Wiki League of Legends


    -- 1                            - string        - nome do campeão (deve ser único)
        -- id                       - número        - ID do campeão dentro da API
        -- apiname                  - string        - nome do campeão dentro da api
        -- title                    - string        - título do campeão
        -- attack                   - número        - classificação arcaica do cliente de 0 a 10
        -- defense                  - número        - classificação arcaica do cliente de 0 a 10
        -- magic                    - número        - classificação arcaica do cliente de 0 a 10
        -- herotype                 - string        - função primária arcaica
        -- alttype                  - string        - função secundária arcaica
        -- recurso                  - string        - recurso do campeão
        -- estatísticas
            -- hp_base              - número
            -- hp_lvl               - número
            -- mp_base              - número
            -- mp_lvl               - número
            -- arm_base             - número
            -- arm_lvl              - número
            -- mr_base              - número
            -- mr_lvl               - número
            -- hp5_base             - número
            -- hp5_lvl              - número
            -- mp5_base             - número
            -- mp5_lvl              - número
            -- dam_base             - número
            -- dam_lvl              - number
            -- as_base              - número        - velocidade de ataque base do campeão como decimal
            -- as_ratio             - número        - taxa de velocidade de ataque do campeão como decimal
            -- as_lvl               - número        - crescimento bônus da velocidade de ataque do campeão como número inteiro
            -- missile_speed        - número        - velocidade do míssil para ataques básicos à distância (0 = Não-Projétil)
            -- attack_cast_time     - número        - usado apenas para calcular 'windup_percent'
            -- attack_total_time    - número        - usado apenas para calcular 'windup_percent'
            -- attack_delay_offset  - número        - usado apenas para calcular 'windup_percent'
            -- windup_percent       - N/A           - Não armazenado nos dados, mas é recuperável (o padrão é 0.3)
            -- windup_modifier      - número        - cmodificador do campeão para o crescimento de conclusão
            -- crit_base            - número        - dano base de acerto crítico do campeão (padrão para 175%)
            -- crit_mod             - número        - modificador de dano de acerto crítico total do campeão
            -- alcance              - número        - alcance do campeão
            -- ms                   - número        - velocidade de movimento do campeão
            -- gameplay_radius      - número        - hitbox do campeão para a maioria dos propósitos (o padrão é 65)
            -- acquisition_radius   - número        - alcance do auto-ataque do campeão (o padrão é 800)
            -- selection_radius     - número        - raio de seleção do mouse sobre o campeão (o padrão é 100)
            -- pathing_radius       - número        - raio de caminho do campeão (o padrão é 35)
            -- aram_dmg_dealt       - número        - modificador de dano causado no aram como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- aram_dmg_taken       - número        - modificador de dano sofrido no aram como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- aram_healing         - número        - modificador de cura no aram como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- aram_shielding       - número        - modificador de escudo no aram como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- nb_dmg_dealt         - número        - modificador de dano causado no bdn como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- nb_dmg_taken         - número        - modificador de dano sofrido no bdn como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- nb_healing           - número        - modificador de cura no bdn como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- nb_shielding         - número        - modificador de escudo no bdn como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- ofa_dmg_dealt        - número        - modificador de dano causado no tdp como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- ofa_dmg_taken        - número        - modificador de dano sofrido no tdp como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- ofa_healing          - número        - modificador de cura no tdp como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- ofa_shielding        - número        - modificador de escudo no tdp como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- urf_dmg_dealt        - número        - modificador de dano causado no urf como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- urf_dmg_taken        - número        - modificador de dano sofrido no urf como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- urf_healing          - número        - modificador de cura no urf como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
            -- urf_shielding        - número        - modificador de escudo no urf como decimal (o padrão é 1.0)
        -- tipodealcance            - string        - Corpo-a-corpo ou À distância
        -- date                     - string        - data de lançamento
        -- patch                    - string        - data de lançamento da atualização ID (e.g. V4.20)
        -- changes                  - string        - ID da atualização das últimas mudanças
        -- role                     - tabela de strings
        -- positions                - tabela de strings - informações de posição no cliente (valores atualizados a cada atualização; última atualização: V10.16)
        -- op-positions             - tabela de strings - informações de posição no (valores atualizados em tempo real; última atualização: 5 de agosto)
        -- damage                   - número        - classificação de dano do campeão de 1 a 3
        -- toughness                - número        - classificação de durabilidade do campeão de 1 a 3
        -- control                  - número        - classificação de controle do campeão de 1 a 3
        -- mobility                 - número        - classificação de mobilidade do campeão de 1 a 3
        -- uility                   - número        - classificação de utilidade do campeão de 1 a 3
        -- difficulty               - número        - classificação de dificuldade do campeão de 0 a 3
        -- style                    - número        - estilo de dano do campeão de 0 a 100 (0 = ataques básicos; 100 = habilidades)
        -- adaptivetype             - string        - tipo de força adaptativa do campeão
        -- ea                       - número        - custo de Essência Azul do campeão
        -- rp                       - número        - custo de RP do campeão
        -- skill_i                  - tabela de strings
        -- skill_q                  - tabela de strings
        -- skill_w                  - tabela de strings
        -- skill_e                  - tabela de strings
        -- skill_r                  - tabela de strings

-- <pre>
return {
  ["Aatrox"] = {
    ["id"]         = 266,
    ["apiname"]    = "Aatrox",
    ["title"]      = "a Espada Darkin",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Poço de Sangue",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 114,
      ["mp_base"]  = 0,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 38,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.45,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.651,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 475,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.651000022888183,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.51999998092651,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.15,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.7,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2013-06-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V3.8",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Postura do Arauto da Morte"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "A Espada Darkin"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Correntes Infernais"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Avanço Umbral"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Aniquilador de Mundos"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Postura do Arauto da Morte",
        [2] = "A Espada Darkin",
        [3] = "Correntes Infernais",
        [4] = "Avanço Umbral",
        [5] = "Aniquilador de Mundos"},
  ["Ahri"] = {
    ["id"]         = 103,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ahri",
    ["title"]      = "a Raposa de Nove Caudas",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 418,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 25,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 2.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 53,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.668,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.2,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1750,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-12-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.131",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Furto de Essência"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Orbe da Ilusão"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fogo de Raposa"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Encanto"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ímpeto Espiritual"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Furto de Essência",
        [2] = "Orbe da Ilusão",
        [3] = "Fogo de Raposa",
        [4] = "Encanto",
        [5] = "Ímpeto Espiritual"},
  ["Akali"] = {
    ["id"]         = 84,
    ["apiname"]    = "Akali",
    ["title"]      = "a Assassina Renegada",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Energia",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 570,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 119,
      ["mp_base"]  = 200,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 23,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 37,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 50,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.2,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.160999998450279,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["energy_regen"] = 1.2,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["fullname"]   = "Akali Jhomen Tethi",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-05-11",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.85",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Marca do Assassino"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe dos Cinco Pontos"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Proteção do Crepúsculo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Investida Shuriken"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Execução Perfeita"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Marca do Assassino",
        [2] = "Golpe dos Cinco Pontos",
        [3] = "Proteção do Crepúsculo",
        [4] = "Investida Shuriken",
        [5] = "Execução Perfeita"},
  ["Akshan"] = {
    ["id"]         = 166,
    ["apiname"]    = "Akshan",
    ["title"]      = "o Sentinela Rebelde",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 107,
      ["mp_base"]  = 350,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 26,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.75,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.2,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 52,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 4,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 750,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.4,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1667,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2021-07-22",
    ["patch"]       = "V11.15",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.20",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador", "Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 1,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Lutando Sujo"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Bumerangue Vingativo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Rebeldia"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Impulso Heroico"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Punição"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Lutando Sujo",
        [2] = "Bumerangue Vingativo",
        [3] = "Rebeldia",
        [4] = "Impulso Heroico",
        [5] = "Punição"},
  ["Alistar"] = {
    ["id"]         = 12,
    ["apiname"]    = "Alistar",
    ["title"]      = "o Minotauro",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 685,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 120,
      ["mp_base"]  = 350,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 47,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.75,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.125,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 145,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Urro Triunfante"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Pulverizar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Cabeçada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Atropelar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Vontade Indestrutível"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Urro Triunfante",
        [2] = "Pulverizar",
        [3] = "Cabeçada",
        [4] = "Atropelar",
        [5] = "Vontade Indestrutível"},
  ["Amumu"] = {
    ["id"]         = 32,
    ["apiname"]    = "Amumu",
    ["title"]      = "a Múmia Triste",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 685,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 94,
      ["mp_base"]  = 285,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 30,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.4,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["dam_base"] = 53,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.8,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.736,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.18,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0661564618349075,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-06-26",
    ["patch"]       = "Atualização de 26 de junho de 2009",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.11",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Toque Amaldiçoado"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lançar Bandagens"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Desespero"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Chilique"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "A Maldição da Múmia Triste"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Toque Amaldiçoado",
        [2] = "Lançar Bandagens",
        [3] = "Desespero",
        [4] = "Chilique",
        [5] = "A Maldição da Múmia Triste"},
  ["Anivia"] = {
    ["id"]         = 34,
    ["apiname"]    = "Anivia",
    ["title"]      = "a Criofênix",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 550,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 92,
      ["mp_base"]  = 495,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.9,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 51,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.68,
      ["alcance"]  = 600,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.15,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1600
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-07-10",
    ["patch"]       = "Atualização de 10 de julho de 2009",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.22",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Renascimento"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lampejo Gelado"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Cristalizar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Congelamento"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade Glacial"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Renascimento",
        [2] = "Lampejo Gelado",
        [3] = "Cristalizar",
        [4] = "Congelamento",
        [5] = "Tempestade Glacial"},
  ["Annie"] = {
    ["id"]         = 1,
    ["apiname"]    = "Annie",
    ["title"]      = "a Criança Sombria",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 560,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 102,
      ["mp_base"]  = 418,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 25,
      ["arm_base"] = 19,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 50,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.65,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.61,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.36,
      ["alcance"]  = 625,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 625,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.10420524328947,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["shielding"] = 0.9,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["fullname"]   = "Annie Hastur",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Piromania"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Desintegrar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Incinerar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Escudo Fundido"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Invocar: Tibbers", [2] = "Comandar: Tibbers"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Piromania",
        [2] = "Desintegrar",
        [3] = "Incinerar",
        [4] = "Escudo Fundido",
        [5] = "Invocar: Tibbers"},
  ["Aphelios"] = {
    ["id"]         = 523,
    ["apiname"]    = "Aphelios",
    ["title"]      = "a Arma dos Devotos",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 580,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 102,
      ["mp_base"]  = 348,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 42,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.25,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.64,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.1,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["selection_radius"] = 110,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.6399999856948853,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.5,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.23000000417232513,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.08,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2019-12-11",
    ["patch"]       = "V9.24",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.1",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {
        [1] = "O Assassino e a Profetisa",
        [2] = "Calibrum",
        [3] = "Severum",
        [4] = "Gravitum",
        [5] = "Infernum",
        [6] = "Crescendum"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {
        [1] = "Armas dos Devotos",
        [2] = "Disparo Lunar",
        [3] = "Chacina",
        [4] = "Eclipse Restritivo",
        [5] = "Onda Sombria",
        [6] = "Atalaia"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fase"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Sistema de Ordenação de Armas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Vigília do Plenilúnio"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "O Assassino e a Profetisa",
        [2] = "Calibrum",
        [3] = "Severum",
        [4] = "Gravitum",
        [5] = "Infernum",
        [6] = "Crescendum",
        [7] = "Armas dos Devotos",
        [8] = "Disparo Lunar",
        [9] = "Chacina",
        [10] = "Eclipse Restritivo",
        [11] = "Onda Sombria",
        [12] = "Atalaia",
        [13] = "Fase",
        [14] = "Sistema de Ordenação de Armas",
        [15] = "Vigília do Plenilúnio"},
  ["Ashe"] = {
    ["id"]         = 22,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ashe",
    ["title"]      = "a Arqueira do Gelo",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.95,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.33,
      ["alcance"]  = 600,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["crit_base"] = 100,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.658,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0807017534971237,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["attack_speed"] = 1.025,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2500
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Tiro Congelado", [2] = "Tiro Congelado 2"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Concentração", [2] = "Concentração 2"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Rajada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Olhar do Falcão"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Flecha de Cristal Encantada"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Tiro Congelado",
        [2] = "Concentração",
        [3] = "Rajada",
        [4] = "Olhar do Falcão",
        [5] = "Flecha de Cristal Encantada"},
  ["Aurelion Sol"] = {
    ["id"]         = 136,
    ["apiname"]    = "AurelionSol",
    ["engname"]    = "Aurelion Sol",
    ["title"]      = "O Forjador de Estrelas",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 620,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 90,
      ["mp_base"]  = 530,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 165,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.02,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["movement_speed"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2016-03-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V6.6",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Criador Cósmico"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Sopro de Luz"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Voo Astral"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Singularidade"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Estrela Cadente", [2] = "Os Céus Caem"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Criador Cósmico",
        [2] = "Sopro de Luz",
        [3] = "Voo Astral",
        [4] = "Singularidade",
        [5] = "Estrela Cadente",
        [6] = "Os Céus Caem"},
  ["Azir"] = {
    ["id"]         = 268,
    ["apiname"]    = "Azir",
    ["title"]      = "o Imperador das Areias",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 550,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 119,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 22,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 52,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 6,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 700,
      ["selection_radius"] = 88.8889007568359,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.694,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.25,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.150000005960464,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["attack_speed"] = 1.025,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.08,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["movement_speed"] = 1.05,
      ["missile_speed"] = 0
    ["fullname"]    = "Omah Azir",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2014-09-16",
    ["patch"]       = "V4.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Legado de Shurima"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Areias da Conquista"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Surja!"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Areias Oscilantes"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Decreto do Imperador"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Legado de Shurima",
        [2] = "Areias da Conquista",
        [3] = "Surja!",
        [4] = "Areias Oscilantes",
        [5] = "Decreto do Imperador"},
  ["Bardo"] = {
    ["id"]         = 432,
    ["apiname"]    = "Bard",
    ["title"]      = "o Protetor Andarilho",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 52,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 88.8889007568359,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
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      ["as_ratio"] = 0.658,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.15,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.15,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.15,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.08,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
        ["movement_speed"] = 1.2,
    ["fullname"]   = "Bard",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2015-03-12",
    ["patch"]       = "V5.5",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Chamado do Viajante", [2] = "Chamado do Viajante 2"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Prisão Cósmica"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Santuário do Protetor"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Jornada Mágica"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Têmpera do Destino"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Chamado do Viajante",
        [2] = "Prisão Cósmica",
        [3] = "Santuário do Protetor",
        [4] = "Jornada Mágica",
        [5] = "Têmpera do Destino"},
  ["Bel'Veth"] = {
    ["id"]         = 200,
    ["apiname"]    = "Belveth",
    ["engname"]    = "Bel'Veth",
    ["title"]      = "a Imperatriz do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "",
    ["recurso"]    = "Nenhum",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 32,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 65,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.85,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0525,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2022-06-09",
    ["patch"]       = "V12.11",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 0,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Morte em Lavanda"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Impulso do Vazio"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Acima e Abaixo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Turbilhão da Realeza"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Banquete Eterno"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Morte em Lavanda",
        [2] = "Impulso do Vazio",
        [3] = "Acima e Abaixo",
        [4] = "Turbilhão da Realeza",
        [5] = "Banquete Eterno"},
  ["Blitzcrank"] = {
    ["id"]         = 53,
    ["apiname"]    = "Blitzcrank",
    ["title"]      = "o Grande Golem a Vapor",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.13,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
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      ["selection_radius"] = 165,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0299999993294477,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.06,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-09-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.22.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Barreira de Mana"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Puxão Biônico"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Turbo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Punho do Poder"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Campo Estático"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Barreira de Mana",
        [2] = "Puxão Biônico",
        [3] = "Turbo",
        [4] = "Punho do Poder",
        [5] = "Campo Estático"},
  ["Brand"] = {
    ["id"]         = 63,
    ["apiname"]    = "Brand",
    ["title"]      = "a Vingança Flamejante",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 570,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 105,
      ["mp_base"]  = 469,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 21,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 10.65,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 57,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.681,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 88.8889007568359,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.112499997019767,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["ability_haste"] = -10,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.08,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.03,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95
    ["fullname"]   = "Kegan Rodhe",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-04-12",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.115",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Labareda"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Cauterizar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Pilar de Chamas"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Conflagração"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Piroclasma"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Labareda",
        [2] = "Cauterizar",
        [3] = "Pilar de Chamas",
        [4] = "Conflagração",
        [5] = "Piroclasma"},
  ["Braum"] = {
    ["id"]         = 201,
    ["apiname"]    = "Braum",
    ["title"]      = "o Coração de Freljord",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 112,
      ["mp_base"]  = 311,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 47,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.644,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.643999993801116,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0700000002980232,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.82,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2014-05-12",
    ["patch"]       = "V4.7",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.24",
    ["role"]        = {"Protetor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Golpes Concussivos"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Mordida do Inverno"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Eu Te Protejo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Inquebrável"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Fissura Glacial"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Golpes Concussivos",
        [2] = "Mordida do Inverno",
        [3] = "Eu Te Protejo",
        [4] = "Inquebrável",
        [5] = "Fissura Glacial"},
  ["Briar"] = {
    ["id"]         = 233,
    ["apiname"]    = "Briar",
    ["title"]      = "a Fome Contida",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Vida",
    ["stats"] = {
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
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      ["ms"]       = 340,
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      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
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      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.3,
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      ["aram"] = {
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        ["healing"] = 1.15,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2023-09-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V13.18",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 6300,
    ["rp"]          = 975,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Maldição Carmesim"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Vertigem"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Frenesi Sanguinário", [2] = "Ataque Faminto"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Grito Arrepiante"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Morte Certa"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Maldição Carmesim",
        [2] = "Vertigem",
        [3] = "Frenesi Sanguinário",
        [4] = "Ataque Faminto",
        [5] = "Grito Arrepiante",
        [6] = "Morte Certa"},
  ["Caitlyn"] = {
    ["id"]         = 51,
    ["apiname"]    = "Caitlyn",
    ["title"]      = "a Xerife de Piltover",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 580,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
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      ["missile_speed"] = 2500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
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    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-01-04",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.108",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Bem na Mira"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Pacificador de Piltover"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Armadilha Mecânica Yordle"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Rede Calibre 90"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Às na Manga"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Bem na Mira",
        [2] = "Pacificador de Piltover",
        [3] = "Armadilha Mecânica Yordle",
        [4] = "Rede Calibre 90",
        [5] = "Às na Manga"},
  ["Camille"] = {
    ["id"]         = 164,
    ["apiname"]    = "Camille",
    ["title"]      = "a Sombra de Aço",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
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    ["stats"] = {
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
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      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
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      ["as_ratio"] = 0.643999993801116,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.55200004577636,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
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        ["healing"] = 1.2,
        ["shielding"] = 1.1,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["fullname"]   = "Camille Ferros",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2016-12-07",
    ["patch"]       = "V6.24",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 40,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Defesa Adaptativa"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Protocolo de Precisão", [2] = "Protocolo de Precisão 2", [3] = "Protocolo de Precisão 3"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Varredura Tática"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Disparo de Gancho", [2] = "Mergulho"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ultimato Hextec"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Defesa Adaptativa",
        [2] = "Protocolo de Precisão",
        [3] = "Varredura Tática",
        [4] = "Disparo de Gancho",
        [5] = "Mergulho",
        [6] = "Ultimato Hextec"},
  ["Cassiopeia"] = {
    ["id"]         = 69,
    ["apiname"]    = "Cassiopeia",
    ["title"]      = "o Abraço da Serpente",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
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      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 53,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 328,
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      ["as_ratio"] = 0.647000014781951,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.108000002801418,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["fullname"]   = "Cassiopeia Du Couteau",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-12-14",
    ["patch"]       = "v1.0.0.107",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.22",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Graça Serpentina"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Explosão Venenosa"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Miasma"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Presas Duplas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Olhar Petrificador"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Graça Serpentina",
        [2] = "Explosão Venenosa",
        [3] = "Miasma",
        [4] = "Presas Duplas",
        [5] = "Olhar Petrificador"},
  ["Cho'Gath"] = {
    ["id"]         = 31,
    ["apiname"]    = "Chogath",
    ["engname"]    = "Cho'Gath",
    ["title"]      = "o Terror do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 644,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 94,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.2,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 69,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.44,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 500,
      ["selection_radius"] = 130,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0810000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-06-26",
    ["patch"]       = "June 26, 2009 Patch",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Carnívoro"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ruptura"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Grito Selvagem"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Espinhos Vorpais"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Banquete"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Carnívoro",
        [2] = "Ruptura",
        [3] = "Grito Selvagem",
        [4] = "Espinhos Vorpais",
        [5] = "Banquete"},
  ["Corki"] = {
    ["id"]         = 42,
    ["apiname"]    = "Corki",
    ["title"]      = "o Bombardeiro Ousado",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 54,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.4,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
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      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.200000002980232,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-09-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.25.21",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Munição Hextec", [2] = "O Pacote"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Bomba de Fósforo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Valquíria", [2] = "Entrega Especial"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Metralhadora"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Barragem de Mísseis", [2] = "Grandão"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Munição Hextec",
        [2] = "Bomba de Fósforo",
        [3] = "Valquíria",
        [4] = "Entrega Especial",
        [5] = "Metralhadora",
        [6] = "Barragem de Mísseis"},
  ["Darius"] = {
    ["id"]         = 122,
    ["apiname"]    = "Darius",
    ["title"]      = "a Mão de Noxus",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 652,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 10,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.95,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.35,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 1,
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      ["pathing_radius"] = 25.7665996551513,
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      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.5,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-05-23",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.140",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Hemorragia"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Dizimar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ataque Mutilador"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Apreender"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Guilhotina de Noxus"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Hemorragia",
        [2] = "Dizimar",
        [3] = "Ataque Mutilador",
        [4] = "Apreender",
        [5] = "Guilhotina de Noxus"},
  ["Diana"] = {
    ["id"]         = 131,
    ["apiname"]    = "Diana",
    ["title"]      = "o Escárnio da Lua",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.3,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 57,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 75,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.694,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0916666686534881,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-08-07",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.144",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino", "Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva","Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Espada de Prata Lunar"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe Crescente"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Cascata Lívida"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Zênite Lunar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Colapso Minguante"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Espada de Prata Lunar",
        [2] = "Golpe Crescente",
        [3] = "Cascata Lívida",
        [4] = "Zênite Lunar",
        [5] = "Colapso Minguante"},
  ["Dr. Mundo"] = {
    ["id"]         = 36,
    ["apiname"]    = "DrMundo",
    ["engname"]    = "Dr. Mundo",
    ["title"]      = "o Louco de Zaun",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Vida",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 613,
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      ["mp_base"]  = 0,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 32,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 3.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 29,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.67,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.139687493443489,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 0.9
    ["fullname"]   = "'Doutor' Mundo",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-09-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.22.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.22",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Vai Para Onde Quer"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Serra Infectada"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Choquinho Cardíaco"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Traumatismo"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Dosagem Máxima"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Vai Para Onde Quer",
        [2] = "Serra Infectada",
        [3] = "Choquinho Cardíaco",
        [4] = "Traumatismo",
        [5] = "Dosagem Máxima"},
  ["Draven"] = {
    ["id"]         = 119,
    ["apiname"]    = "Draven",
    ["title"]      = "o Carrasco de Noxus",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 675,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 361,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 39,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.75,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.05,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.6,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.679,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.7,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 111.111099243164,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.67900002002716,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.230000004172325,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.47300004959106,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.118840597569942,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1600,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-06-06",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.140b",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.24",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "League of Draven"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Revolução do Machado"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Adrenalina"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Sai da Frente"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Reta da Morte", [2] = "Reta da Morte 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "League of Draven",
        [2] = "Revolução do Machado",
        [3] = "Adrenalina",
        [4] = "Sai da Frente",
        [5] = "Reta da Morte"},
  ["Ekko"] = {
    ["id"]         = 245,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ekko",
    ["title"]      = "o Rapaz que Estilhaçou o Tempo",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 655,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 280,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 70,
      ["arm_base"] = 32,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
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      ["as_base"]  = 0.688,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.259999990463256,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2015-05-29",
    ["patch"]       = "V5.10",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.16",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva","Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ressonância Revo-Z"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Giratempo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Convergência Paralela"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Mergulho Fásico"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Cronoquebra"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ressonância Revo-Z",
        [2] = "Giratempo",
        [3] = "Convergência Paralela",
        [4] = "Mergulho Fásico",
        [5] = "Cronoquebra"},
  ["Elise"] = {
    ["id"]         = 60,
    ["apiname"]    = "Elise",
    ["title"]      = "a Aranha Rainha",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
      ["mp_base"]  = 324,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 30,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.75,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.112499997019767,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1600,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["fullname"]   = "Elise Kythera Zaavan",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-10-26",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.150",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.24",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Aranha Rainha"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Neurotoxina", [2] = "Mordida Venenosa"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Cria Volátil", [2] = "Frenesi Aracnídeo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Casulo", [2] = "Rapel"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Forma de Aranha", [2] = "Forma Humana"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Aranha Rainha",
        [2] = "Neurotoxina",
        [3] = "Mordida Venenosa",
        [4] = "Cria Volátil",
        [5] = "Frenesi Aracnídeo",
        [6] = "Casulo",
        [7] = "Rapel",
        [8] = "Forma de Aranha / Forma Humana"},
  ["Evelynn"] = {
    ["id"]         = 28,
    ["apiname"]    = "Evelynn",
    ["title"]      = "o Abraço da Agonia",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 642,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 98,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 42,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.11,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.667,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.1,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.666999995708465,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.230000004172325,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.5,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.07,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.93,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-05-01",
    ["patch"]       = "Atualização de 1 de maio de 2009",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Sombra Demoníaca"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Espinho de Ódio"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fascinação"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Chicotada", [2] = "Chicotada (Fortalecida)"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Última Carícia"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Sombra Demoníaca",
        [2] = "Espinho de Ódio",
        [3] = "Fascinação",
        [4] = "Chicotada",
        [5] = "Chicotada (Fortalecida)",
        [6] = "Última Carícia"},
  ["Ezreal"] = {
    ["id"]         = 81,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ezreal",
    ["title"]      = "o Explorador Prodígo",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 102,
      ["mp_base"]  = 375,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 70,
      ["arm_base"] = 24,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 4,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 115,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.111613474786281,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-03-16",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.79",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Feitiço do Poder Crescente"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Disparo Místico"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fluxo Essencial"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Translocação Arcana"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Barragem Incendiária"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Feitiço do Poder Crescente",
        [2] = "Disparo Místico",
        [3] = "Fluxo Essencial",
        [4] = "Translocação Arcana",
        [5] = "Barragem Incendiária"},
  ["Fiddlesticks"] = {
    ["id"]         = 9,
    ["apiname"]    = "Fiddlesticks",
    ["title"]      = "o Terror Ancestral",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 106,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 28,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.65,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.11,
      ["alcance"]  = 480,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 520,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = 0,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1750,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.93,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Um Espantalho Inofensivo"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Aterrorizar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Colheita Farta"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Ceifar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade de Corvos"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Um Espantalho Inofensivo",
        [2] = "Aterrorizar",
        [3] = "Colheita Farta",
        [4] = "Ceifar",
        [5] = "Tempestade de Corvos"},
  ["Fiora"] = {
    ["id"]         = 114,
    ["apiname"]    = "Fiora",
    ["title"]      = "a Grande Duelista",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 620,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.69,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.2,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.689999997615814,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.200000002980232,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.45000004768371,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["healing"] = 0.65,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["fullname"]   = "Fiora Laurent",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-02-29",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.135",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Dança da Duelista", [2] = "Dança da Duelista 2"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Estocada"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ripostar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Esgrima"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Desafio Grandioso", [2] = "Desafio Grandioso 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Dança da Duelista",
        [2] = "Estocada",
        [3] = "Ripostar",
        [4] = "Esgrima",
        [5] = "Desafio Grandioso"},
  ["Fizz"] = {
    ["id"]         = 105,
    ["apiname"]    = "Fizz",
    ["title"]      = "o Trapaceiro das Marés",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 106,
      ["mp_base"]  = 317,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 52,
      ["arm_base"] = 22,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.1,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 108.333297729492,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0970000028610229,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-11-15",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.129",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Lutador Ligeiro"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ataque do Ouriço"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Tridente da Pedra do Mar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Brincalhão", [2] = "Trapaceiro"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Lançar Isca"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Lutador Ligeiro",
        [2] = "Ataque do Ouriço",
        [3] = "Tridente da Pedra do Mar",
        [4] = "Brincalhão",
        [5] = "Trickster",
        [6] = "Lançar Isca"},
  ["Galio"] = {
    ["id"]         = 3,
    ["apiname"]    = "Galio",
    ["title"]      = "o Colosso",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 632,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 126,
      ["mp_base"]  = 500,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 24,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 9.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.330000013113021,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-08-10",
    ["patch"]       = "v1.0.0.98",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Protetor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Esmagada Colossal"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ventos de Guerra"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Escudo de Durand", [2] = "Escudo de Durand 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Soco Justiceiro"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Entrada Heroica"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Esmagada Colossal",
        [2] = "Ventos de Guerra",
        [3] = "Escudo de Durand",
        [4] = "Soco Justiceiro",
        [5] = "Entrada Heroica"},
  ["Gangplank"] = {
    ["id"]         = 41,
    ["apiname"]    = "Gangplank",
    ["title"]      = "o Terror dos Doze Mares",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.2,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 85,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.69,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.25,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.51999998092651,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["nickname"]   = "GP",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-08-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.22.15",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Julgamento de Fogo", [2] = "Julgamento de Fogo 2"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Negociarrr"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Remover Escorbuto"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Barril de Pólvora"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Barragem de Canhão"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Julgamento de Fogo",
        [2] = "Negociarrr",
        [3] = "Remover Escorbuto",
        [4] = "Barril de Pólvora",
        [5] = "Barragem de Canhão"},
  ["Garen"] = {
    ["id"]         = 86,
    ["apiname"]    = "Garen",
    ["title"]      = "o Poder de Demacia",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Nenhum",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 690,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.55,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 69,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.65,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
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      ["selection_radius"] = 75,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.5,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.11999999731779,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["fullname"]   = "Garen Stemmaguarda",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-04-27",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.83",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Perseverança"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Acerto Decisivo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Coragem"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Julgamento", [2] = "Julgamento 2"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Justiça Demaciana"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Perseverança",
        [2] = "Acerto Decisivo",
        [3] = "Coragem",
        [4] = "Julgamento",
        [5] = "Justiça Demaciana"},
  ["Gnar"] = {
    ["id"]         = 150,
    ["apiname"]    = "Gnar",
    ["title"]      = "o Yordle Pré-Histórico",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Fúria",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 540,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 3.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 4.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 1.25,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 57,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 6,
      ["alcance"]  = 400,
      ["alcance_lvl"]= 5.882,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.153999999165534,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["attack_speed"] = 1.025,
      	["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.90,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.10,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2014-08-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V4.14",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.17",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fúria Genética"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Bumerangue", [2] = "Pedregulho"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Hiperativo", [2] = "Safanão"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Pirueta", [2] = "Encontrão", [3] = "Pirueta e Encontrão"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "GNAR!"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fúria Genética",
        [2] = "Bumerangue",
        [3] = "Pedregulho",
        [4] = "Hiperativo",
        [5] = "Safanão",
        [6] = "Pirueta",
        [7] = "Encontrão",
        [8] = "GNAR!"},
  ["Mega Gnar"] = {
    ["id"]         = 150.2,
    ["apiname"]    = "GnarBig",
    ["engname"]    = "Mega Gnar",
    ["title"]      = "o Yordle Pré-Histórico",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Fúria",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 122,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 6.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 33.5,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 4.8,
      ["hp5_base"] = 4.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 1.25,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 65,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 5.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 0.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.153999999165534,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2014-08-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V4.14",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.17",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fúria Genética"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Pedregulho"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Safanão"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Encontrão"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "GNAR!"}
  ["Gragas"] = {
    ["id"]         = 79,
    ["apiname"]    = "Gragas",
    ["title"]      = "o Badernista",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 115,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 47,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.675,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 155,
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      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.050000000745058,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-02-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.72",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Happy Hour"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Jogar o Barril", [2] = "Jogar o Barril 2"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fúria da Bebedeira", [2] = "Fúria da Bebedeira 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Barrigada"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Barril Explosivo"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Happy Hour",
        [2] = "Jogar o Barril",
        [3] = "Fúria da Bebedeira",
        [4] = "Barrigada",
        [5] = "Barril Explosivo"},
  ["Graves"] = {
    ["id"]         = 104,
    ["apiname"]    = "Graves",
    ["title"]      = "o Foragido",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 625,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.6,
      ["alcance"]  = 425,
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      ["selection_radius"] = 110,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 10,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.490000009536743,
      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.100000001490116,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.294999986886978,
      ["missile_speed"] = 3800,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95
    ["fullname"]    = "Malcolm Graves",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-10-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.127",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Nova Destino"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Fim da Linha"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Cortina de Fumaça"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Saque Rápido"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Efeito Colateral"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Nova Destino",
        [2] = "Fim da Linha",
        [3] = "Cortina de Fumaça",
        [4] = "Saque Rápido",
        [5] = "Efeito Colateral"},
  ["Gwen"] = {
    ["id"]         = 887,
    ["apiname"]    = "Gwen",
    ["title"]      = "A Costureira Encantada",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 620,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 115,
      ["mp_base"]  = 330,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 39,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 63,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.690,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.690,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.25,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000012,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.52499998,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2021-04-15",
    ["patch"]       = "V11.8",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 50,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Mil Retalhos"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Corte e Recorte"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Névoa Sagrada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Avanço Afiado"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ponto-Cruz"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Mil Retalhos",
        [2] = "Corte e Recorte",
        [3] = "Névoa Sagrada",
        [4] = "Avanço Afiado",
        [5] = "Ponto-Cruz"},
  ["Hecarim"] = {
    ["id"]         = 120,
    ["apiname"]    = "Hecarim",
    ["title"]      = "a Sombra da Guerra",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 625,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 280,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 32,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.45,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.670,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.6700000166893,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.050000000745058,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-04-18",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.138",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.1",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Caminho da Guerra"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Enfurecido"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Espírito do Pavor"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Ataque Devastador"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Massacre das Sombras"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Caminho da Guerra",
        [2] = "Enfurecido",
        [3] = "Espírito do Pavor",
        [4] = "Ataque Devastador",
        [5] = "Massacre das Sombras"},
  ["Heimerdinger"] = {
    ["id"]         = 74,
    ["apiname"]    = "Heimerdinger",
    ["title"]      = "o Inventor Idolatrado",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 558,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 101,
      ["mp_base"]  = 385,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 20,
      ["arm_base"] = 19,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 56,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.36,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30.5443992614746,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.97,
    ["fullname"]    = "Cecil B. Heimerdinger",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-10-10",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.25.34",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Afinidade Hextec"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Torre Evolutiva H-28G", [2] = "Torre Apex H-28Q"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Micro-Mísseis Hextec", [2] = "Enxame de Mísseis Hextec"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Granada de Tempestade de Elétrons CH-2", [2] = "Granada de Relâmpagos CH-3X"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "MELHORIA!!!"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Afinidade Hextec",
        [2] = "Torre Evolutiva H-28G",
        [3] = "Torre Apex H-28Q",
        [4] = "Micro-Mísseis Hextec",
        [5] = "Enxame de Mísseis Hextec",
        [6] = "Granada de Tempestade de Elétrons CH-2",
        [7] = "Granada de Relâmpagos CH-3X",
        [8] = "MELHORIA!!!"},
  ["Hwei"] = {
    ["id"]         = 910,
    ["apiname"]    = "Hwei",
    ["title"]      = "o Visionário",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 580,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
      ["mp_base"]  = 480,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 30,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["dam_base"] = 54,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.69,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 65,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.658,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.28,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.495,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2023-12-05",
    ["patch"]       = "V13.24",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Artilharia"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 6300,
    ["rp"]          = 975,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Assinatura do Visionário"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Tema: Desastre", [2] = "Fogo Devastador", [3] = "Raio Cortante", [4] = "Fissura Derretida"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Tema: Serenidade", [2] = "Corrente Fugaz", [3] = "Lagoa da Reflexão", [4] = "Luzes Vivas"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Tema: Tormento", [2] = "Semblante Sinistro", [3] = "Olhar do Abismo", [4] = "Gorja Esmagadora"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Desespero Vertiginoso", [2] = "Lavar Pincel"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Assinatura do Visionário",
        [2] = "Tema: Desastre",
        [3] = "Fogo Devastador",
        [4] = "Raio Cortante",
        [5] = "Fissura Derretida",
        [6] = "Tema: Serenidade",
        [7] = "Corrente Fugaz",
        [8] = "Lagoa da Reflexão",
        [9] = "Luzes Vivas",
        [10] = "Tema: Tormento",
        [11] = "Semblante Sinistro",
        [12] = "Olhar do Abismo",
        [13] = "Gorja Esmagadora",
        [14] = "Desespero Vertiginoso",
    	[15] = "Lavar Pincel",
  ["Illaoi"] = {
    ["id"]         = 420,
    ["apiname"]    = "Illaoi",
    ["title"]      = "a Sacerdotisa Cráquem",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 656,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 115,
      ["mp_base"]  = 350,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.375,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.75,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.92,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2015-11-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V5.23",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Profetisa de um Deus Ancião"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe de Tentáculo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Lição Dura"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Teste de Espírito", [2] = "Recipiente"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Salto de Fé"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Profetisa de um Deus Ancião",
        [2] = "Golpe de Tentáculo",
        [3] = "Lição Dura",
        [4] = "Teste de Espírito",
        [5] = "Salto de Fé"},
  ["Irelia"] = {
    ["id"]         = 39,
    ["apiname"]    = "Irelia",
    ["title"]      = "a Dançarina das Lâminas",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 124,
      ["mp_base"]  = 350,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 36,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 65,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.656,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 200,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.656000018119812,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.52499997615814,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.97,
    ["fullname"]   = "Xan Irelia",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-11-16",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.105",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fervor Ioniano"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Surto da Lâmina"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Dança Desafiadora"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Dueto Impecável"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina da Vanguarda"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fervor Ioniano",
        [2] = "Surto da Lâmina",
        [3] = "Dança Desafiadora",
        [4] = "Dueto Impecável",
        [5] = "Lâmina da Vanguarda"},
  ["Ivern"] = {
    ["id"]         = 427,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ivern",
    ["title"]      = "o Pai do Verde",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 450,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
      ["arm_base"] = 27,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["dam_base"] = 50,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.644,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.4,
      ["alcance"]  = 475,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 40,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 70,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.643999993801116,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["shielding"] = 0.8,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.93,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["fullname"]   = "Ivern Bramblefoot",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2016-10-05",
    ["patch"]       = "V6.20",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Amigo da Floresta"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Encantador de Raízes"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Formação de Arbustos"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Semente Engatilhada"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Margarida!", [2] = "Margarida, espere!"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Amigo da Floresta",
        [2] = "Encantador de Raízes",
        [3] = "Formação de Arbustos",
        [4] = "Semente Engatilhada",
        [5] = "Margarida!"},
  ["Janna"] = {
    ["id"]         = 40,
    ["apiname"]    = "Janna",
    ["title"]      = "a Fúria da Tormenta",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 570,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 90,
      ["mp_base"]  = 360,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 28,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 47,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1800,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 0.90,
        ["shielding"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.03,
    ["fullname"]   = "Janna Windforce",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-09-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.22.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.1",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Brisa de Impulso"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ventania Uivante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Zéfiro"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Olho da Tempestade"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Monção"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Tailwind",
        [2] = "Howling Gale",
        [3] = "Zéfiro",
        [4] = "Olho da Tempestade",
        [5] = "Monção"},
  ["Jarvan IV"] = {
    ["id"]         = 59,
    ["apiname"]    = "JarvanIV",
    ["engname"] = "Jarvan IV",
    ["title"]      = "o Exemplo de Demacia",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 300,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 55,
      ["arm_base"] = 36,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.124559998512268,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95
    ["fullname"]   = "Jarvan Lumescudo IV",
    ["nickname"]   = "J4",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-03-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.112",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Cadência Marcial"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ataque do Dragão"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Égide de Ouro"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Estandarte Demaciano"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Cataclisma"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Cadência Marcial",
        [2] = "Ataque do Dragão",
        [3] = "Égide de Ouro",
        [4] = "Estandarte Demaciano",
        [5] = "Cataclisma"},
  ["Jax"] = {
    ["id"]         = 24,
    ["apiname"]    = "Jax",
    ["title"]      = "o Grão-Mestre das Armas",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 665,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 100,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 52,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4.25,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.4,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0918904393911361,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.15,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["fullname"]   = "Saijax Cail-Rynx Kohari Icath’un",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Investida Implacável"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Salto Atacante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Energizar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Contra-Ataque"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Grão-Mestre de Armas"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Investida Implacável",
        [2] = "Salto Atacante",
        [3] = "Energizar",
        [4] = "Contra-Ataque",
        [5] = "Grão-Mestre de Armas"},
  ["Jayce"] = {
    ["id"]         = 126,
    ["apiname"]    = "Jayce",
    ["title"]      = "o Defensor do Amanhã",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
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      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 200,
      ["selection_radius"] = 75,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.00499999988824129,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.20499999821186,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.92,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["fullname"]   = "Jayce Giopara",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-07-07",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.142",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Artilharia"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Capacitor Hextec"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Aos Céus!", [2] = "Disparo Chocante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Campo Elétrico", [2] = "Hipercarga"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Golpe Trovejante", [2] = "Portão Acelerador"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Canhão de Mércurio", [2] = "Martelo de Mércurio"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Capacitor Hextec",
        [2] = "Aos Céus!",
        [3] = "Disparo Chocante",
        [4] = "Campo Elétrico",
        [5] = "Hipercarga",
        [6] = "Golpe Trovejante",
        [7] = "Portão Acelerador",
        [8] = "Canhão de Mércurio",
        [9] = "Martelo de Mércurio"},
  ["Jhin"] = {
    ["id"]         = 202,
    ["apiname"]    = "Jhin",
    ["title"]      = "o Virtuoso",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 655,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
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      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["crit_mod"] = 0.86,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0,
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      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2600,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["fullname"]   = "Khada Jhin",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2016-02-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V6.2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador", "Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4444,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Sussurro"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Granada Dançante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Florescer Mortal", [2] = "Fora de Posição"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Audiência Cativa"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Aclamação", [2] = "Aclamação 2", [3] = "Aclamação 3"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ataque Básico",
        [2] = "Sussurro",
        [3] = "Granada Dançante",
        [4] = "Florescer Mortal",
        [5] = "Audiência Cativa",
        [6] = "Aclamação"},
  ["Jinx"] = {
    ["id"]         = 222,
    ["apiname"]    = "Jinx",
    ["title"]      = "o Gatilho Desenfreado",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 1,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.270000010728836,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2013-10-10",
    ["patch"]       = "V3.12",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.21",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Anime-se!"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Trocando!", [2] = "Pow-Pow", [3] = "Euforia"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Zap!"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Mordidinha Flamejante!", [2] = "Mordidinha Flamejante! 2"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Super Mega Míssil da Morte!"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Anime-se!",
        [2] = "Trocando!",
        [3] = "Zap!",
        [4] = "Mordidinha Flamejante!",
        [5] = "Super Mega Míssil da Morte!"},
  ["K'Sante"] = {
    ["id"]         = 897,
    ["apiname"]    = "KSante",
    ["engname"]    = "K'Sante",
    ["title"]      = "o Orgulho de Nazumah",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 625,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.1,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
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      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1046875,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2022-11-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V12.21",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Protetor", "Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
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    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Instinto Valente"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpes de Ntofo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Criador de Caminhos"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Passo Forte"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Forma Irrestrita"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Instinto Valente",
        [2] = "Golpes de Ntofo",
        [3] = "Criador de Caminhos",
        [4] = "Passo Forte",
        [5] = "Forma Irrestrita"},
  ["Kai'Sa"] = {
    ["id"]         = 145,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kaisa",
    ["engname"]    = "Kai'Sa",
    ["title"]      = "a Filha do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
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      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.8,
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      ["ms"]       = 335,
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      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.25,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.55200004577636,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["attack_speed"] = 1.025,
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        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.03,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2018-03-07",
    ["patch"]       = "V8.5",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Segunda Pele"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Chuva Icathiana", [2] = "Chuva Icathiana 2"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Exploradora do Vazio", [2] = "Exploradora do Vazio 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Sobrecarga", [2] = "Sobrecarga 2"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Instinto Assassino"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Segunda Pele",
        [2] = "Chuva Icathiana",
        [3] = "Exploradora do Vazio",
        [4] = "Sobrecarga",
        [5] = "Instinto Assassino"},
  ["Kalista"] = {
    ["id"]         = 429,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kalista",
    ["title"]      = "a Lança da Vingança",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
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      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.75,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = 0.0599999986588954,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["attack_speed"] = 1.025,
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        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.10,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.90,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2014-11-20",
    ["patch"]       = "V4.20",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Aprumo Marcial"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Perfurar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Vigia"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Lacerar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Chamado do Destino"},
    ["skills"]      = {
            [1] = "Aprumo Marcial",
            [2] = "Perfurar",
            [3] = "Vigia",
            [4] = "Lacerar",
            [5] = "Chamado do Destino"},
  ["Karma"] = {
    ["id"]         = 43,
    ["apiname"]    = "Karma",
    ["title"]      = "a Iluminada",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 13,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 51,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
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      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.138541668653488,
      ["aram"] = {
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        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-02-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.110",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador", "Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ímpeto Ardente"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Chama Interior", [2] = "Alma Iluminada"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Decisão Absorta", [2] = "Renovação"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Inspiração", [2] = "Afronta"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Mantra"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ímpeto Ardente",
        [2] = "Chama Interior",
        [3] = "Alma Iluminada",
        [4] = "Decisão Absorta",
        [5] = "Renovação",
        [6] = "Inspiração",
        [7] = "Afronta",
        [8] = "Mantra"},
  ["Karthus"] = {
    ["id"]         = 30,
    ["apiname"]    = "Karthus",
    ["title"]      = "a Voz Mortal",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 620,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 110,
      ["mp_base"]  = 467,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 31,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 46,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.25,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.11,
      ["alcance"]  = 450,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 450,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = 0.0437499992549419,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-06-12",
    ["patch"]       = "June 12, 2009 Patch",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Desafio da Morte"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Devastar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Barreira da Dor"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Perverter"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Réquiem"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Desafio da Morte",
        [2] = "Devastar",
        [3] = "Barreira da Dor",
        [4] = "Perverter",
        [5] = "Réquiem"},
  ["Kassadin"] = {
    ["id"]         = 38,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kassadin",
    ["title"]      = "o Andarilho do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 646,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 119,
      ["mp_base"]  = 400,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 87,
      ["arm_base"] = 19,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.9,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.64,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.7,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.639999985694885,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.150000005960464,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-08-07",
    ["patch"]       = "v0.9.22.7",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Pedra do Vazio"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Esfera Nula"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina Ínfera"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Força de Pulso"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Caminhar na Fenda"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Pedra do Vazio",
        [2] = "Esfera Nula",
        [3] = "Lâmina Ínfera",
        [4] = "Força de Pulso",
        [5] = "Caminhar na Fenda"},
  ["Katarina"] = {
    ["id"]         = 55,
    ["apiname"]    = "Katarina",
    ["title"]      = "a Lâmina Sinistra",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Nenhum",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 672,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 108,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.74,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.150000005960464,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["fullname"]   = "Katarina Du Couteau",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-09-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.25.21",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Voracidade", [2] = "Ciclone das Adagas"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina Saltitante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Preparação"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Shunpo"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Lótus da Morte"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Voracidade",
        [2] = "Lâmina Saltitante",
        [3] = "Preparação",
        [4] = "Shunpo",
        [5] = "Lótus da Morte"},
  ["Kayle"] = {
    ["id"]         = 10,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kayle",
    ["title"]      = "a Justa",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 670,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 92,
      ["mp_base"]  = 330,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 26,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 22,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 50,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.666999995708465,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.54999995231628,
      ["missile_speed"] = 5000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ascensão Divina"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Explosão Radiante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Bênção Celestial"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina de Fogo Estelar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Sentença Divina"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ascensão Divina",
        [2] = "Explosão Radiante",
        [3] = "Bênção Celestial",
        [4] = "Lâmina de Fogo Estelar",
        [5] = "Sentença Divina"},
  ["Kayn"] = {
    ["id"]         = 141,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kayn",
    ["title"]      = "o Ceifador das Sombras",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 655,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
      ["mp_base"]  = 410,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.95,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.669,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.7,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.669000029563903,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.280000001192092,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.49500000476837,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
    ["fullname"]   = "Shieda Kayn",
    ["nickname"]   = "Rhaast, Darkin, Assassino das Sombras",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2017-07-12",
    ["patch"]       = "V7.14",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 0,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "A Foice Darkin", [2] = "A Foice Darkin A", [3] = "A Foice Darkin R"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Corte Ceifador", [2] = "Corte Ceifador A", [3] = "Corte Ceifador R"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Alcance da Lâmina", [2] = "Alcance da Lâmina A", [3] = "Alcance da Lâmina R"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Passo das Sombras", [2] = "Passo das Sombras A", [3] = "Passo das Sombras R"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Transgressão do Umbral", [2] = "Transgressão do Umbral R", [3] = "Transgressão do Umbral 2", [4] = "Transgressão do Umbral 2 R"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "A Foice Darkin",
        [2] = "Corte Ceifador",
        [3] = "Alcance da Lâmina",
        [4] = "Passo das Sombras",
        [5] = "Transgressão do Umbral"},
  ["Kennen"] = {
    ["id"]         = 85,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kennen",
    ["title"]      = "o Coração da Tempestade",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Energia",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 611,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 98,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.95,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 50,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 48,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.75,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.4,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.689999997615814,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1700,
      ["aram"] = {
      	["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["energy_regen"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.02,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-04-08",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.82",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Marca da Tormenta"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Shuriken Trovejante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Surto Elétrico"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Investida Relâmpago"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Turbilhão Cortante"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Marca da Tormenta",
        [2] = "Shuriken Trovejante",
        [3] = "Surto Elétrico",
        [4] = "Investida Relâmpago",
        [5] = "Turbilhão Cortante"},
  ["Kha'Zix"] = {
    ["id"]         = 121,
    ["apiname"]    = "Khazix",
    ["engname"]    = "Kha'Zix",
    ["title"]      = "o Ceifador do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 643,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.59,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.668,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.7,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 130,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.667999982833862,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0994652435183525,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
    ["nickname"]   = "Rainbow Scyther",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-09-27",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.148",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ameaça Invisível"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Sabor do Medo", [2] = "Garras de Foice Evoluídas"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Espinho do Vazio", [2] = "Garras de Foice Evoluídas"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Pulo", [2] = "Asas Evoluídas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Massacre do Vazio", [2] = "Camuflagem Adaptativa Evoluída"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ameaça Invisível",
        [2] = "Sabor do Medo",
        [3] = "Garras de Foice Evoluídas",
        [4] = "Espinho do Vazio",
        [5] = "Garras de Foice Evoluídas",
        [6] = "Pulo",
        [7] = "Asas Evoluídas",
        [8] = "Massacre do Vazio",
        [9] = "Camuflagem Adaptativa Evoluída"},
  ["Kindred"] = {
    ["id"]         = 203,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kindred",
    ["title"]      = "os Caçadores Eternos",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 35,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 65,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.25,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.12456139922142,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["attack_speed"] = 1.025,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["fullname"]   = "Ovelha e Lobo",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2015-10-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V5.20",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Marca Familiar"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Dança de Flechas"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Frenesi do Lobo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Pesar Crescente"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Refúgio da Ovelha"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Marca Familiar",
        [2] = "Dança de Flechas",
        [3] = "Frenesi do Lobo",
        [4] = "Pesar Crescente",
        [5] = "Refúgio da Ovelha"},
  ["Kled"] = {
    ["id"]         = 240,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kled",
    ["engname"]    = "Kled",
    ["title"]      = "o Cavaleiro Intratável",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Coragem",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 410,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 84,
      ["mp_base"]  = 100,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 35,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 65,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 250,
      ["ms"]       = 285,
      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.280000001192092,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["fullname"]   = "Kled e Skaarl",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2016-08-10",
    ["patch"]       = "V6.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Skaarl Desmontada, a Lagarto Covarde"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Pistola de Bolso"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Tendências Violentas"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Justar Desmontado"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Avançaaaaaaar!!! Desmontado"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Skaarl, a Lagarto Covarde",
        [2] = "Skaarl Desmontada, a Lagarto Covarde",
        [3] = "Armadilha na Corda",
        [4] = "Pistola de Bolso",
        [5] = "Tendências Violentas",
        [6] = "Justar",
        [7] = "Justar Desmontado",
        [8] = "Avançaaaaaaar!!!",
        [9] = "Avançaaaaaaar!!! Desmontado"},
  ["Kled e Skaarl"] = {
    ["id"]         = 240.1,
    ["apiname"]    = "Kled",
    ["engname"]    = "Kled & Skaarl",
    ["title"]      = "os Cavaleiros Intratáveis",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Coragem",
    ["stats"] = {
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      ["hp_lvl"]   = 84+1150/17,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 65,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.280000001192092,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9
    ["fullname"]   = "Kled e Skaarl",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2016-08-10",
    ["patch"]       = "V6.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V12.10",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 6300,
    ["rp"]          = 975,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Skaarl, a Lagarto Covarde"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Armadilha na Corda"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Tendências Violentas"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Justar", [2] = "Justar 2"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Avançaaaaaaar!!!", [2] = "Avançaaaaaaar!!! 2"}
  ["Kog'Maw"] = {
    ["id"]         = 96,
    ["apiname"]    = "KogMaw",
    ["engname"]    = "Kog'Maw",
    ["title"]      = "a Boca do Abismo",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 635,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.45,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.75,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.75,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.65,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
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      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.13377659022808,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1800,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.88,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.97,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.03,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-06-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.94",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Surpresa Icathiana"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Cusparada Cáustica"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Barragem Bio-Arcana"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Gosma do Vazio"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Artilharia Viva"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Surpresa Icathiana",
        [2] = "Cusparada Cáustica",
        [3] = "Barragem Bio-Arcana",
        [4] = "Gosma do Vazio",
        [5] = "Artilharia Viva"},
  ["LeBlanc"] = {
    ["id"]         = 7,
    ["apiname"]    = "Leblanc",
    ["engname"]    = "LeBlanc",
    ["title"]      = "a Farsante",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 598,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 111,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 25,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.35,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.4,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.133333340287208,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1700,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["fullname"]   = "Emilia (Evaine) LeBlanc",
    ["nickname"]   = "LB",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-11-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.104",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Imagem-Espelho"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Sigilo de Malícia"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Distorção", [2] = "Distorção 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Correntes Etéreas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Mímica", [2] = "Mímica: Sigilo de Malícia", [3] = "Mímica: Distorção", [4] = "Mímica: Correntes Etéreas"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Imagem-Espelho",
        [2] = "Sigilo de Malícia",
        [3] = "Distorção",
        [4] = "Correntes Etéreas",
        [5] = "Mímica"},
  ["Lee Sin"] = {
    ["id"]         = 64,
    ["apiname"]    = "LeeSin",
    ["engname"]    = "Lee Sin",
    ["title"]      = "o Monge Cego",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Energia",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 645,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 105,
      ["mp_base"]  = 200,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.9,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 50,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.651,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 102.777801513671,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.651000022888183,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.104687497019767,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
        ["energy_regen"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-04-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.114",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.19",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Agitação"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Onda Sônica", [2] = "Ataque Ressonante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Proteger", [2] = "Vontade de Ferro"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade", [2] = "Mutilar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Fúria do Dragão"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Agitação",
        [2] = "Onda Sônica",
        [3] = "Ataque Ressonante",
        [4] = "Proteger",
        [5] = "Vontade de Ferro",
        [6] = "Tempestade",
        [7] = "Mutilar",
        [8] = "Fúria do Dragão"},
  ["Leona"] = {
    ["id"]         = 89,
    ["apiname"]    = "Leona",
    ["title"]      = "a Alvorada Radiante",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 646,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 101,
      ["mp_base"]  = 302,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 47,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.8,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.9,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 75,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0708333328366279,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-07-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.121",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.24",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Luz do Sol"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Proteção da Aurora"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Eclipse"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina Zênite"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Labareda Solar"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Luz do Sol",
        [2] = "Proteção da Aurora",
        [3] = "Eclipse",
        [4] = "Lâmina Zênite",
        [5] = "Labareda Solar"},
  ["Lillia"] = {
    ["id"]         = 876,
    ["apiname"]    = "Lillia",
    ["title"]      = "o Florir Receoso",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 605,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 105,
      ["mp_base"]  = 410,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 22,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.55,
      ["hp5_base"] = 2.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.95,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.7,
      ["alcance"]  = 325,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1529411765,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95
    ["nickname"]   = "Cute jungler",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2020-07-22",
    ["patch"]       = "V10.15",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ramo Onírico"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpes Florescentes", [2] = "Saltitar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Cuidado! Iiip!"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Semente Espiral"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Cadência de Ninar"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ramo Onírico",
        [2] = "Golpes Florescentes",
        [3] = "Cuidado! Iiip!",
        [4] = "Semente Espiral",
        [5] = "Cadência de Ninar"},
  ["Lissandra"] = {
    ["id"]         = 127,
    ["apiname"]    = "Lissandra",
    ["title"]      = "a Bruxa Gélida",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 620,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 110,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 30,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.9,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.656,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
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      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
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      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.112499997019767,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2200,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2013-04-30",
    ["patch"]       = "V3.6",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.22",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Submissão Glacinata"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Estilhaço de Gelo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Círculo Ártico"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Caminho Glacial"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Túmulo Congelado"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Submissão Glacinata",
        [2] = "Estilhaço de Gelo",
        [3] = "Círculo Ártico",
        [4] = "Caminho Glacial",
        [5] = "Túmulo Congelado"},
  ["Lucian"] = {
    ["id"]         = 236,
    ["apiname"]    = "Lucian",
    ["title"]      = "o Purificador",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 641,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 100,
      ["mp_base"]  = 320,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 43,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.75,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.9,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
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      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.150000005960464,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2800,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2013-08-22",
    ["patch"]       = "V3.10a",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Disparo Iluminado"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Luz Perfurante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Chama Ardente", [2] = "Chama Ardente 2", [3] = "Chama Ardente 3"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Perseguição Implacável"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "O Expurgo"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Disparo Iluminado",
        [2] = "Luz Perfurante",
        [3] = "Chama Ardente",
        [4] = "Perseguição Implacável",
        [5] = "O Expurgo"},
  ["Lulu"] = {
    ["id"]         = 117,
    ["apiname"]    = "Lulu",
    ["title"]      = "a Fada Feiticeira",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 595,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 92,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 55,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.9,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 47,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.6,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.25,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 625,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.112499997019767,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1450,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["shielding"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-03-20",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.136",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Pix, o Silfo Companheiro"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lança-Purpurina"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Caprichos"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Socorro, Pix!"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Crescimento Virente"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Pix, o Silfo Companheiro",
        [2] = "Lança-Purpurina",
        [3] = "Caprichos",
        [4] = "Socorro, Pix!",
        [5] = "Crescimento Virente"},
  ["Lux"] = {
    ["id"]         = 99,
    ["apiname"]    = "Lux",
    ["title"]      = "a Dama da Luz",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 580,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 23.5,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 54,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.669,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 625,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.143749997019767,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1600,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.85,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["shielding"] = 0.8,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["fullname"]   = "Luxanna Stemmaguarda",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-10-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.103",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador", "Mago de Artilharia"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Iluminação"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ligação da Luz"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Barreira Prismática"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Singularidade Lucente"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Centelha Final"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Iluminação",
        [2] = "Ligação da Luz",
        [3] = "Barreira Prismática",
        [4] = "Singularidade Lucente",
        [5] = "Centelha Final"},
  ["Malphite"] = {
    ["id"]         = 54,
    ["apiname"]    = "Malphite",
    ["title"]      = "o Fragmento do Monolito",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 644,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.95,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.736,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.4,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
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      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0503188781440258,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-09-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.22.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.8",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Escudo de Granito"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Fragmento Sísmico"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Trovoada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Estrondar Terreno"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Força Incontrolável"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Escudo de Granito",
        [2] = "Fragmento Sísmico",
        [3] = "Trovoada",
        [4] = "Estrondar Terreno",
        [5] = "Força Incontrolável"},
  ["Malzahar"] = {
    ["id"]         = 90,
    ["apiname"]    = "Malzahar",
    ["title"]      = "o Profeta do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
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      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.92,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.08,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-06-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.86",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.19",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
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    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Chamado do Vazio"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Enxame do Vazio"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Visões Maléficas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Aperto Ínfero"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Oscilação do Vazio",
        [2] = "Chamado do Vazio",
        [3] = "Enxame do Vazio",
        [4] = "Visões Maléficas",
        [5] = "Aperto Ínfero"},
  ["Maokai"] = {
    ["id"]         = 57,
    ["apiname"]    = "Maokai",
    ["title"]      = "o Ente Sinistro",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
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      ["ms"]       = 330,
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      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 0.95,
        ["shielding"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 0.7,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-02-16",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.111",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Seiva Mágica", [2] = "Seiva Mágica 2"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Esmagamento Espinhoso"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Avanço Retorcido"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Atirar Mudas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Garras da Natureza"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Seiva Mágica",
        [2] = "Esmagamento Espinhoso",
        [3] = "Avanço Retorcido",
        [4] = "Atirar Mudas",
        [5] = "Garras da Natureza"},
  ["Master Yi"] = {
    ["id"]         = 11,
    ["apiname"]    = "MasterYi",
    ["title"]      = "o Espadachim Wuju",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
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      ["ms"]       = 355,
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      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ataque Duplo"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ataque Alpha"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Meditatar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Estilo Wuju"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Highlander"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ataque Duplo",
        [2] = "Ataque Alpha",
        [3] = "Meditatar",
        [4] = "Estilo Wuju",
        [5] = "Highlander"},
  ["Milio"] = {
    ["id"]         = 902,
    ["apiname"]    = "Milio",
    ["title"]      = "A Chama Gentil",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
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      ["aram"] = {
        ["healing"] = 0.95,
        ["shielding"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2023-03-23",
    ["patch"]       = "V13.6",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.21",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
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    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
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    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 6300,
    ["rp"]          = 975,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "A Todo Vapor!"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ultramega Chute Flamejante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fogueira Aconchegante"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Abraços Quentinhos"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Sopro de Vida"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "A Todo Vapor!",
        [2] = "Ultramega Chute Flamejante",
        [3] = "Fogueira Aconchegante",
        [4] = "Abraços Quentinhos",
        [5] = "Sopro de Vida"},
  ["Miss Fortune"] = {
    ["id"]         = 21,
    ["apiname"]    = "MissFortune",
    ["engname"]    = "Miss Fortune",
    ["title"]      = "a Caçadora de Recompensas",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.75,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 52,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
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      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.15,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["fullname"]   = "Sarah Fortune",
    ["nickname"]   = "MF",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-09-08",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.100",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Batida do Amor"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Dois por Um"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Desfilando", [2] = "Tiro Impuro"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Chuva de Disparos"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Metendo Bala"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Batida do Amor",
        [2] = "Dois por Um",
        [3] = "Desfilando",
        [4] = "Chuva de Disparos",
        [5] = "Metendo Bala"},
  ["Mordekaiser"] = {
    ["id"]         = 82,
    ["apiname"]    = "Mordekaiser",
    ["title"]      = "o Revenã de Ferro",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Escudo",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 645,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 1,
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      ["ms"]       = 335,
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      ["attack_total_time"] = 2.36599993705749,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-02-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.75",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ascensão das Trevas"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Obliterar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Indestrutível", [2] = "Indestrutível 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Aperto Mortal"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Reino da Morte"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ascensão das Trevas",
        [2] = "Obliterar",
        [3] = "Indestrutível",
        [4] = "Aperto Mortal",
        [5] = "Reino da Morte"},
  ["Morgana"] = {
    ["id"]         = 25,
    ["apiname"]    = "Morgana",
    ["title"]      = "the Fallen",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 56,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.53,
      ["alcance"]  = 450,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.159999996423721,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1600,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Sifão da Alma"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ligação das Trevas"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Sombra Atormentada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Escudo Negro"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Grilhões da Alma"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Sifão da Alma",
        [2] = "Ligação das Trevas",
        [3] = "Sombra Atormentada",
        [4] = "Escudo Negro",
        [5] = "Grilhões da Alma"},
  ["Naafiri"] = {
    ["id"]         = 950,
    ["apiname"]    = "Naafiri",
    ["title"]      = "A Fera das Cem Mordidas",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 635,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 120,
      ["mp_base"]  = 400,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 55,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.663,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.1,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 111.11,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.125,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2023-07-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V13.14",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.1",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 70,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 6300,
    ["rp"]          = 975,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Em Maior Número"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Adaga Darkin"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Caça dos Cães"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Eviscerar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Chamado da Matilha"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Em Maior Número",
        [2] = "Adaga Darkin",
        [3] = "Caça dos Cães",
        [4] = "Eviscerar",
        [5] = "Chamado da Matilha"},
  ["Nami"] = {
    ["id"]         = 267,
    ["apiname"]    = "Nami",
    ["title"]      = "a Conjuradora das Marés",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 560,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 88,
      ["mp_base"]  = 365,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 43,
      ["arm_base"] = 29,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 51,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.644,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.61,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.643999993801116,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.11999999731779,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.93,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-12-07",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.152",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Maré Oscilante"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Prisão Aquática"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Vazante e Fluxo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Benção da Conjuradora"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Maré Violenta"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Maré Oscilante",
        [2] = "Prisão Aquática",
        [3] = "Vazante e Fluxo",
        [4] = "Benção da Conjuradora",
        [5] = "Maré Violenta"},
  ["Nasus"] = {
    ["id"]         = 75,
    ["apiname"]    = "Nasus",
    ["title"]      = "o Curador das Areias",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 631,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 326,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 62,
      ["arm_base"] = 34,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.45,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 67,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.48,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 350,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0986036509275436,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-10-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.25.24",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Devorador de Almas"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ataque Sifão"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Murchar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Fogo Espiritual"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Fúria das Areias"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Devorador de Almas",
        [2] = "Ataque Sifão",
        [3] = "Murchar",
        [4] = "Fogo Espiritual",
        [5] = "Fúria das Areias"},
  ["Nautilus"] = {
    ["id"]         = 111,
    ["apiname"]    = "Nautilus",
    ["title"]      = "o Titã das Profundezas",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 646,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 100,
      ["mp_base"]  = 400,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 47,
      ["arm_base"] = 39,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.95,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.65,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.706,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.611999988555908,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = 0.00637254910543561,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-02-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.134",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.17",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Âncora Impactante"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lançar Âncora"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ira do Titã"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Correnteza"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Carga de Profundidade", [2] = "Carga de Profundidade 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Âncora Impactante",
        [2] = "Lançar Âncora",
        [3] = "Ira do Titã",
        [4] = "Correnteza",
        [5] = "Carga de Profundidade"},
  ["Neeko"] = {
    ["id"]         = 518,
    ["apiname"]    = "Neeko",
    ["title"]      = "a Camaleoa Curiosa",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 450,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 30,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 48,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 90,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 65,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.67,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.3100000023841858,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.54999995231628,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2018-12-05",
    ["patch"]       = "V8.24",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador", "Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Encanto Inerente"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Explosão Florescente"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Metamorfa"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Farpas Emaranhadas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Florescer Repentino"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Encanto Inerente",
        [2] = "Explosão Florescente",
        [3] = "Metamorfa",
        [4] = "Farpas Emaranhadas",
        [5] = "Florescer Repentino"},
  ["Nidalee"] = {
    ["id"]         = 76,
    ["apiname"]    = "Nidalee",
    ["title"]      = "a Caçadora Bestial",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
      ["mp_base"]  = 295,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.45,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.22,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["selection_radius"] = 110,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.150000005960464,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["healing"] = 1.1,
        ["shielding"] = 1.1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.07,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,        
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-12-17",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.63",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Espreitar"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Arremessar Lança", [2] = "Bote"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Arapuca", [2] = "Investida"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Ímpeto Selvagem", [2] = "Patada"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Aspecto do Puma", [2] = "Aspecto do Puma 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Espreitar",
        [2] = "Arremessar Lança",
        [3] = "Bote",
        [4] = "Arapuca",
        [5] = "Investida",
        [6] = "Ímpeto Selvagem",
        [7] = "Patada",
        [8] = "Aspecto do Puma"},
  ["Nilah"] = {
    ["id"]         = 895,
    ["apiname"]    = "Nilah",
    ["title"]      = "a Alegria Irrestrita",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 570,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 101,
      ["mp_base"]  = 350,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 35,
      ["arm_base"] = 27,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 4,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.2,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.697,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 225,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 75,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 32,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 65,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.670,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.08,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2022-07-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V12.13",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 25,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Alegria Eterna"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina Sem Forma"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Véu Jubiloso"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Turbilhão"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Apoteose"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Alegria Eterna",
        [2] = "Lâmina Sem Forma",
        [3] = "Véu Jubiloso",
        [4] = "Turbilhão",
        [5] = "Apoteose"},
  ["Nocturne"] = {
    ["id"]         = 56,
    ["apiname"]    = "Nocturne",
    ["title"]      = "o Eterno Pesadelo",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 655,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
      ["mp_base"]  = 275,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 35,
      ["arm_base"] = 38,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.55,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.6,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.721,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.7,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
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      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0994652435183525,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-03-15",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.113",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Lâminas Sombrias"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Portador do Anoitecer"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Proteção das Trevas"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Horror Indescritível"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Paranoia"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Lâminas Sombrias",
        [2] = "Portador do Anoitecer",
        [3] = "Proteção das Trevas",
        [4] = "Horror Indescritível",
        [5] = "Paranoia"},
  ["Nunu e Willump"] = {
    ["id"]         = 20,
    ["apiname"]    = "Nunu",
    ["engname"]    = "Nunu & Willump",
    ["title"]      = "o Garoto e seu Yeti",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.25,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
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      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
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      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.106413997709751,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["healing"] = 1.1,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
        ["healing"] = 1.05,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.08,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
    ["fullname"]   = "Nunu e Willump",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.19",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Chamado de Freljord"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Consumir"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "A Maior Bola de Neve de Todas!"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Rajada de Bolas de Neve"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Zero Absoluto"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Chamado de Freljord",
        [2] = "Consumir",
        [3] = "A Maior Bola de Neve de Todas!",
        [4] = "Rajada de Bolas de Neve",
        [5] = "Zero Absoluto"},
  ["Olaf"] = {
    ["id"]         = 2,
    ["apiname"]    = "Olaf",
    ["title"]      = "o Berserker",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 645,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 119,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.694,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.7,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 111.111099243164,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.694000005722045,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0656249970197677,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-06-09",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.87",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fúria Berserker"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ressaca"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Duro na Queda"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Balanço Temerário"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ragnarok"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fúria Berserker",
        [2] = "Ressaca",
        [3] = "Duro na Queda",
        [4] = "Balanço Temerário",
        [5] = "Ragnarok"},
  ["Orianna"] = {
    ["id"]         = 61,
    ["apiname"]    = "Orianna",
    ["title"]      = "a Donzela Mecânica",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 585,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 25,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 26,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 40,
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      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.124561406672,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["shielding"] = 0.8,
    ["fullname"]   = "Orianna Reveck",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-06-01",
    ["patch"]       = "v1.0.0.119",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Dando Corda"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Comando: Atacar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Comando: Dissonância"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Comando: Proteger"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Comando: Onda de Choque"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Dando Corda",
        [2] = "Comando: Atacar",
        [3] = "Comando: Dissonância",
        [4] = "Comando: Proteger",
        [5] = "Comando: Onda de Choque"},
  ["Ornn"] = {
    ["id"]         = 516,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ornn",
    ["title"]      = "O Fogo sob a Montanha",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 660,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 69,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
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      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.349999994039535,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2017-08-23",
    ["patch"]       = "V7.17",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 60,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Forja Viva", [2] = "Mestre-Artesão"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ruptura Vulcânica"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fôlego do Fole"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Investida Calcinante"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Chamado do Deus da Forja"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Forja Viva",
        [2] = "Ruptura Vulcânica",
        [3] = "Fôlego do Fole",
        [4] = "Investida Calcinante",
        [5] = "Chamado do Deus da Forja"},
  ["Pantheon"] = {
    ["id"]         = 80,
    ["apiname"]    = "Pantheon",
    ["title"]      = "a Lança Indestrutível",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 31,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.95,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.35,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.95,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.658,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.109687499701976,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.02,
    ["fullname"]    = "Atreus",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-02-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.72",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva","Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Determinação Mortal"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lança Meteórica"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Escudo-Cometa"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Égide Impetuosa"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Constelação Cadente"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Determinação Mortal",
        [2] = "Lança Meteórica",
        [3] = "Escudo-Cometa",
        [4] = "Égide Impetuosa",
        [5] = "Constelação Cadente"},
  ["Poppy"] = {
    ["id"]         = 78,
    ["apiname"]    = "Poppy",
    ["title"]      = "a Guardiã do Martelo",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 95,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.375,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-01-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.70",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Protetor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Embaixadora de Ferro", [2] = "Embaixadora de Ferro 2"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Choque do Martelo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Presença Inabalável", [2] = "Teimosia é um Problema"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Investida Heroica"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Veredito da Guardiã"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Embaixadora de Ferro",
        [2] = "Choque do Martelo",
        [3] = "Presença Inabalável",
        [4] = "Investida Heroica",
        [5] = "Veredito da Guardiã"},
  ["Pyke"] = {
    ["id"]         = 555,
    ["apiname"]    = "Pyke",
    ["title"]      = "o Estripador das Águas Sangrentas",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 670,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.666999995708465,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.5,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2018-05-31",
    ["patch"]       = "V8.11",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino", "Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 50,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Dádiva dos Afogados"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Espeto de Osso"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Mergulho Fantasma"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Ressaca Espectral"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Morte das Profundezas", [2] = "Morte das Profundezas 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Dádiva dos Afogados",
        [2] = "Espeto de Osso",
        [3] = "Mergulho Fantasma",
        [4] = "Ressaca Espectral",
        [5] = "Morte das Profundezas"},
  ["Qiyana"] = {
    ["id"]         = 246,
    ["apiname"]    = "Qiyana",
    ["title"]      = "a Imperatriz dos Elementos",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.1,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.230000004172325,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.5,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2019-06-28",
    ["patch"]       = "V9.13",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.1",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 70,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Privilégio da Realeza"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina de Ixtal", [2] = "Cólera Elemental"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Terraforme"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Audácia"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Suprema Demonstração de Talento"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Privilégio da Realeza",
        [2] = "Lâmina de Ixtal",
        [3] = "Cólera Elemental",
        [4] = "Terraforme",
        [5] = "Audácia",
        [6] = "Suprema Demonstração de Talento"},
  ["Quinn"] = {
    ["id"]         = 133,
    ["apiname"]    = "Quinn",
    ["title"]      = "as Asas de Demacia",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 565,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 107,
      ["mp_base"]  = 269,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 35,
      ["arm_base"] = 28,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.668,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.1,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.667999982833862,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.12456139922142,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["attack_speed"] = 1.025,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["fullname"]   = "Quinn e Valor",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2013-03-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V3.03",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Rapina"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Investida Anuviante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Sentidos Apurados"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Salto"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Retaguarda do Inimigo", [2] = "Bombardeio"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Rapina",
        [2] = "Investida Anuviante",
        [3] = "Sentidos Apurados",
        [4] = "Salto",
        [5] = "Retaguarda do Inimigo",
        [6] = "Bombardeio"},
  ["Rakan"] = {
    ["id"]         = 497,
    ["apiname"]    = "Rakan",
    ["title"]      = "O Charmoso",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 315,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 30,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.9,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.75,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.635,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 300,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 475,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.634999990463256,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.270000010728836,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.57500004768371,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2017-04-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V7.8",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Plumas Mágicas", [2] = "Salto do Amante"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Pena Reluzente"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Entranda Triunfal"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Dança da Batalha", [2] = "Dança da Batalha 2"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Rapidez"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Plumas Mágicas",
        [2] = "Pena Reluzente",
        [3] = "Entranda Triunfal",
        [4] = "Dança da Batalha",
        [5] = "Rapidez"},
  ["Rammus"] = {
    ["id"]         = 33,
    ["apiname"]    = "Rammus",
    ["title"]      = "o Tatu Blindado",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 675,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 94,
      ["mp_base"]  = 310,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 33,
      ["arm_base"] = 40,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.85,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.75,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.656,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.215,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0708333328366279,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-07-10",
    ["patch"]       = "Atualização de 10 de julho de 2009",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Casco Espetado"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Bola do Poder"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Bola Curva Defensiva"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Provocação Enlouquecedoura"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Colisão Ascendente"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Casco Espetado",
        [2] = "Bola do Poder",
        [3] = "Bola Curva Defensiva",
        [4] = "Provocação Enlouquecedoura",
        [5] = "Colisão Ascendente"},
  ["Rek'Sai"] = {
    ["id"]         = 421,
    ["apiname"]    = "RekSai",
    ["engname"]    = "Rek'Sai",
    ["title"]      = "a Escavadora do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Fúria",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 100,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 36,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.95,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 2.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.667,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.666999995708465,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.400000005960464,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.5,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0916666686534881,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.93,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.07,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.93,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2014-12-11",
    ["patch"]       = "V4.21",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fúria dos Xer'Sai"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ira da Rainha", [2] = "Sondar Presas"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Escavar", [2] = "Emergir"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Mordida Feroz", [2] = "Túnel"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Investida do Vazio"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fúria dos Xer'Sai",
        [2] = "Ira da Rainha",
        [3] = "Sondar Presas",
        [4] = "Escavar",
        [5] = "Emergir",
        [6] = "Mordida Feroz",
        [7] = "Túnel",
        [8] = "Investida do Vazio"},
  ["Rell"] = {
    ["id"]         = 526,
    ["apiname"]    = "Rell",
    ["title"]      = "a Dama de Ferro",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 350,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 36,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.85,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.35,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.5,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.42,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 2,
      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.400000006,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 0.9,
        ["shielding"] = 0.9,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["nickname"]   = "Darkrider, DarkSupport",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2020-12-10",
    ["patch"]       = "V10.25",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 85,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "A Ferro e Fogo"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe Estilhaçador"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ferromante: Queda Esmagadora", [2] = "Ferromante: Montaria"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Investida Absoluta"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade Magnética"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "A Ferro e Fogo",
        [2] = "Golpe Estilhaçador",
        [3] = "Ferromante: Queda Esmagadora",
        [4] = "Ferromante: Montaria",
        [5] = "Investida Absoluta",
        [6] = "Tempestade Magnética"},
  ["Renata Glasc"] = {
    ["id"]         = 888,
    ["apiname"]    = "Renata",
    ["engname"]    = "Renata Glasc",
    ["title"]      = "a Baronesa da Química",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 545,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 94,
      ["mp_base"]  = 350,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 27,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 49,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.11,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 65,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.112,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1800,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["shielding"] = 0.8,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
    ["nickname"]   = "Renata",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2022-02-17",
    ["patch"]       = "V12.4",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 80,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Financiamento"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Negócio Fechado"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Empréstimo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Programa de Fidelidade"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Apropriação Agressiva"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Financiamento",
        [2] = "Negócio Fechado",
        [3] = "Empréstimo",
        [4] = "Programa de Fidelidade",
        [5] = "Apropriação Agressiva"},
  ["Renekton"] = {
    ["id"]         = 58,
    ["apiname"]    = "Renekton",
    ["title"]      = "o Carniceiro das Areias",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Fúria",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 660,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 111,
      ["mp_base"]  = 100,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 35,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 69,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4.15,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.665,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.75,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.665000021457672,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.122695036232471,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 1.05
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-01-18",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.109",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Domínio da Ira"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Abater os Indefesos"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Predador Desumano"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Fatiar", [2] = "Picar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Dominus"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Domínio da Ira",
        [2] = "Abater os Indefesos",
        [3] = "Predador Desumano",
        [4] = "Fatiar",
        [5] = "Picar",
        [6] = "Dominus"},
  ["Rengar"] = {
    ["id"]         = 107,
    ["apiname"]    = "Rengar",
    ["title"]      = "o Acossador da Alcateia",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Ferocidade",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 4,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 34,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.667,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 70,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.666999995708465,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.5,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-08-21",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.145",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino", "Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Predador Oculto", [2] = "Colar de Presas", [3] = "Cabeça de Kha'Zix"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Selvageria"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Rugido de Batalha"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Boleadeiras"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Furor da Caçada"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Predador Oculto",
        [2] = "Selvageria",
        [3] = "Rugido de Batalha",
        [4] = "Boleadeiras",
        [5] = "Furor da Caçada"},

  ["Riven"] = {
    ["id"]         = 92,
    ["apiname"]    = "Riven",
    ["title"]      = "a Exilada",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Nenhum",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 100,
      ["mp_base"]  = 0,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 33,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.4,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 130,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.133333340287208,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
        ["shielding"] = 1,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["fullname"]   = "Konte Riven",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-09-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.125",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina Rúnica"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Asas Quebradas"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Explosão de Ki"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Valentia"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina do Exílio", [2] = "Golpe de Vento"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Lâmina Rúnica",
        [2] = "Asas Quebradas",
        [3] = "Explosão de Ki",
        [4] = "Valentia",
        [5] = "Lâmina do Exílio",
        [6] = "Golpe de Vento"},
  ["Rumble"] = {
    ["id"]         = 68,
    ["apiname"]    = "Rumble",
    ["title"]      = "a Ameaça Mecânica",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Aquecimento",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 625,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 105,
      ["mp_base"]  = 150,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 36,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.55,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.644,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.85,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 165,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.643999993801116,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-04-26",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.116",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Titã do Ferro-Velho", [2] = "Titã do Ferro-Velho 2", [3] = "Titã do Ferro-Velho 3"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Cospe-Fogo"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Escudo de Sucata", [2] = "Escudo de Sucata 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Arpão Elétrico", [2] = "Arpão Elétrico 2"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "O Equalizador"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Titã do Ferro-Velho",
        [2] = "Cospe-Fogo",
        [3] = "Escudo de Sucata",
        [4] = "Arpão Elétrico",
        [5] = "O Equalizador"},
  ["Ryze"] = {
    ["id"]         = 13,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ryze",
    ["title"]      = "o Mago Rúnico",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 645,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 124,
      ["mp_base"]  = 300,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 70,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
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      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.11,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 575,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2400,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.03,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Maestria Arcana"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Sobrecarregar", [2] = "Sobrecarregar 2", [3] = "Sobrecarregar 3", [4] = "Sobrecarregar 4", [5] = "Sobrecarregar 5"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Prisão de Runa"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Fluxo de Feitiço"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Portal de Reinos"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Maestria Arcana",
        [2] = "Sobrecarregar",
        [3] = "Prisão de Runa",
        [4] = "Fluxo de Feitiço",
        [5] = "Portal de Reinos"},
  ["Samira"] = {
    ["id"]         = 360,
    ["apiname"]    = "Samira",
    ["title"]      = "a Rosa do Deserto",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 108,
      ["mp_base"]  = 349,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 38,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.25,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.2,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 57,
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      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 40.68,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 65,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.150000006,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2800,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["shielding"] = 0.99,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2020-09-21",
    ["patch"]       = "V10.19",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.23",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 0,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Impulso Audacioso", [2] = "splash coin"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Talento Natural"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Voragem Afiada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Ímpeto Indomável"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Gatilho Infernal"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Impulso Audacioso",
        [2] = "Talento Natural",
        [3] = "Voragem Afiada",
        [4] = "Ímpeto Indomável",
        [5] = "Gatilho Infernal",
        [6] = "Provocação"},
  ["Sejuani"] = {
    ["id"]         = 113,
    ["apiname"]    = "Sejuani",
    ["title"]      = "a Fúria do Norte",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.45,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.688,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["selection_radius"] = 140,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-01-17",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.132",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.15",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fúria do Norte"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ataque do Ártico"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ira do Inverno"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Congelamento Permanente"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Prisão Glacial"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fúria do Norte",
        [2] = "Ataque do Ártico",
        [3] = "Ira do Inverno",
        [4] = "Congelamento Permanente",
        [5] = "Prisão Glacial"},
  ["Senna"] = {
    ["id"]         = 235,
    ["apiname"]    = "Senna",
    ["title"]      = "A Redentora",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 530,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 50,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 0,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 4,
      ["alcance"]  = 600,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 115,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.4,
      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.600000023841857,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.5,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["missile_speed"] = 0,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.94,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2019-11-10",
    ["patch"]       = "V9.22",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador", "Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Absolvição"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Escuridão Perfurante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Abraço Final"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Maldição da Névoa Negra"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Sombra da Alvorada"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ataque Básico",
        [2] = "Absolvição",
        [3] = "Escuridão Perfurante",
        [4] = "Abraço Final",
        [5] = "Maldição da Névoa Negra",
        [6] = "Sombra da Alvorada"},
  ["Seraphine"] = {
    ["id"]         = 147,
    ["apiname"]    = "Seraphine",
    ["title"]      = "a Cantora Sonhadora",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 570,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.95,
      ["dam_base"] = 50,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
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      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
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      ["missile_speed"] = 1800,
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      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
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      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.85,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.2,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
        ["shielding"] = 0.8,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 0.9,
        ["shielding"] = 0.9,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.92,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2020-10-29",
    ["patch"]       = "V10.22",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador", "Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Presença de Palco"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Nota Aguda"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Som Envolvente"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Ritmo Contagiante"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Bis"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Presença de Palco",
        [2] = "Nota Aguda",
        [3] = "Som Envolvente",
        [4] = "Ritmo Contagiante",
        [5] = "Bis"},
  ["Sett"] = {
    ["id"]         = 875,
    ["apiname"]    = "Sett",
    ["title"]      = "o Chefe",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Ousadia",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 670,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 114,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
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      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.75,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0857142857,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["healing"] = 0.9,
        ["shielding"] = 0.9,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2020-01-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V10.1",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 40,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ousadia da Arena"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Pancadaria", [2] = "Caçando Briga"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Casca-Grossa"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Quebra-Crânio"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Hora do Show"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ousadia da Arena",
        [2] = "Pancadaria",
        [3] = "Casca-Grossa",
        [4] = "Quebra-Crânio",
        [5] = "Hora do Show"},
  ["Shaco"] = {
    ["id"]         = 35,
    ["apiname"]    = "Shaco",
    ["title"]      = "o Bufão Demoníaco",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
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      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.35,
      ["dam_base"] = 63,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.694000005722045,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0784961655735969,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-10-10",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.25.34",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Apunhalar"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Enganar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Caixinha-Surpresa"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Veneno de Dois Gumes"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Alucinações", [2] = "Comandar: Alucinações"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Apunhalar",
        [2] = "Enganar",
        [3] = "Caixinha-Surpresa",
        [4] = "Veneno de Dois Gumes",
        [5] = "Alucinações"},
  ["Shen"] = {
    ["id"]         = 98,
    ["apiname"]    = "Shen",
    ["title"]      = "o Olho do Crepúsculo",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Energia",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 50,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 64,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.751,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.651000022888183,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.266660004854202,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.53600001335144,
      ["aram"] = {
      	["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,        
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-03-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.81",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Protetor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Barreira de Ki"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Ataque Crepúsculo", [2] = "Ataque Crepúsculo 2", [3] = "Ataque Crepúsculo 3"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Refúgio Espiritual"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Corrida das Sombras"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Manter a União", [2] = "Manter a União 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Barreira de Ki",
        [2] = "Ataque Crepúsculo",
        [3] = "Refúgio Espiritual",
        [4] = "Corrida das Sombras",
        [5] = "Manter a União"},
  ["Shyvana"] = {
    ["id"]         = 102,
    ["apiname"]    = "Shyvana",
    ["title"]      = "a Meio-Dragão",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Fúria",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 665,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.55,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.102631576359272,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.85,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.02,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-11-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.128",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fúria de Meio-Dragão"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Mordida Dupla"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Combustão"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Hálito Flamejante"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Descida do Dragão"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fúria de Meio-Dragão",
        [2] = "Mordida Dupla",
        [3] = "Combustão",
        [4] = "Hálito Flamejante",
        [5] = "Descida do Dragão"},
  ["Singed"] = {
    ["id"]         = 27,
    ["apiname"]    = "Singed",
    ["title"]      = "o Químico Louco",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 330,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["dam_base"] = 63,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.9,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 300,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-04-18",
    ["patch"]       = "Atualização de 18 de abril de 2009",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.22",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Corrente de Ar Nociva"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Rastro de Veneno"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Mega Adesivo"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Lançar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Poção da Insanidade"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Corrente de Ar Nociva",
        [2] = "Rastro de Veneno",
        [3] = "Mega Adesivo",
        [4] = "Lançar",
        [5] = "Poção da Insanidade"},
  ["Sion"] = {
    ["id"]         = 14,
    ["apiname"]    = "Sion",
    ["title"]      = "o Colosso Morto-Vivo",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 655,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 52,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
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      ["as_base"]  = 0.679,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 25.7665996551513,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
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      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0509057976305484,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["shielding"] = 0.8,
        ["tenacity"] = 0.8,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "In Gloria Mori", [2] = "Acesso Mortífero"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe Demolidor"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fornalha da Alma", [2] = "Fornalha da Alma 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Urro do Assassino"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Investida Incontrolável", [2] = "Investida Incontrolável 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "In Gloria Mori",
        [2] = "Acesso Mortífero",
        [3] = "Golpe Demolidor",
        [4] = "Fornalha da Alma",
        [5] = "Urro do Assassino",
        [6] = "Investida Incontrolável"},
  ["Sivir"] = {
    ["id"]         = 15,
    ["apiname"]    = "Sivir",
    ["title"]      = "a Mestra da Batalha",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.45,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.25,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 500,
      ["selection_radius"] = 115,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.180000007152557,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1750,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.08,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Pés Ligeiros"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Lâmina Bumerangue"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ricochete"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Escudo de Feitiço"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Na Caçada"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Pés Ligeiros",
        [2] = "Lâmina Bumerangue",
        [3] = "Ricochete",
        [4] = "Escudo de Feitiço",
        [5] = "Na Caçada"},
  ["Skarner"] = {
    ["id"]         = 72,
    ["apiname"]    = "Skarner",
    ["title"]      = "o Soberano Primordial",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 102,
      ["mp_base"]  = 320,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 33,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.8,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.2,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 130,
      ["selection_height"] = 150,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.3,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.6,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-08-09",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.123",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva", "Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva", "Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Espirais Cristalinas"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Corte de Cristal"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Exoesqueleto Cristalino"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Fratura", [2] = "Veneno Cristalino"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Empalar"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Espirais Cristalinas",
        [2] = "Corte de Cristal",
        [3] = "Exoesqueleto Cristalino",
        [4] = "Fracture",
        [5] = "Empalar"},
    ["Smolder"] = {
    ["id"]         = 901,
    ["apiname"]    = "Smolder",
    ["title"]      = "o Filhote Flamejante",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 575,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 100,
      ["mp_base"]  = 300,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 4,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 900,
      ["selection_radius"] = 130,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.13377659,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1800,
    ["fullname"]   = "Ignacarious Gigantareno Rex Le Spes Offerentis",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2024-01-31",
    ["patch"]       = "V14.2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio","Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 6300,
    ["rp"]          = 975,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Treinamento Dracônico"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Super-Hálito Flamejante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Atchim!"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Voa, Voa, Voa"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "MANHÊÊÊ!"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Treinamento Dracônico",
        [2] = "Super-Hálito Flamejante",
        [3] = "Atchim!",
        [4] = "Voa, Voa, Voa",
        [5] = "MANHÊÊÊ!"},
  ["Sona"] = {
    ["id"]         = 37,
    ["apiname"]    = "Sona",
    ["title"]      = "a Mestra das Cordas",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 550,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 91,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 49,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.644,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 110,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.643999993801116,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.12817870080471,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["healing"] = 0.85,
        ["shielding"] = 0.85,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 0.9,
        ["shielding"] = 0.9,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.90,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 0.7,
    ["fullname"]   = "Sona Buvelle",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-09-21",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.101",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Power Chord"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Hino do Valor"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ária da Perseverança"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Canção da Celeridade"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Crescendo"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Power Chord",
        [2] = "Hino do Valor",
        [3] = "Ária da Perseverança",
        [4] = "Canção da Celeridade",
        [5] = "Crescendo"},
  ["Soraka"] = {
    ["id"]         = 16,
    ["apiname"]    = "Soraka",
    ["title"]      = "a Filha das Estrelas",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["secondary attributes"] = "Vida",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 605,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 88,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 2.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 50,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.14,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 110,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 44.2000007629394,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.112999998033046,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1000,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.03,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
        ["healing"] = 1.1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Salvação"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Chamado Estelar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Infusão Astral"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Equinócio"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Desejo"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Salvação",
        [2] = "Chamado Estelar",
        [3] = "Infusão Astral",
        [4] = "Equinócio",
        [5] = "Desejo"},
  ["Swain"] = {
    ["id"]         = 50,
    ["apiname"]    = "Swain",
    ["title"]      = "o Grande General Noxiano",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 595,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 468,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 29,
      ["arm_base"] = 26,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.11,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.159999996423721,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1800,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.15,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["fullname"]   = "Jericho Swain",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-10-05",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.102",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Bando Voraz"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Mão da Morte"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Visão do Império"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Nuncamova"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ascensão Demoníaca", [2] = "Chama Demoníaca"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Bando Voraz",
        [2] = "Mão da Morte",
        [3] = "Visão do Império",
        [4] = "Nuncamova",
        [5] = "Ascensão Demoníaca",
        [6] = "Chama Demoníaca"},
  ["Sylas"] = {
    ["id"]         = 517,
    ["apiname"]    = "Sylas",
    ["title"]      = "o Abjugado",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 575,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 129,
      ["mp_base"]  = 400,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 70,
      ["arm_base"] = 27,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.55,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 61,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.645,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.644999980926513,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.259999990463256,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.54999995231628,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0994649976491928,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2019-01-25",
    ["patch"]       = "V9.2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador", "Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 70,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Explosão de Petricita"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Correntes-Chicote"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Regicida"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Evasão", [2] = "Abdução"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Usurpar"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Explosão de Petricita",
        [2] = "Correntes-Chicote",
        [3] = "Regicida",
        [4] = "Evasão",
        [5] = "Abdução",
        [6] = "Usurpar"},
  ["Syndra"] = {
    ["id"]         = 134,
    ["apiname"]    = "Syndra",
    ["title"]      = "a Soberana Sombria",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 563,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 480,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 25,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 54,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.9,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 575,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.112499997019767,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1800,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["ability_haste"] = 15,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-09-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.147",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.24",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Transceder"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Esfera Negra"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Força da Vontade", [2] = "Força da Vontade 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Dispersar os Fracos"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Poder Irrestrito"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Transceder",
        [2] = "Esfera Negra",
        [3] = "Força da Vontade",
        [4] = "Dispersar os Fracos",
        [5] = "Poder Irrestrito"},
  ["Tahm Kench"] = {
    ["id"]         = 223,
    ["apiname"]    = "TahmKench",
    ["engname"]    = "Tahm Kench",
    ["title"]      = "o Rei do Rio",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 103,
      ["mp_base"]  = 325,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 42,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["dam_base"] = 56,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.379999995231628,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.51900005340576,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.2,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2015-07-09",
    ["patch"]       = "V5.13",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Protetor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Um Gosto Adquirido"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Língua-Chicote"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Mergulho Abissal"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Pele Grossa"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Devorar", [2] = "Regurgitar"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Um Gosto Adquirido",
        [2] = "Língua-Chicote",
        [3] = "Mergulho Abissal",
        [4] = "Pele Grossa",
        [5] = "Devorar",
        [6] = "Regurgitar"},
  ["Taliyah"] = {
    ["id"]         = 163,
    ["apiname"]    = "Taliyah",
    ["title"]      = "a Tecelã de Pedras",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 550,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.36,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.138541668653488,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -10,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2016-05-18",
    ["patch"]       = "V6.10",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Deslizar em Pedras"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Voleio Entrelaçado", [2] = "Voleio Entrelaçado 2"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Empurrão Sísmico"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Terra Desfiada"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Muro da Tecelã", [2] = "Muro da Tecelã 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Deslizar em Pedras",
        [2] = "Voleio Entrelaçado",
        [3] = "Empurrão Sísmico",
        [4] = "Terra Desfiada",
        [5] = "Muro da Tecelã"},
  ["Talon"] = {
    ["id"]         = 91,
    ["apiname"]    = "Talon",
    ["title"]      = "a Sombra da Lâmina",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 658,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
      ["mp_base"]  = 400,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 37,
      ["arm_base"] = 30,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 39,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.9,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.197999998927116,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
    ["fullname"]   = "Talon Du Couteau",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-08-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.124",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Limiar da Lâmina"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Diplomacia Noxiana"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Ancinho"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Caminho do Assassino"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ataque das Sombras"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Limiar da Lâmina",
        [2] = "Diplomacia Noxiana",
        [3] = "Ancinho",
        [4] = "Caminho do Assassino",
        [5] = "Ataque das Sombras"},
  ["Taric"] = {
    ["id"]         = 44,
    ["apiname"]    = "Taric",
    ["title"]      = "o Escudo de Valoran",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 645,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 300,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.3,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 150,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 350,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.25,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.11999999731779,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["healing"] = 0.85,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-08-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.9.22.15",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.2",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador", "Protetor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Bravata"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Fulgor Estelar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Bastião", [2] = "Bastião 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Deslumbrar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Resplendar Cósmico"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Bravata",
        [2] = "Fulgor Estelar",
        [3] = "Bastião",
        [4] = "Deslumbrar",
        [5] = "Resplendar Cósmico"},
  ["Teemo"] = {
    ["id"]         = 17,
    ["apiname"]    = "Teemo",
    ["title"]      = "o Explorador Veloz",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 598,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.95,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 9.6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 54,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.690,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.38,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 500,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.689999997615814,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Técnicas de Guerrilha"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Dardo Ofuscante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Mover Depressa"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Tiro Tóxico"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Armadilha Venenosa"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Técnicas de Guerrilha",
        [2] = "Dardo Ofuscante",
        [3] = "Mover Depressa",
        [4] = "Tiro Tóxico",
        [5] = "Armadilha Venenosa"},
  ["Thresh"] = {
    ["id"]         = 412,
    ["apiname"]    = "Thresh",
    ["title"]      = "o Guardião das Correntes",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 120,
      ["mp_base"]  = 274,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 44,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 56,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 450,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 475,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 36,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["windup_modifier"] = 0.25,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0604166686534881,
      ["missile_speed"] = 0,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["movement_speed"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.87,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["shielding"] = 1,
        ["movement_speed"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2013-01-23",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.154",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 75,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Condenação"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Sentença", [2] = "Salto Mortal"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Passagem Sombria"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Esfolar", [2] = "Esfolar 2", [3] = "Esfolar 3", [4] = "Esfolar 4", [5] = "Esfolar 5"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "A Caixa"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Condenação",
        [2] = "Sentença",
        [3] = "Passagem Sombria",
        [4] = "Esfolar",
        [5] = "A Caixa"},
  ["Tristana"] = {
    ["id"]         = 18,
    ["apiname"]    = "Tristana",
    ["title"]      = "a Artilheira Yordle",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 102,
      ["mp_base"]  = 250,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 32,
      ["arm_base"] = 30,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 4,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.2,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.656,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.679,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.151993364095687,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2250,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.16",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Tiro Certeiro"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Tiro Rápido"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Salto-Foguete"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Carga Explosiva"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Tiro Destruidor"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Tiro Certeiro",
        [2] = "Tiro Rápido",
        [3] = "Salto-Foguete",
        [4] = "Carga Explosiva",
        [5] = "Tiro Destruidor"},
  ["Trundle"] = {
    ["id"]         = 48,
    ["apiname"]    = "Trundle",
    ["title"]      = "o Rei dos Trolls",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 110,
      ["mp_base"]  = 340,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 37,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 3.9,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 68,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.67,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.9,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 25.7665996551513,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.6700000166893,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0916666686534881,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.07,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-12-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.106",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Tributo do Rei"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Mordida"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Domínio Congelado"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Pilar de Gelo"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Subjugar"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Tributo do Rei",
        [2] = "Mordida",
        [3] = "Domínio Congelado",
        [4] = "Pilar de Gelo",
        [5] = "Subjugar"},
  ["Tryndamere"] = {
    ["id"]         = 23,
    ["apiname"]    = "Tryndamere",
    ["title"]      = "o Rei Bárbaro",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Fúria",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 696,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 108,
      ["mp_base"]  = 100,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 33,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.3,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.670,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.4,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.6700000166893,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.109999999403953,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["healing"] = 1.35
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-05-01",
    ["patch"]       = "May 1, 2009 Patch",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 10,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fúria da Batalha"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Sanguinário"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Grito Zombador"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Corte Giratório"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Fúria Sem Fim"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fúria da Batalha",
        [2] = "Sanguinário",
        [3] = "Grito Zombador",
        [4] = "Corte Giratório",
        [5] = "Fúria Sem Fim"},
  ["Twisted Fate"] = {
    ["id"]         = 4,
    ["apiname"]    = "TwistedFate",
    ["engname"]    = "Twisted Fate",
    ["title"]      = "o Mestre das Cartas",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 604,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 108,
      ["mp_base"]  = 333,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 39,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.35,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 52,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["selection_radius"] = 110,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.651000022888183,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["fullname"]   = "Tobias",
    ["nickname"]   = "TF",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio", "Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio","Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 65,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Dados Viciados"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Curingas"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Escolha uma Carta", [2] = "Carta Azul", [3] = "Carta Vermelha", [4] = "Carta Dourada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Baralho Marcado"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Destino", [2] = "Portal"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Dados Viciados",
        [2] = "Curingas",
        [3] = "Escolha uma Carta",
        [4] = "Baralho Marcado",
        [5] = "Destino"},
  ["Twitch"] = {
    ["id"]         = 29,
    ["apiname"]    = "Twitch",
    ["title"]      = "o Semeador da Peste",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 682,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 100,
      ["mp_base"]  = 300,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 27,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.75,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.25,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["dam_base"] = 59,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.679,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.38,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 575,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.67900002002716,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0980840176343917,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.92,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-05-01",
    ["patch"]       = "Atualização de 1 de maio de 2009",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 0,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Veneno Mortal"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Emboscada", [2] = "Emboscada 2", [3] = "Emboscada 3"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Tonel de Veneno"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Contaminar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Passando Fogo"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Veneno Mortal",
        [2] = "Emboscada",
        [3] = "Tonel de Veneno",
        [4] = "Contaminar",
        [5] = "Passando Fogo"},
  ["Udyr"] = {
    ["id"]         = 77,
    ["apiname"]    = "Udyr",
    ["title"]      = "o Andarilho Espiritual",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 664,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 92,
      ["mp_base"]  = 271,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 31,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.65,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 350,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.6499999761581421,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.10199999809265137,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.92,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-12-02",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.61",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 35,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Ponte Espiritual"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Garra Selvagem"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Manto de Ferro"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Investida Ardente"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade Alada"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Ponte Espiritual",
        [2] = "Garra Selvagem",
        [3] = "Manto de Ferro",
        [4] = "Investida Ardente",
        [5] = "Tempestade Alada"},
  ["Urgot"] = {
    ["id"]         = 6,
    ["apiname"]    = "Urgot",
    ["title"]      = "o Encouraçado",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 655,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 102,
      ["mp_base"]  = 340,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 36,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.45,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.25,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 63,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.75,
      ["alcance"]  = 350,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 136.111099243164,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.150000005960464,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.02,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.15,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.85,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-08-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.99",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Chamas Ecoantes"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Carga Corrosiva"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Expurgar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Desdém"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Pior que a Morte"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Chamas Ecoantes",
        [2] = "Carga Corrosiva",
        [3] = "Expurgar",
        [4] = "Desdém",
        [5] = "Pior que a Morte"},
  ["Varus"] = {
    ["id"]         = 110,
    ["apiname"]    = "Varus",
    ["title"]      = "a Flecha da Vingança",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 105,
      ["mp_base"]  = 360,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
      ["arm_base"] = 27,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 4,
      ["alcance"]  = 575,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.124561406672,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["nickname"]   = "Darkin, Valmar, Kai",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-05-08",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.139",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador", "Mago de Artilharia"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Vingança Viva"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Flecha Perfurante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Aljava da Ruína"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Chuva de Flechas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Corrente da Corrupção"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Vingança Viva",
        [2] = "Flecha Perfurante",
        [3] = "Aljava da Ruína",
        [4] = "Chuva de Flechas",
        [5] = "Corrente da Corrupção"},
  ["Vayne"] = {
    ["id"]         = 67,
    ["apiname"]    = "Vayne",
    ["title"]      = "a Caçadora Noturna",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 550,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 103,
      ["mp_base"]  = 232,
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      ["arm_base"] = 23,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.35,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 575,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.124561406672,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.97,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,      
    ["fullname"]   = "Shauna Vayne",
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-05-10",
    ["patch"]       = "v1.0.0.118",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.6",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 0,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Caçadora Noturna"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Rolamento"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Dardos de Prata"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Condenar"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Hora Final"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Caçadora Noturna",
        [2] = "Rolamento",
        [3] = "Dardos de Prata",
        [4] = "Condenar",
        [5] = "Hora Final"},
  ["Veigar"] = {
    ["id"]         = 45,
    ["apiname"]    = "Veigar",
    ["title"]      = "o Pequeno Mestre do Mal",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 580,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 108,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 26,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 52,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2.7,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.24,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 93,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.109062500298023,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-07-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V0.8.22.115",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Poder Maligno Fenomenal"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe Maligno"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Matéria Escura"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Horizonte de Eventos"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Explosão Primordial"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Poder Maligno Fenomenal",
        [2] = "Golpe Maligno",
        [3] = "Matéria Escura",
        [4] = "Horizonte de Eventos",
        [5] = "Explosão Primordial"},
  ["Vel'Koz"] = {
    ["id"]         = 161,
    ["apiname"]    = "Velkoz",
    ["engname"]    = "Vel'Koz",
    ["title"]      = "o Olho do Vazio",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 102,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1416,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.643,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.59,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 575,
      ["selection_radius"] = 88.8889007568359,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.100000001490116,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 0
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2014-02-27",
    ["patch"]       = "V4.3",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Artilharia"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3141,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Desconstrução Orgânica"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Fissão Plasmática", [2] = "Fissão Plasmática 2"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fenda do Vazio"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Ruptura Tectônica"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Raio Desintegrador de Formas de Vida", [2] = "Pesquisa"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Desconstrução Orgânica",
        [2] = "Fissão Plasmática",
        [3] = "Fenda do Vazio",
        [4] = "Ruptura Tectônica",
        [5] = "Raio Desintegrador de Formas de Vida"},
  ["Vex"] = {
    ["id"]         = 711,
    ["apiname"]    = "Vex",
    ["title"]      = "a Melancolista",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 32,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.45,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
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      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
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      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 54,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 1,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 750,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.14375,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2021-09-23",
    ["patch"]       = "V11.19",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Destruição e Escuridão"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Rajada Mistral"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Espaço Pessoal"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Penumbra Iminente"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Onda Sombria"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Destruição e Escuridão",
        [2] = "Rajada Mistral",
        [3] = "Espaço Pessoal",
        [4] = "Penumbra Iminente",
        [5] = "Onda Sombria"},
  ["Vi"] = {
    ["id"]         = 254,
    ["apiname"]    = "Vi",
    ["title"]      = "a Defensora de Piltover",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 655,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 65,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 10,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 1,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["dam_base"] = 63,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.644,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.643999993801116,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.360000014305114,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["nickname"]   = "6",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-12-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.153",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Blindagem"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Quebra-Cofres"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Pancada Certeira", [2] = "Pancada Certeira 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Força Implacável", [2] = "Força Implacável 2"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Saque e Enterrada"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Blindagem",
        [2] = "Quebra-Cofres",
        [3] = "Pancada Certeira",
        [4] = "Força Implacável",
        [5] = "Saque e Enterrada"},
  ["Viego"] = {
    ["id"]         = 234,
    ["apiname"]    = "Viego",
    ["title"]      = "o Rei Destruído",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Nenhum",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 57,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 200,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.13553,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 775,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.90,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2021-01-21",
    ["patch"]       = "V11.2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Dominação Monárquica"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Espada do Rei Destruído"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Posse Espectral"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Domínio Atormentado"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Destruidor de Corações"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Dominação Monárquica",
        [2] = "Espada do Rei Destruído",
        [3] = "Posse Espectral",
        [4] = "Domínio Atormentado",
        [5] = "Destruidor de Corações"},
  ["Viktor"] = {
    ["id"]         = 112,
    ["apiname"]    = "Viktor",
    ["title"]      = "o Arauto das Máquinas",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 600,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 104,
      ["mp_base"]  = 405,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 23,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 53,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.11,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 525,
      ["selection_radius"] = 160,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.11999999731779,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2300,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-12-29",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.131",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Gloriosa Evolução"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Poder do Sifão", [2] = "Aprimoramento: Turbocarga"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Campo Gravítico", [2] = "Aprimoramento: Magnetizar"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Raio da Morte", [2] = "Aprimoramento: Pós-choque"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade do Caos", [2] = "Tempestade do Caos 2", [2] = "Aprimoramento: Tempestade Perfeita"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Gloriosa Evolução",
        [2] = "Poder do Sifão",
        [3] = "Campo Gravítico",
        [4] = "Raio da Morte",
        [5] = "Tempestade do Caos"},
  ["Vladimir"] = {
    ["id"]         = 8,
    ["apiname"]    = "Vladimir",
    ["title"]      = "o Sanguinário Escarlete",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Sede de Sangue",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 607,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 110,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 450,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.300000011920928,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.51999998092651,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0721089988946914,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1600,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 0.9,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.92,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2010-07-27",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.97",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.13",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Batalha"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["secondary attributes"] = "Health",
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Pacto Vermelho"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Transfusão", [2] = "Ímpeto Vermelho"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Poça de Sangue"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Maré de Sangue"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Hemopraga"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Pacto Vermelho",
        [2] = "Transfusão",
        [3] = "Poça de Sangue",
        [4] = "Maré de Sangue",
        [5] = "Hemopraga"},
  ["Volibear"] = {
    ["id"]         = 106,
    ["apiname"]    = "Volibear",
    ["title"]      = "a Tempestade Implacável",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 70,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
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      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 9,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6.25,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
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      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
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      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.7,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = 0,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["shielding"] = 0.8,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
        ["healing"] = 0.8,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-11-29",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.130",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "A Tempestade Implacável"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Esmagamento Trovejante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fúria Selvagem"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Divisor de Céus"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Emissário da Tempestade"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "A Tempestade Implacável",
        [2] = "Esmagamento Trovejante",
        [3] = "Fúria Selvagem",
        [4] = "Divisor de Céus",
        [5] = "Emissário da Tempestade"},
  ["Warwick"] = {
    ["id"]         = 19,
    ["apiname"]    = "Warwick",
    ["title"]      = "a Ira Desimpedida de Zaun",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 620,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 280,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 35,
      ["arm_base"] = 33,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.4,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 4,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.45,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["dam_base"] = 65,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.638,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 111.111099243164,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.125,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 1.05,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2009-02-21",
    ["patch"]       = "Semana Alfa 2",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.9",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Fome Eterna"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Presas da Fera"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Caçada Sangrenta"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Uivo Primitivo"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Coerção Infinita"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Fome Eterna",
        [2] = "Presas da Fera",
        [3] = "Caçada Sangrenta",
        [4] = "Uivo Primitivo",
        [5] = "Coerção Infinita"},
  ["Wukong"] = {
    ["id"]         = 62,
    ["apiname"]    = "MonkeyKing",
    ["engname"]    = "Wukong",
    ["title"]      = "o Macaco Rei",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 610,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
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      ["mp_lvl"]   = 65,
      ["arm_base"] = 31,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 28,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 66,
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      ["as_base"]  = 0.69,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.657999992370605,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0916666686534881,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-07-26",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.122",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Pele de Pedra"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe Destruidor"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Guerreiro Trapaceiro"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Resplendor das Nuvens"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ciclone"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Pele de Pedra",
        [2] = "Golpe Destruidor",
        [3] = "Guerreiro Trapaceiro",
        [4] = "Resplendor das Nuvens",
        [5] = "Ciclone"},
  ["Xayah"] = {
    ["id"]         = 498,
    ["apiname"]    = "Xayah",
    ["title"]      = "a Rebelde",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 107,
      ["mp_base"]  = 340,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 40,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.25,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8.25,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.9,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.658,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.282999992370605,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.85,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2017-04-19",
    ["patch"]       = "V7.8",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.24",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 30,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Cortes Certeiros", [2] = "Salto do Amante"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Punhais Duplos"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Plumagem Mortífera"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Invocadora das Lâminas"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade de Plumas"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Cortes Certeiros",
        [2] = "Punhais Duplos",
        [3] = "Plumagem Mortífera",
        [4] = "Invocadora das Lâminas",
        [5] = "Tempestade de Plumas"},
  ["Xerath"] = {
    ["id"]         = 101,
    ["apiname"]    = "Xerath",
    ["title"]      = "o Mago Ascendente",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 596,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 106,
      ["mp_base"]  = 400,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 22,
      ["arm_base"] = 22,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6.85,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.36,
      ["alcance"]  = 525,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 600,
      ["selection_radius"] = 88.8889007568359,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 2000,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.93,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.03
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2011-10-05",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.126",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.22",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Artilharia"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Oscilação de Mana"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Pulso Arcano"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Olho da Destruição"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Orbe Eletrizante"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Ritual Arcano"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Oscilação de Mana",
        [2] = "Pulso Arcano",
        [3] = "Olho da Destruição",
        [4] = "Orbe Eletrizante",
        [5] = "Ritual Arcano"},
  ["Xin Zhao"] = {
    ["id"]         = 5,
    ["apiname"]    = "XinZhao",
    ["engname"]    = "Xin Zhao",
    ["title"]      = "o Senescal de Demacia",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 640,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.25,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.45,
      ["dam_base"] = 63,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.645,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["selection_radius"] = 108.333297729492,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.644999980926513,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.289999991655349,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.54999995231628,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.97,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.02,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05
    ["fullname"]   = "Xin Zhao",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2010-07-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.96",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Lutador de Investida"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 35,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Determinação"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Golpe de Três Garras"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Vento Vira Relâmpago"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Investida Audaciosa"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Guarda Crescente"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Determinação",
        [2] = "Golpe de Três Garras",
        [3] = "Vento Vira Relâmpago",
        [4] = "Investida Audaciosa",
        [5] = "Guarda Crescente"},
  ["Yasuo"] = {
    ["id"]         = 157,
    ["apiname"]    = "Yasuo",
    ["title"]      = "o Imperdoável",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Fluxo",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 590,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 110,
      ["mp_base"]  = 100,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 30,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.9,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.697,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 75,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 32,
      ["crit_mod"] = 0.9,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.6700000166893,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0799999982118606,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.90,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2013-12-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V3.15",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.15",
    ["role"]        = {"Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Meio","Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio","Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 20,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Estilo do Errante"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Tempestade de Aço", [2] = "Tempestade de Aço 2", [3] = "Tempestade de Aço 3"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Parede de Vento"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Espada Ágil"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Último Suspiro"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Estilo do Errante",
        [2] = "Tempestade de Aço",
        [3] = "Parede de Vento",
        [4] = "Espada Ágil",
        [5] = "Último Suspiro"},
  ["Yone"] = {
    ["id"]         = 777,
    ["apiname"]    = "Yone",
    ["title"]      = "o Inesquecido",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Desatar da Alma",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 620,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 105,
      ["mp_base"]  = 500,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 30,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.6,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.5,
      ["crit_mod"] = 0.9,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 75,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 32,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.0799999982118606,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.97,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.98,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2020-08-06",
    ["patch"]       = "V10.16",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino", "Duelista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 45,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Estilo do Caçador"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Aço Mortal"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Fenda Espiritual"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Desatar da Alma"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Destino Selado"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Estilo do Caçador",
        [2] = "Aço Mortal",
        [3] = "Fenda Espiritual",
        [4] = "Desatar da Alma",
        [5] = "Destino Selado"},
  ["Yorick"] = {
    ["id"]         = 83,
    ["apiname"]    = "Yorick",
    ["title"]      = "o Pastor de Almas",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Lutador",
    ["alttype"]    = "Tanque",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 650,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 114,
      ["mp_base"]  = 300,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 60,
      ["arm_base"] = 39,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.75,
      ["dam_base"] = 62,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 125,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 50,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.330000013113021,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
    ["fullname"]   = "Yorick Mori",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2011-06-22",
    ["patch"]       = "v1.0.0.120",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Colosso"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Topo"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 2,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 2,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Pastor de Almas"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Extrema-Unção", [2] = "Despertar"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Procissão Sombria"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Névoa dos Lamentos"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Louvor das Ilhas"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Pastor de Almas",
        [2] = "Extrema-Unção",
        [3] = "Despertar",
        [4] = "Procissão Sombria",
        [5] = "Névoa dos Lamentos",
        [6] = "Louvor das Ilhas"},
  ["Yuumi"] = {
    ["id"]         = 350,
    ["apiname"]    = "Yuumi",
    ["title"]      = "a Gata Mágica",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 500,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 69,
      ["mp_base"]  = 440,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
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      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 25,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.1,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.55,
      ["mp5_base"] = 10,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.4,
      ["dam_base"] = 49,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.625,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1,
      ["alcance"]  = 425,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 475,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.25,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.60000002384185,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["healing"] = 1.1,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.15,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.8,
        ["healing"] = 1.2,
        ["shielding"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.65,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.2,
        ["healing"] = 0.7,
      ["usb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["healing"] = 0.75,
        ["shielding"] = 0.75
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2019-05-14",
    ["patch"]       = "V9.10",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.23",
    ["role"]        = {"Encantador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 1,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 450,
    ["rp"]          = 260,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Amizade Felina"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Projétil Errante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Você e Eu!"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Frenética"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Capítulo Final"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Bater e Bloquear",
        [2] = "Projétil Errante",
        [3] = "Você e Eu!",
        [4] = "Frenética",
        [5] = "Capítulo Final"},
  ["Zac"] = {
    ["id"]         = 154,
    ["apiname"]    = "Zac",
    ["title"]      = "a Arma Secreta",
    ["difficulty"] = 1,
    ["herotype"]   = "Tanque",
    ["alttype"]    = "Lutador",
    ["recurso"]    = "Vida",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 685,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 109,
      ["mp_base"]  = 0,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 33,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 32,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 8,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 0,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 60,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.736,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 1.6,
      ["alcance"]  = 175,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 90,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 43.0749015808105,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 80,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.638000011444091,
      ["attack_cast_time"] = 0.363000005483627,
      ["attack_total_time"] = 1.567999958992,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.96,
        ["healing"] = 1.1
    ["nickname"]   = "Zaunita Amorfo Combatente, Z.A.C.",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2013-03-29",
    ["patch"]       = "V3.5",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.5",
    ["role"]        = {"Vanguarda"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Selva"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Topo","Selva","Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 3,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Divisão Celular", [2] = "Divisão Celular 2"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Esticada"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Matéria Instável"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Estilingue Elástico"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Vamos Pular!"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Divisão Celular",
        [2] = "Esticada",
        [3] = "Matéria Instável",
        [4] = "Estilingue Elástico",
        [5] = "Vamos Pular!"},
  ["Zed"] = {
    ["id"]         = 238,
    ["apiname"]    = "Zed",
    ["title"]      = "o Mestre das Sombras",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Assassino",
    ["recurso"]    = "Energia",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 654,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 99,
      ["mp_base"]  = 200,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 0,
      ["arm_base"] = 32,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 29,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 2.05,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["mp5_base"] = 50,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0,
      ["dam_base"] = 63,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.4,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.651,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 3.3,
      ["alcance"]  = 125,
      ["ms"]       = 345,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 400,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.651000022888183,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.102405503392219,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
        ["energy_regen"] = 1.2,
        ["tenacity"] = 1.2,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.85,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.1,
    ["nickname"]   = "Kagetora",
    ["tipodealcance"]   = "Corpo a corpo",
    ["date"]        = "2012-11-13",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.151",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.20",
    ["role"]        = {"Assassino"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Selva","Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 1,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 55,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Desprezo pelos Fracos"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Shuriken Laminado"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Sombra Viva", [2] = "Sombra Viva 2"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Corte Sombrio"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Marca Fatal", [2] = "Marca Fatal 2"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Desprezo pelos Fracos",
        [2] = "Shuriken Laminado",
        [3] = "Sombra Viva",
        [4] = "Corte Sombrio",
        [5] = "Marca Fatal"},
  ["Zeri"] = {
    ["id"]         = 221,
    ["apiname"]    = "Zeri",
    ["title"]      = "a Faísca de Zaun",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Atirador",
    ["alttype"]    = "",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 110,
      ["mp_base"]  = 250,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 45,
      ["arm_base"] = 24,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 3.25,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.7,
      ["mp5_base"] = 6,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 56,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 500,
      ["ms"]       = 330,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 40,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 65,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.14375,
      ["missile_speed"] = 0,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2022-01-20",
    ["patch"]       = "V12.2",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Atirador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 3,
    ["utility"]     = 0,
    ["style"]       = 35,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Físico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Bateria Viva"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Rajada Reluzente"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Laser de Ultrachoque"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Faísca Acelerada"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Impacto Eletrizante"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Bateria Viva",
        [2] = "Rajada Reluzente",
        [3] = "Laser de Ultrachoque",
        [4] = "Faísca Acelerada"},
        [5] = "Impacto Eletrizante",
  ["Ziggs"] = {
    ["id"]         = 115,
    ["apiname"]    = "Ziggs",
    ["title"]      = "o Especialista em Hexplosivos",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 606,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 106,
      ["mp_base"]  = 480,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 23.5,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 6.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 55,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.1,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.656,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 325,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 800,
      ["selection_radius"] = 100,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 30,
      ["gameplay_radius"] = 55,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.656000018119812,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.1,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -20,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.85,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.2,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = -10,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-02-01",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.133",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.3",
    ["role"]        = {"Mago de Artilharia"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Atirador"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio","Atirador"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 90,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Pavio Curto"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Bomba Saltitante"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Carga Concentrada"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Campo Minado de Hexplosivos"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Bomba Megainfernal"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Pavio Curto",
        [2] = "Bomba Saltitante",
        [3] = "Carga Concentrada",
        [4] = "Campo Minado de Hexplosivos",
        [5] = "Bomba Megainfernal"},
  ["Zilean"] = {
    ["id"]         = 26,
    ["apiname"]    = "Zilean",
    ["title"]      = "o Guardião do Tempo",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Suporte",
    ["alttype"]    = "Mago",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 574,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 96,
      ["mp_base"]  = 452,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 50,
      ["arm_base"] = 24,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 5,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 11.35,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 52,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.13,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 335,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 135,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.11999999731779,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1500,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["ability_haste"] = 10,
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["urf"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.05,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2009-04-18",
    ["patch"]       = "Atualização de 18 de abril de 2009",
    ["changes"]     = "V13.22",
    ["role"]        = {"Especialista"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 2,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 3,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 1350,
    ["rp"]          = 585,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Tempo Engarrafado"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Bomba-Relógio"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Retroceder"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Distorção no Tempo"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Alteração Temporal"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Tempo Engarrafado",
        [2] = "Bomba-Relógio",
        [3] = "Retroceder",
        [4] = "Distorção no Tempo",
        [5] = "Alteração Temporal"},
  ["Zoe"] = {
    ["id"]         = 142,
    ["apiname"]    = "Zoe",
    ["title"]      = "o Aspecto do Crepúsculo",
    ["difficulty"] = 3,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 630,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 106,
      ["mp_base"]  = 425,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 25,
      ["arm_base"] = 21,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.7,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 7.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.6,
      ["mp5_base"] = 8,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.65,
      ["dam_base"] = 58,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.3,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.658,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.5,
      ["alcance"]  = 550,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 550,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.138541668653488,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.95,
      ["ofa"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 1.1,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 0.9,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2017-11-21",
    ["patch"]       = "V7.23",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.7",
    ["role"]        = {"Obliterador"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Meio"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Meio"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 2,
    ["mobility"]    = 2,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 4800,
    ["rp"]          = 880,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Brililim!"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Estrela Desviada!", [2] = "Estrela Desviada! 2"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Roubo Arcano"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Bolha do Soninho"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Salto Dimensional"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Brililim!",
        [2] = "Estrela Desviada!",
        [3] = "Roubo Arcano",
        [4] = "Bolha do Soninho",
        [5] = "Salto Dimensional"},
  ["Zyra"] = {
    ["id"]         = 143,
    ["apiname"]    = "Zyra",
    ["title"]      = "a Ascensão dos Espinhos",
    ["difficulty"] = 2,
    ["herotype"]   = "Mago",
    ["alttype"]    = "Suporte",
    ["recurso"]    = "Mana",
    ["stats"] = {
      ["hp_base"]  = 574,
      ["hp_lvl"]   = 93,
      ["mp_base"]  = 418,
      ["mp_lvl"]   = 25,
      ["arm_base"] = 29,
      ["arm_lvl"]  = 4.2,
      ["mr_base"]  = 30,
      ["mr_lvl"]   = 1.3,
      ["hp5_base"] = 5.5,
      ["hp5_lvl"]  = 0.5,
      ["mp5_base"] = 7,
      ["mp5_lvl"]  = 0.8,
      ["dam_base"] = 53,
      ["dam_lvl"]  = 3.2,
      ["as_base"]  = 0.681,
      ["as_lvl"]   = 2.11,
      ["alcance"]  = 575,
      ["ms"]       = 340,
      ["acquisition_radius"] = 575,
      ["selection_radius"] = 120,
      ["pathing_radius"] = 35,
      ["as_ratio"] = 0.625,
      ["attack_delay_offset"] = -0.154166668653488,
      ["missile_speed"] = 1700,
      ["aram"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.9,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.05,
      ["nb"] = {
        ["dmg_dealt"] = 0.95,
        ["dmg_taken"] = 1.08,
    ["tipodealcance"]="À distância",
    ["date"]        = "2012-07-24",
    ["patch"]       = "V1.0.0.143",
    ["changes"]     = "V14.4",
    ["role"]        = {"Disruptor"},
    ["client_positions"]   = {"Suporte"},
    ["external_positions"] = {"Suporte"},
    ["damage"]      = 3,
    ["toughness"]   = 1,
    ["control"]     = 3,
    ["mobility"]    = 1,
    ["utility"]     = 1,
    ["style"]       = 100,
    ["adaptivetype"]= "Mágico",
    ["ea"]          = 3150,
    ["rp"]          = 790,
    ["skill_i"]     = {[1] = "Jardim de Espinhos"},
    ["skill_q"]     = {[1] = "Farpas Mortais"},
    ["skill_w"]     = {[1] = "Crescimento Desenfreado"},
    ["skill_e"]     = {[1] = "Pântano das Raízes"},
    ["skill_r"]     = {[1] = "Espinhos Sufocantes"},
    ["skills"]      = {
        [1] = "Jardim de Espinhos",
        [2] = "Farpas Mortais",
        [3] = "Crescimento Desenfreado",
        [4] = "Pântano das Raízes",
        [5] = "Espinhos Sufocantes"},
-- </pre>
-- [[Categoria:Lua]]