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Controle de Grupo (comumente abreviado como CC, do inglês Crownd Control) é um termo abrangente usado em League of Legends para descrever habilidades ou feitiços que removem ou diminuem o controle que uma unidade alvo tem sobre aspectos de si mesma, incluindo a capacidade de lançar feitiços e dar comandos de movimento ou ataque. Os efeitos de controle de grupo são essencialmente formas especializadas de debuffs. No entanto, porque eles prejudicam diretamente a habilidade de combate de uma unidade, os efeitos de controle de grupo são frequentemente considerados significativamente mais importantes do que debuffs normais em um jogo regular, resultando em sua classificação especial.
O controle de grupo pode assumir diversas formas, cada uma com sua maneira única de prejudicar as unidades afetadas e em suas respectivas formas de resistência, mitigado ou removido, se for o caso. A maioria dos campeões pode aplicar os mesmos tipos de controle de grupo, embora que por meio variados. No entanto, alguns efeitos de controle de grupo são exclusivos de alguns campeões.
Muitos mecanismos exigem que uma unidade seja afetada por formas específicas de controle de grupo para então funcionar.
Efeitos de Controle de Grupo[]
O controle de grupo pode desabilitar comandos de movimento, comandos de ataque, conjuração de habilidades, uso de feitiços de invocador e ativação de itens. O controle de grupo também pode interromper feitiços canalizados. Efeitos de controle de grupo que inibem a conjuração só desativarão os seguintes feitiços de invocador: , , , e / . Stasis e Supressão são exceções a esta regra e impedirão o conjurador de usar qualquer feitiço de invocador. Todos os efeitos de controle de grupo, com exceção de cegueira ou aleijamento, contarão para o crédito de assistência, mesmo que a habilidade da qual foram aplicados não tenha causado dano.
Observe o Seguinte:
- Habilidades de Movimento incluem blinks (assim como [[Arquivo:Ezreal Predefinição:Dados Ezreal/Translocação Arcana.png|20xpx|border|link=|Translocação Arcana]] Translocação Arcana de ).
- Dashes are only interrupted by Airborne effects.
- [[Arquivo:Yasuo Predefinição:Dados Yasuo/Sweeping Blade.png|20xpx|border|link=|Sweeping Blade]] Sweeping Blade de is an exception, as it is the only Dash that will be interrupted by Roots, Entangles, Stuns and Suppressions.
- Ataque refere-se ao basic attack de um campeão (clique-direito por padrão).
- Habilidade refers to a champion's castable spells (by default Q, W, E and R).
- cannot be activated where Abilities are disabled, as the item is intended to be used on allies.
- Spells refers to the Summoner Spells.
- Interrupt refers to whether or not the effect will cancel channeled abilities.
- Contrary to popular belief, Roots and Entangles will NOT interrupt channeling. This is with the exception of two special-cases: Teleport and [[Arquivo:Shen Predefinição:Dados Shen/Stand United.png|20xpx|border|link=|Stand United]] Stand United de . Roots and Entangles will, however, interrupt charged abilities (namely , and ).
- removes any crowd control effect that would.
- Airborne crowd control effects are made up of two components: a movement modifier (called a "move block" by Riot, referring to a chunk of code) and a stun (which is responsible for the disabling to attacking and casting). In the game, the most recent move block will over-rule any previous move blocks.
- Move block
- The target is unable to control movement.
- The target remains targetable and will be affected by abilities as if they were on the ground (such as ).
- The duration of the effect is related to how long the target is in the air. A common bug where a target who is dashing is made airborne causes them to be knocked "into orbit". The duration is largely extended due to the increased distance the target has to fall.
- Interrupts active move blocks, namely other airborne effects and dashes.
- Can be interrupted by subsequent move blocks, namely other airborne effects, dashes or blinks.
- The duration is unaffected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect cannot be removed by cleanse effects.
- The target is unable to control movement.
- Stun
- The target is unable to cast abilities or basic attack.
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction and can be removed by cleansing effects.
- Explained in more detail below.
- Move block
- Through the use of cleansing effects or tenacity, players can remove the stun and subsequently activate abilities such as or champion-specific dashes to break the airborne's move block.
- In some instances, the stun duration is longer than the move block (e.g. [[Arquivo:Sion Predefinição:Dados Sion/Unstoppable Onslaught.png|20xpx|border|link=|Unstoppable Onslaught]] Unstoppable Onslaught de ), but in most cases they are the same duration. There have been cases in the past where the stun duration was shorter, but this usually lead to bug-like interactions and was later "fixed" (e.g. [[Arquivo:Azir Predefinição:Dados Azir/Emperor's Divide.png|20xpx|border|link=|Emperor's Divide]] Emperor's Divide de did not apply any stun at all in the initial charge on the ability, which allowed his enemies to use Flash/dash to supersede the charge's knockback and get over the wall).
- The target is made airborne in a direction directly away from the point of cast.
- Champions with Knockback: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
Knock Aside[]
- The target is made airborne in a direction perpendicular from the source.
- Champions with Knock Aside: , , .
- The target is made airborne on the spot.
- Champions with Knockup: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
- The target is made airborne for a single instant.
- Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
- Interrupts dash abilities.
- The effect cannot be either reduced or cleansed, as the effect is instantaneous.
- Champions with Knockdown: , , .
- The target is made airborne in a direction toward the point of cast, and in some cases over the point of cast.
- Champions with Pull: , , , , , , , (against minions and monsters), , and .
- The targetable is unable to control movement, attack, cast abilities, activate items or use summoner spells.
- The target is also untargetable and invulnerable for the duration.
- Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
- Interrupts dash abilities.
- The duration is not affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect cannot be removed by any means.
- Champions with Stasis: and and (has a similar effect).
- The target is made airborne on the spot.
- The target is unable to control movement, attack or cast abilities.
- The target remains targetable and will be affected by abilities as if they were on the ground (such as ).
- Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
- Interrupts dash abilities.
- Unlike a knockup, which is visually similar:
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Champions with Suspension: , , .
- Effect: The target cannot deal any damage from anything considered 'onhit' or basic. Non-physical damage from basic attacks still works while blinded also. Every basic attack modifier is negated, like 's (Both stun and double autoattack miss'). Champions with Blind:
- 's passive returns 30% of all physical damage back to the attacker as magic damage before the damage is reduced by any effect, including blind. So it still applies if the target is blinded.
- Blinded enemies will only miss if they attack while blinded; ranged units still hit if the projectile fires before the blind.
- cannot proc while blinded.
- The target is unable to control movement or attack (rooted targets can still attack).
- This includes abilities and summoner spells that move the champion.
- This will not prevent delayed teleports that have already begun channeling, such as [[Arquivo:Twisted Fate Predefinição:Dados Twisted Fate/Gate.png|20xpx|border|link=|Gate]] Gate de . The target will arrive rooted, if the duration permits.
- Does not interrupt the channeling of abilities.
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Champions with Entangle: .
Forced Action[]
- The target is unable to control movement, attack or cast abilities.
- Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Applies only on minions at the crystal scar while attacking a capture point.
- The target will attempt to move toward the source for the duration.
- If the target does not have vision of the source, they will instead stand still.
- If the source dies, the effect ends.
- Champions with Charm: .
- The target will walk in random directions with reduced movement speed for the duration.
- Champions with Fear: (non-champion enemies only).
- The target will be locked in place for a brief duration and then run directly away from the source with reduced movement speed for the duration.
- Units immune to slowing effects will run away from the source with normal movement speed.
- If the source dies, the effect ends.
- Champions with Flee: , , , , .
- The target will attempt to attack the source of the taunt for the duration.
- If the target does not have vision of the source, they will simply stand in place.
- If the target cannot attack the source (such as ), the target will simply stand in place.
- If the source dies, the effect ends.
- Champions with Taunt: , , .
- The target is unable to attack or cast abilities and is slowed for the duration.
- This is distinct from Blind as the target cannot attack at all: as such, on-hit effects are never used/wasted.
- , when cast on an enemy, transforms the target into a small critter (reducing their size).
- Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Champions with Polymorph: .
- The target is unable to control movement.
- This includes abilities and summoner spells that move the champion.
- Does not interrupt the channeling of abilities.
- This will not prevent delayed blinks that have already begun channeling, such as [[Arquivo:Twisted Fate Predefinição:Dados Twisted Fate/Gate.png|20xpx|border|link=|Gate]] Gate de . This is with the exception of Teleport and [[Arquivo:Shen Predefinição:Dados Shen/Stand United.png|20xpx|border|link=|Stand United]] Stand United de .
- Will interrupt charged dashes, namely: and .
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Champions with Root: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
- The target is unable to cast abilities or the summoner spells Teleport. All other summoner spells are still usable. and
- Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Champions with silence: , , , , , , (on himself).
- The target has reduced movement speed.
- At any time only the strongest applied slow affects the target.
- When a stronger slow expires, the weaker ones not yet expired can affect the target.
- Does not interrupt the channeling of abilities.
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Champions with slow: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
- The target is unable to control movement, attack or cast abilities.
- Will interrupt the channeling of abilities.
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- Champions with Stun: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
- The target is unable to control movement, attack, cast abilities or use summoner spells.
- Will interrupt channeled abilities.
- The duration is not affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed only by using Cleanse is not an option since Suppression prevents summoner spell use). or (
- Champions with Suppression: Tahm Kench, , , . ,
- Suspension is a stun with "airborne" effect for the purposes of .
- The target is unable to control movement, attack or cast abilities.
- The target remains targetable and will be affected by abilities as if they were on the ground (such as ).
- Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
- Interrupts dash abilities.
- Unlike a knockup, which is visually similar:
- The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
- The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
- The target is considered to be "airborne" for the purposes of .
- Champions with Suspension: , , .