Wiki League of Legends
Wiki League of Legends

de RP RP Riot Points

IP Influence Point Pontos de Influência



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Summoner Experience points

Summoner Experience

Summoner Experience is the reward, together with Influence Points, awarded to a summoner after completing a game. It ceases to be received after the Summoner's level is maxed out at 30. The received Experience Points are calculated at the end of each game; wins are worth more than losses, and the longer the game lasts, the more XP you gain.

Increasing experience gain[]

  • Summoner Experience gain can be increased by purchasing an XP Boost from the PVP.Net store. This will double the experience earned at the end of each match.

XP gains[]

  • There is both a minimum and a maximum amount of XP and IP a player can get from a game.
  • Current (July 2011) formula for XP winning a Normal game at level 15-19 is roughly 3m+25, where m is the number of minutes the game lasts, capped at 198. Intermediate Bot games at level 10-14 use the same formula. At level 15-19, Intermediate Bot games subtract a 25% penalty from that formula.

Leveling up (Updated)[]

The following describes the amount of experience required to go from one level to the next(slighly inaccurate at the moment):

To reach Level XP Needed Cumulative XP Needed Cumulative XP %
1 0 0 0.00%
2 88 88 0.3%
3 92 200 0.9%
4 98 298 1.3%
5 118 416 1.9%
6 327 743 3.3%
7 448 1191 5.4%
8 476 1667 9.8%
9 504 2171 5.9%
10 532 2703 12.2%
11 637 3340 15.1%
12 641 3981 18.0%
13 646 4627 21.0%
14 663 5290 24.0%
15 684 5974 27.1%
16 709 6683 30.3%
17 735 7418 33.6%
18 763 8181 37.1%
19 793 8974 40.7%
20 823 9797 44.4%
21 1136 10933 49.6%
22 1150 12083 54.8%
23 1162 13245 60.1%
24 1180 14425 65.4%
25 1201 15626 70.9%
26 1224 16850 76.5%
27 1250 18100 82.1%
28 1278 19378 87.9%
29 1308 20686 93.1%
30 1340 22026 100.0%

As of 9th March 2016, the total experience needed to reach level 30 is cut by nearly half. That means that players will need to get a total of 22026 experience to get to level 30. If we say a 30min game gives you 110 XP, you will need to make 201 normal games in order to reach level 30. While XP boosts will decrease the time for you to level up, playing other than Normal Games, 3v3 or ARAM will increase the time needed past level 9(Co-op vs. Al, custom games).
