once per spawn, and will sparkle to indicate that the bonus is available. Additionally, killing a monster that has been damaged by Smite will grant 80 experience. The bonus experience doesn't seem to scale based on your level, game time, or monster level.
- : Restores a large amount of health over 2 seconds.
- : Restores a large amount of mana over 2 seconds.
For the next 60 seconds, your basic attacks will execute enemy minions and neutral monsters below 40 + (20 * level) (+100% AD) health. This does not affect champions.For the next 60 seconds, your next basic attack and every 5th basic attack thereafter will stun minions and monsters. Additionally, the next attack against a tower will deal bonus true damage and consume the buff.
: : - : : For the next 90 seconds, enemies who attack you are poisoned, causing them to take 39 + (3 * level) magic damage over 3 seconds. Tested: This is classified as poison for the purposes of .
- : : The next time you are spotted by a ward within the next 60 seconds, you gain true sight for a short duration. This is a one-use effect.
- Predefinição:Pending for test This unit can be killed and targeted by allied abilities. Whenever an enemy champion is spotted by the spirit, a spectral wolf will spawn and chase them for a short duration. : Summons a nature spirit for 75 seconds that grants sight over the nearby crossroads between the wolf camp and the Sentinel Camp. This unit is targetable.
- Blue Sentinel camp
Initial spawn time increased to 2:30 from 1:55.- Duration reduced to 120 seconds from 150 seconds.
- The buff is now only lost on time-out or death by enemy champion; executions will no longer lose you the buff.
- The tooltip has been updated to state that the effects are granted as an aura, but this is not reflected in-game.
- Red Brambleback camp
Initial spawn time increased to 2:30 from 1:55.- Cinderfang experienced reduced to 100 from 260.
- Duration reduced to 120 seconds from 150 seconds.
- Now grants health regeneration equal to 1% of your maximum health every 5 seconds.
- Slow reduced to 8-15% (5-10% on ranged) from 8-24% (5-15% on ranged).
- Burn damage rescalled to 5-56 from 10-44.
- Burn damage now applies to towers.
- The buff is now only lost on time-out or death by enemy champion; executions will no longer lose you the buff.
- Raptor camp
- Initial spawn time reduced to 1:55 from 2:05.
- Respawn timer increased to 100 seconds (1m40) from 50 seconds.
- Wolf camp
- Initial spawn time reduced to 1:55 from 2:05.
- Respawn timer increased to 100 seconds (1m40) from 50 seconds.
- Krug camp
- Initial spawn time reduced to 1:55 from 2:05.
- Respawn timer increased to 100 seconds (1m40) from 50 seconds.
- Krug experience increased to 150 from 140.
- Son of Krug experienced increased to 50 from 40.
- Gromp camp
- Initial spawn time reduced to 1:55 from 2:05.
- Respawn timer increased to 100 seconds (1m40) from 50 seconds.
- Rift Scuttler camp (formerly known as Scuttle Crab camp)
- Initial spawn time is
2:301:55. - Respawn time is 180 seconds.
- Classified as a large monster.
- One spawns outside of pit and one outside of .
- Roams the river, and may not be found at its spawn location when sought out.
- The Rift Scuttler cannot attack and will attempt to run away from champions who engage on it. It's movement speed is not sufficient to kite melee champions.
- When reared into a wall, it possess a dash that it will use to dash through the champion and run in the other direction.
- The Rift Scuttler takes bonus damage while it's movement is impaired (slowed, stunned, rooted, etc).
- Killing the Rift Scuttler will causes a Speed Shrine seconds to appear at its spawn location for 90 seconds. In addition to granting a movement speed buff to allied champions who pass over the shrine, the Speed Shrine also grants a large area of sight to the team who scored the killing blow.
- When Baron spawns, he knocks back surrounding units, wards and targetable traps. He retains his ability to knock back wards and traps while alive.
- Whenever Baron damages an enemy he applies a number of Corrosion stacks, which reduces armor and magic resist by 0.5 per stack. Basic attacks apply 1 stack.
- He has the ability to reduce his attacker's attack damage by 50%, but this is only used on physical attackers.
- New abilities:
- Baron Nashor rears back and then spits a number of balls of acid at multiple target locations, damaging enemies and leaving multiple persistent areas for a short duration that deals periodic damage and rapidly applies Corrosion stacks. This is ability is used on melee ranged attackers.
- A wide -like attack that damages everyone it hits and rapidly applies lots of Corrosion stacks. This ability is used on ranged attackers.
- Baron slams his claws into the target location, dealing damage and briefly knocking back enemies hit. This is ability is used on attackers in melee range. Will be used to interrupt channels.
- A tentacle erupts from the ground at the target location, dealing damage and knocking up enemies hit. This ability is used on ranged attackers. Will be used to interrupt channels.
- Summons spikes starting behind him and gradually fanning out both clockwise and counterclockwise, damaging enemies they hit.
- Health and mana regeneration removed.
- Recall is Upgraded Upgraded, reducing its cooldown to 4 seconds. Successfully recalling will grant you massive health regeneration and bonus movement speed for 8 seconds.
- Nearby allied minions have their movement speed set to 90% of your own, up to 500.
- Nearby melee minions gain 80% damage reduction from physical and magical damage.
- Nearby caster minions gain increased damage and range.
- Nearby siege minions gain massively increased range (enough to out-range towers). Their attacks are 50% slower, but deal area of effect damage and deal 400% damage to towers.
- Nearby super minions gain 75% movement speed when nearby enemies, as well as 25% bonus attack speed.
- When Dragon first takes flight, he knocks back surrounding enemies.
- Dragon's basic attacks deal 50% splash damage to enemies in an off-centered circle.
- Experience grants is halved.
- Slaying Dragon now grants . The first four stacks of Dragon Slayer are permanent, while the 5th stack only lasts 180 seconds.
Dragon's Fangs: +5% armor and magic penetrationDragon's Might: +8% attack damage and ability powerDragon's Blood: +25% base health and mana regenerationDragon's Dominance: +15% damage to minions and monsters- Dragon's Flight: +5% movement speed
Dragon's Scales: +5% total armor and magic resistanceDragon's Wrath: +15% damage to towers and buildings- Triples all previous bonuses and your attacks burn for 150 true damage over 5 seconds. This stack only lasts 180 seconds.' :
- Dragon possess the passive, , which grants him 20% bonus damage to and 7% damage reduction against enemies with Dragon Slayer, per stack.
- The first five dragons your team slays will not grant global gold. Upon maxing the buff, Dragon will award global gold once more.
- General
- Most sources of mana regeneration now increases your base mana regeneration by a percentage, e.g. +25% base mana regeneration.
- Items will show how much flat regeneration you will gain as a dynamic number, e.g. +25% base mana regeneration (+2 Mana per 5 seconds). This is visible even in the store, unlike other dynamic numbers.
- To avoid confusion, items that still grant flat mana regeneration now specify "bonus", e.g. +7 bonus mana regeneration.
Removed Items[]
- The following items are not available on the Pre-Season 2015 map, but are still available in other game modes for the time being.
- , and
- and
- , and
Basic items[]
- Chain Vest is no longer a basic item.
New recipe:+ + 200g = 800g- New recipe:
- Old recipe: 720g
+ 450g = 750g
Armor increased to 45 from 40.
- +3 bonus mana regeneration is now listed as a passive.
- Now additionally reduces single-target spell damage by 8.
- Mana regeneration changed to +25% base mana regeneration from +3 per 5 seconds.
- Cost increased to 400g from 325g.
- Damage reduction removed.
- Maim removed.
- Unique Passive - Jungler: Basic attacks against monsters deal 30 bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. While in combat with monsters, you will restore 7 health and 3 mana every second.
- Limited to 1 Jungle item and can only be purchased if you possess Smite.
- +6 bonus mana regeneration is now listed as a passive.
- New Recipe: + + 220 = 900
Now grants +100% base health regeneration.
- Cost increased to 500g from 400g.
- Magic resistance increased to 25 from 20.
- Health regeneration changed to +50% of base health regeneration from +5 per 5 seconds.
New items[]
- New items and the items that build from the new items — for your convenience.
- Cost: 400g
- Buff: +250 health, +15% bonus damage to towers, Siege Commander for 3 minutes
- Siege Commander: Nearby minions gain 15% bonus damage to towers and their movement speed is set to 90% of your own, up to 500.
- Restrictions: Cannot be bought before level 9, only one elixir buff can be active at a time.
- Cost: 400g
- Buff: +25% increased size, slow resistance, Tenacity, Path of Iron for 3 minutes
- Path of Iron: Moving leaves a trail behind you that boosts the movement speed of allied champions by 10%.
- Restrictions: Cannot be bought before level 9, only one elixir buff can be active at a time.
- Cost: 400g
- Buff: +40 ability power, +15 mana regeneration per 5 seconds, Sorcery for 3 minutes
- Sorcery: Your basic attacks and abilities (excluding minor pets) deal 25 bonus true damage to champions and towers. This cannot be triggered more than once per 5 seconds against champions.
- Restrictions: Cannot be bought before level 9, only one elixir buff can be active at a time.
- Cost: 400g
- Buff: +25 attack damage, Bloodlust for 3 minutes
- Bloodlust: You will restore health equal to 10% of your physical damage dealt to champions. Scoring a Kill or Assist will extend the duration of Elixir of Wrath/Bloodlust by 30 seconds.
- Restrictions: Cannot be bought before level 9, only one elixir buff can be active at a time.
- Recipe: + + 20g = 600g
- Stats: +200 health, +50% base health regeneration
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + 2x + 1070g = 2830g
+ + + 300g = 2500g
- Health reduced to 800 from 1000.
- Passive health regeneration is now tripled if you haven't taken damage in the last 8 seconds.
- Recipe: + + 700g = 2500g
- Stats: +500 health, +300 mana, +100% base health regeneration
- Passive - Valor's Reward: On leveling up, restores 150 health and 200 mana over 8 seconds.
- Active: Grants 60% bonus movement speed to you and nearby allies when moving toward enemies or enemy turrets for 2 seconds. When this speed boost ends, it emits a shockwave that slows nearby enemy champions by 80% for 1 second (500 range approximate). The shockwave cannot be triggered manually.
Recipe:+ + + 340g = 1000g- Recipe: + + 520g = 1000g
- Stats: +30 armor, +100% base health regeneration
- Passive - Point Runner: You gain +30% bonus movement speed that builds up over 2 seconds when near turrets or Zz'rot Gates.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + 740g = 2000g
+ + 850g = 2600g
- Stats: +300 health, +50 armor, +100% base health regeneration, +10% cooldown reduction
- Passive - Point Runner: You gain +30% bonus movement speed that builds up over 2 seconds when near turrets or Zz'rot Gates.
- Old stats: +350 health, +50 ability power
- Active duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.
- Active can now target allied towers to increase their damage by 100% for the same duration.
- Turret immunity duration increased to 8 seconds from 7.5.
- This item did not ship and was pushed back to later patch, and so isn't available. This is taken from Riot's patch notes.
Recipe:+- Passive - Point Runner: You gain +30% bonus movement speed that builds up over 2 seconds when near turrets or Zz'rot Gates.
Active: Spawns a gate at the target location that summons monster. These monsters proceed down the nearest lane: attacking enemy minions and towers.
- This item has appeared in the game files, but is not active.
Recipe:+ 350 = 750- UNIQUE Passive - Feeding the Fires: Killing large monsters feeds your Kindled Spirit. After 18 kills, this item transforms into Feral Flare.
- Passive - Jungler: Basic attacks against monsters deal 45 bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. While in combat with monsters, you will restore 12 health and 4 mana every second.
- Limited to 1 Jungle item.
Can be enchanted with Warrior, Magus, Juggernaut, or Devourer.
- Recipe: + 350g = 750g
Passive - Harvest: Upgrades Smite to Quick Smite, which has a reduced cooldown of 50 seconds. Note that the base cooldown has been increased to 60 seconds. Killing a large monster reduces the cooldown of Quick Smite by 10 seconds. Quick Smite grants 50% additional gold if it is used to kill a monster on the enemy's side of the map.- Passive - Scavenging Smite: Upgrades Smite to Scavenging Smite. If Scavenging Smite is used in conjunction with killing a large monster in the enemy's jungle, the cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds, you gain 20 bonus gold and 175% bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds.
- Passive - Jungler: Basic attacks against monsters deal 45 bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. While in combat with monsters, you will restore 10 health and 5 mana every second.
- Limited to 1 Jungle item.
- Can be enchanted with Warrior, Magus, Juggernaut, or Devourer.
- Recipe: + 350g = 750g
Passive - Destruction: Upgrades Smite to Desolating Smite, which deals 50% splash damage to nearby minions and monsters and stuns all enemies damaged for 1.5 seconds. Using Desolating Smite will also restore 15% of your missing health and mana.- Passive - Blasting Smite: Upgrades Smite to Blasting Smite. Blasting Smite has a reduced cooldown of 45 seconds and deals 50% splash damage to all surrounding minions and monsters, as well as stunning all enemies damaged for 1.5 seconds. If cast on a monster, you will also restore 15% of your missing health and mana.
- Passive - Jungler: Basic attacks against monsters deal 45 bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. While in combat with monsters, you will restore 10 health and 5 mana every second.
- Limited to 1 Jungle item.
- Can be enchanted with Warrior, Magus, Juggernaut, or Devourer.
- Recipe: + 350g = 750g
Passive - Duelist: Upgrades Smite to Challenging Smite. Challenging Smite can be cast on enemy champion to reveal them, empower your next 3 attacks against them to deal X bonus true damage on-hit, and grant you a shield for a short duration that resists the next (10% maximum health) damage.- Passive - Challenging Smite: Upgrades Smite to Challenging Smite. Challenging Smite can target enemy champions, marking them for 6 seconds. Marked enemies are revealed, take (15 + 2 * level on tooltip states 15 + 3 * level) on-hit bonus true damage from you and deal 20% reduced damage to you.
- Passive - Jungler: Basic attacks against monsters deal 45 bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. While in combat with monsters, you will restore 10 health and 5 mana every second.
- Limited to 1 Jungle item.
- Can be enchanted with Warrior, Magus, Juggernaut, or Devourer.
- Recipe: + 350g = 750g
Passive - Destruction: Killing 3 large monsters will empower your next Smite to Smite of Conquest, which can be cast on enemy champions for 25% of Smite's total damage and also slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds.- Passive - Chilling Smite: Upgrades Smite to Chilling Smite. Chilling Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing (16 + 8 * level) true damage and slowing their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.
Killing large monsters will increases the damage of your next Devastating Smite cast on a champion, stacking up to 3 times. - Passive - Jungler: Basic attacks against monsters deal 45 bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. While in combat with monsters, you will restore 10 health and 5 mana every second.
- Limited to 1 Jungle item.
- Can be enchanted with Warrior, Magus, Juggernaut, or Devourer.
New Enchantments[]
- All enchantments cost 1500g including all reagents, for a total cost of 2250g including the Machete's price. Each enchantment is balanced to provide "lane stats" worth ~2250g, making the Machete and its effects effectively free on the finished item.
Recipe: X ++ 700g = 2250g- Recipe: X + + 163g = 2250g
- Stats: +45 attack damage, +10% cooldown reduction, +10 armor penetration
- Plus the Smite upgrade and Jungler passive of X.
- Recipe: X + + 680g = 2250g
- Stats: +80 ability power, +20% cooldown reduction,
+10 magic penetration - Plus the Smite upgrade and Jungler passive of X.
Recipe: X ++ + 200g = 2250g- Recipe: X + + + 250g = 2250g
- Stats: +500 health, 10% cooldown reduction,
25 armor - Grants Tenacity.
- Plus the Smite upgrade and Jungler passive of X.
- (previously Slayer)
- Recipe: X + + + 700g = 2250g
- Stats: +50% attack speed
Grants Passive - Slayer: Basic attacks grant 6% attack speed for 8 seconds (stacks up to 4 times) and deal 24 bonus magic damage.- Grants Passive - Devouring: Basic attacks deal 40 (+Devourer stacks) bonus magic damage. Scoring a champion kill or assist will grant 2 Devourer stacks and killing a large monster will grant 1.
- Plus the Smite upgrade and Jungler passive of X.
Other Items[]
- The following items are listed in grouped into item families, then ordered alphabetically.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + 980g = 2560g
+ + + 580g = 2440g
- Magic resistance increased to 50 from 45.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + + 600g = 1900g
+ + + 820g = 1900g
- Aura bonus changed to +75% base health regeneration from +10 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Legion aura applies to all types of ally units (applies to only champions on live)
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + 720g = 2400g
+ + 280g = 3000g
- Stats: +60 ability power, +10% cooldown reduction, +200 health, +20 magic resistance
- Old stats: +80 ability power, +20% cooldown reduction
- No longer grants Valor.
- Unique Passive - Legion: Grants nearby allies 20 magic resistance and +100% base health regeneration.
- Legion aura applies to all types of ally units (applies to only champions on live)
- Promote:
- Cooldown reduced to 120 seconds from 180.
- Caster minions and melee minions are now valid targets.
- Promoted minion gains Black Shield: This unit is immune to magic damage.
- Promoted minion gains significantly improved stats:
- Caster/Melee: +40 armor, magic resistance and attack damage.
- Cannon: +100 armor, magic resistance and attack damage.
- Aura bonus changed to +75% base health regeneration from +10 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to +25% of base mana regeneration from +3 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to +25% of base mana regeneration from +3 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Health regeneration changed to +25% of base health regeneration from +5 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to
+75%+100% of base mana regeneration from +15 mana regeneration per 5 seconds. - Health regeneration changed to
+75%+100% of base health regeneration from +15 health regeneration per 5 seconds. - Total cost reduced to 2100g from 2200g.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + 2x + 120g = 880g
+ + + 140g = 1000g
- Magic resistance increased to 25 from 20.
- Mana regeneration changed to +50% of base mana regeneration from +7 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana Font: now grants mana per 5 seconds equal to 1.5% of your missing mana instead of increasing your mana regeneration based on your missing mana.
- Total cost increased to 2700g from 2600g.
- Recipe cost reduced to 880g from 900g.
- Mana regeneration changed to +50% of base mana regeneration from +10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana Font: now grants mana per 5 seconds equal to 1.5% of your missing mana instead of increasing your mana regeneration based on your missing mana.
- Total cost increased to 2550g from 2450g.
- Recipe cost reduced to 850g from 870g.
- Mana regeneration changed to
+75%+100% of base mana regeneration from +20 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.- This seems to be inconsistent with the recipe, as the components grant 110% regen (50% from Chalice and 60% from Idol).
- No longer grants bonus movement speed to minions.
- Mana regeneration changed to
+50%+60% of base mana regeneration from +8 mana regeneration per 5 seconds. - Combine cost reduced to 240g from 340g.
- Total cost reduced to 600g from 700g.
- Mana regeneration changed to
+50%+100% of base mana regeneration from +10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to
+50%+100% of base mana regeneration from +10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds. - Total cost reduced to 2100g from 2200g.
- Total cost increased to 1840g from 1765g.
- New recipe: + + 1450g = 2750g
Recipe cost reduced to 1250 from 1310.- Total cost increased to 2770 from 2750.
Now grants +100% base health regeneration.
- Total cost increased to 1450g from 1350g.
- Magic resistance increased to 30 from 25.
- Recipe cost reduced to 875g from 975g.
- Recipe cost increased to 965g from 800g.
- Total cost increased to 1400g from 1235g.
- Now starts with 5 stacks.
- Stacks lost upon death increased to half from a third.
- Recipe cost reduced to 375g from 475g.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + 720g = 2520g
+ + 800g = 2500g
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + + 1000g = 2080g
+ + + + 850g = 2210g
- Health regeneration per 5 seconds increased to +100% of base health regen from 20.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + 830g = 1550g
+ 750g = 1250g
- Magic resistance reduced to 30 from 45.
- Total cost reduced to 2700g from 3000g.
- Recipe and recipe cost unchanged.
- Total cost reduced to 3600g from 3800g.
- Recipe cost increased to 900g from 700g.
- Magic resistance reduced to 35 from 45.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + + 125g = 1160g
+ + 465g = 1200g
- Base ability power increased to 25 from 20.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + 720g = 2600g
+ + 920g = 2620g
- Total cost increased to 3540g from 3500g.
- Recipe and recipe cost unchanged.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + + 275g = 1400g
+ + 300g = 1200g
- Magic resistance reduced to 35 from 45.
- Passive now grants +100% base health regeneration from +15 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Recipe cost increased to 1150g from 950g.
- Total cost unchanged.
- Recipe cost increased to 700g from 500g.
- Total cost unchanged.
- Health regeneration changed to +100% of base health regeneration from +20 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to +25% of base mana regeneration from +2 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to +50% of base mana regeneration from +5 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to +50% of base mana regeneration from +10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Recipe cost reduced to 850g from 930g.
- Total cost reduced to 2600g from 2650g.
- Recipe cost increased to 1040g from 840g.
- Total cost increased to 1400g from 1200g.
- Now starts with 5 stacks.
- Stacks lost upon death increased to half from a third.
- Now grants 20% bonus attack speed instead of +15% bonus movement speed at maximum stacks.
- Health regeneration changed to +50% of base health regeneration from +8 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Health regeneration changed to +100% of base health regeneration from +20 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- /
- Recipe cost increased to 140g from 120g.
- Total cost increased to 720g from 700g.
- Mana regeneration changed to +25% of base mana regeneration from +6 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- /
- Recipe cost reduced to 1120g from 1140g.
- Total cost unchanged.
- Mana regeneration changed to +50% of base mana regeneration from +10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to +50% of base mana regeneration from +10 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- /
- Recipe cost reduced to 605g from 625g.
- Total cost unchanged.
- Mana regeneration changed to +25% of base mana regeneration from +7 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Mana regeneration changed to +25% of base mana regeneration from +7 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Recipe cost reduced to 1050g from 1180g.
- Total cost reduced to 2100g from 2200g.
- Health regeneration changed to +100% of base health regeneration from +15 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- Health regeneration changed to +100% of base health regeneration from +15 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
- New recipe:
- Old recipe: + 280g = 1000g
+ + 450g = 1050g
Armor increased to 60 from 50.- Armor reduced to 45 from 50.
- Total cost increased to 2650g from 2600g.
- Recipe cost reduced to 800g from 1000g.
- Total cost reduced to 2850g from 3000g.
- Total cost increased to 2600g from 2500g.
- Magic resistance increased to 30 from 25.
- The following changes have been teased by Riot, but are not yet active on the PBE.
- Champion Update Schedule
- Riot will no longer be issuing complimentary refunds on recent purchases that receive significant visual or gameplay changes. Instead, they are now disclosing which champions are set to receive significant changes and are advising players to reconsider their purchases [1].
- - Visual upgrade
- - Visual upgrade and gameplay changes
- - Visual upgrade and gameplay changes
- Refer A Friend
- Botting has become a serious issue for new players and it's largely the RAF program that enables it with it's massive IP/RP generation (which itself leads to real-world trading problem, as the referral-holder accounts are usually sold). At the moment, 70% of accounts with 10 or more friend referrals have made use of bots; and 99% of accounts with 100 or more referrals have made use of bots. The skin rewards are also becoming infeasible for players to obtain honestly - so we're overhauling the system.
- Each friend who reaches level 10 will grant 1000 IP, up to 5 friends (with no rewards thereafter).
- 3 referrals will award .
- 5 referrals will award .
- All players on the current system (25 referrals for Warwick and 50 for Twitch) will be upgraded automatically and rewards will be back-dated (i.e. if you already have 5 referrals you'll instantly get all rewards).
- Players on the original system will not be upgraded automatically (the one where you get a trip to Riot with tens of thousands of friend referrals).
- Now passively generates 1 stack every 6 seconds.
- No longer generates stacks from unit kills.
- No longer generates stacks from using Twin Fang against champions.
- Bonuses rescaled to 100 / 250 / 500 stacks from 75 / 200 / 400. Note that on average the bonuses are unlocked quicker.
- Fixed a bug where the delay was varying between 0.25 seconds and 0.5 seconds.
- Delay increased to 0.4 from 0.35. Fixing the bug proved to be a major buff.
- Base damage lowered to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.
- Mana cost increased to 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60.
- Fixed a bug where the delay was varying between 0.25 seconds and 0.5 seconds.
No longer refunds mana on unit kill.- Enemies damaged by Twin Fang will take 25% increased damage from poison for 5 seconds, stacking up to two times.
- The following was planned but unknown if it was shipped: You can now "queue" Twin Fang by attempting to cast it while on cooldown, to make it immediately cast when available.
- Mana cost changed to 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 from 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90.
Histórico de Atualizações | ||
Quinta Temporada | V5.x | |
Pré-temporada (V4.x) |
20 • 19 | |
Quarta Temporada | V4.x |
PBE • 18 • 17 • 16 • 15 • 14 • 13 • 12 • 11 • 10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 |
Pré-temporada (V3.x) | ||
Terceira Temporada | V3.x |
13 • 12 • 11 • 10a • 10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 (AB) • 04 • 03 • 02 • 01 |
V1.0.0.x | ||
Segunda Temporada | V1.0.0.x |
151 • 150 • 149 • 148 • 147b • 147 • 146 • 145 • 144 • 143 • 142 • 141 • 140b • 140 • 139 • 138 • 136 • 135 • 134 • 133 • 132 • 131 • 130 • 129 • 128 • 127 • 126 |
Primeira Temporada | V1.0.0.x |
125 • 124 • 123 • 122 • 121 • 120 • 119 • 118b • 118 • 116 • 115 • 114 • 113 • 112 • 111 • 110 • 109 • 108 • 107 • 106 • 105 • 104 • 103 • 102 • 101 • 100 • 99 • 98 • 97 • 96 • 94(b) • 94 • 87 • 86 • 85 • 83 • 82 • 81 • 79 • 75 • 74 • 72 • 70 • 63 • 61 • 58 • 52 • 32 |
Fase Beta | V0.9.x | 25.34 • 25.24 • 25.21 • 22.18 • 22.16 • 22.15 • 22.9 • 22.7 • 22.4 |
V0.8.x | 22.115 • 21.110 | |
Outros | 07/10 • 06/26 • 06/19 • 06/12 • 06/06 • 05/29 • 05/23 • 05/15 • 05/09 • 05/01 • 04/25 • 04/18 • 04/11 | |
Fase Alpha | Week 7 • Week 6 • Week 5 • Week 4 • Week 3 • Week 2 |