Wiki League of Legends

The Recall button in game

Retorno Retorno é uma habilidade que todos os jogadores tem acesso, independente do campeão selecionado. Retorno tem duração de 8 segundos. Se não for interrompido, o campeão vai ser teleportado para a fonte.


Retorno Retorno é ativado tanto clicando no botão de Retorno Retorno no painel de habilidades quanto apertando a tecla definida para isso ("B" por padrão). Retorno Retorno pode ser interrompido pelo campeão por várias ações, tais como usar habilidades ou se morver, ser atingido por ataques inimigos ou habilidades ou até mesmo deslocamentos aliados como as Cristalizar Cristalizar de Anivia Anivia & Pilar de Gelo Pilar de Gelo de Trundle Trundle. Coisas que não interrompem Retorno Retorno são emotes (ex: /joke /taunt), alguns feitiços de invocador (ex: Barreira Barreira),e alguns itens (ex: Presságio de Randuin Presságio de Randuin), e ser alvejado por habilidades aliadas (ex: Olho da Tempestade Olho da Tempestade de Janna Janna).

Enhanced Recall[]

Enhanced Recall

Dominion's Enhanced Recall

Quando Dominion foi lançado, Retorno Retorno foi refeito para se encaixar no modo de jogo que é mais acelerado, criando então o Retorno Acelerado quem tem 4,5 segundos de tempo de conjuração.

Caminhar Entre Fases[]

Na Segunda Temporada, o arvore de talentos de Utilidade continha the Utility mastery tree included the tier 1 mastery Predefinição:Mi3 to reduce the channel time of Recall by 1 second and Enhanced Recall by 0.5 seconds.

In Season Four, the Utility Mastery Tree includes the tier 1 mastery Predefinição:Mi4 to reduce the channel time of Recall by 1 second and Enhanced Recall by 0.5 seconds.

Baron Recall[]

If a champion has the Hand of Baron Hand of Baron, recall is improved:

  • Reduces channel time by 4 seconds.
  • A successful recall restores 50% of your champion's maximum health / mana and grants +50% movement speed for 8 seconds.

Development history[]


Recall artwork

The Recall function was originally tied to Blue Pill Blue Pill, which was a purchasable item that could be activated to return to base. The function was then made into an optional summoner spell, and eventually into a feature inherent in all champions.

Recall Animation[]

Since V1.0.0.140 patch, new champions and certain skins, like legendary skins (e.g. Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath), have received a special recall animation and a few have received special quotes. Additionally, when an older champion gets a visual upgrade, all of their skins are outfitted with a new recall animation.

Since the release of Vi Vi, with the exception of Quinn Quinn, the recall animations between the classic skin and the first released alternate skin of a Champion differ from one another. For example, classic Lucian Lucian folds his guns before him, while Hired Gun Lucian Hired Gun Lucian produces a chair to sit in with drinks in hand. 

Player Disconnection[]

When a player leaves the game his or her champion will automatically attempt to walk back to base. Soon after arriving at the base, the champion becomes invincible; this is to prevent enemies from using global abilities (like Requiem Requiem de Karthus Karthus and Whirling Death Whirling Death de Draven Draven) to instantly kill champions that have disconnected early in the game. Players who have disconnected prior to the game starting are also granted invincibility.


  • Recall is neither visible nor audible through the fog of war.
  • It is possible to be damaged while recalling, but still return to base. This happens if the damage is taken within 0.1s before the channel completes. 
    • If this happens while recalling with very low health, it is actually possible to arrive dead at the base.


  • The old Blue Pill Blue Pill is possibly a reference to the film The Matrix. In the film Neo is offered the chance to take a red or a blue pill, signifying his choice of whether to continue living in the world he knows or to wake up.
  • It was previously possible for champions with abilities that make them dash to an enemy champion to follow an enemy that has just finished recalling and teleported to base, making the champion fly all the way to the enemy base.
    • Projectiles will still do so.
  • If you recall while the Nexus is destroyed, the camera will attempt to center on your champion rather than the exploding Nexus.
  • When Ryze Ryze was first remade, an oversight allowed him to use Recall to trigger his Arcane Mastery Arcane Mastery passive, so he could refresh the cooldowns of all of his abilities by simply rapidly pressing the recall key.



League of Legends - The Recalls (All Recall Animations June 2014 Update)

Patch history[]


  • The window just before a recall finishes in which you can take damage and it won't interrupt the recall is now normalized at 0.1 seconds
  • If you had the item shop open while recalling and your recall is interrupted for any reason, your item shop will now forcibly close.


  • Damaging a shielded champion will now interrupt Recall, even if the shield is not broken.


  • Icon updated.


  • Added new recall particles.


  • Predefinição:Mi3 no longer causes the Recall Recall sound to keep playing after the player cancels the spell.
  • Recall Recall particles no longer appear on champions as they come out of Fog of War.


  • Champions will now attempt to run home immediately when disconnecting, rather than attempting to Recall Recall.


  • Disconnected players will now run home if the Recall Recall is interrupted.


  • Now has a buff icon and sound.


  • Fixed a bug where for some machines the Blue Pill Blue Pill image covers the first summoner spell slot.

June 19, 2009 Patch:

  • Blue Pill Blue Pill particle now correctly disappears upon being canceled or broken.

April 11, 2009 Patch:

  • Removed buff icon for Teleport Home.

Alpha Week 7:

  • Fixed an issue with Teleport Home and Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess.

Alpha Week 6:

  • Teleport Home skill now has a new particle that matches its duration.

Alpha Week 5:

  • Blue Pill Blue Pill cast time increased to 8 seconds from 4 seconds.
  • Teleport Home is now also bound to "b" and added as a button in the HUD.

Alpha Week 4:

  • Cast time on Teleport Home (Hotkey 7) increased to 8 seconds from 4 seconds.

