As an editor community, we conduct almost all of our discussions on Discord (and if you want to get in touch - I would recommend you join us there). However, I thought I would post something here for posterity's sake as we've recently committed a lot of formatting changes and I wanted people to be able to quickly find what's changed and why.
As per our FANDOM audit in May 2021:
NAME/Background ->RENAMED-> NAME
NAME/Background/History ->RENAMED-> TITLE
We previously had CHAMPION redirect to CHAMPION/LoL. Having a redirect as the "landing page" was considered a bad practice, and as a community we decided that 'Character' was the thing that unified all the subdomains. As promised: our League of Legends Homepage will continue to link to NAME/LoL pages, and Google does correctly display (Character) or (League of Legends) when searching for articles.
As with other Lore, we decided that Biographies (which are copied verbatim from Riot) should be found on dedicated articles - as with other stories. Rather than create entirely new pages, we instead renamed Background/History to match the champion's title and copied the Biography to that article. This is because we also decided that changes to lore will now be documented in a patch-table, and all that historic content was already on Background/History - which would reduce the amount of editing required to set-up the Biography articles.
Other changes to Character pages were pending discussion.
As per our FANDOM audit in November 2021:
NAME articles have all been updated to the new Character-focused format. This article is intended to be populated with editor-written content. This was planned but was expedited in response to the audit.
The content that was previously exclusive to Skin tooltips can now be found within a Skinviewer section on the NAME/LoL. That information includes link to relevant collection articles. The intent of the /LoL page is to provide a functional gameplay overview without needing to visit the subpages.
The editor-written Trivia sections are now found on their corresponding pages. I created a template to automatically compile them for users who liked reading it all in one place, and I am looking into adding compatibility for TFT and LOR Trivia to also be on that page.
We re-added a link to our Esports sister-site, which was previously in the Champion infobox but accidentally got removed when we updated the layout. The new link is in the banner at the top of champion pages (adjacent to the League of Legends button). As an external link, it will open in a new tab.
I would also like to thank everyone that has already contributed to our new character articles - they're looking great, and as someone who's personally fallen behind on the lore, it's great having a resource to quickly catch up on those campions! To name a "few": Jeon Moon, Boleadam, LordRedstoneNr1, Tesla Effect, Soren Trap, Erinniii, Shadowa64, Sports72Xtrm and Xyclone010 - THANK YOU! Anyone with a passion for lore is welcome to contribute, and I also encourage the creation of pages for characters we don't currently support (I know there's lot of recurring characters in LOR!). Riot and Riot Forge employees have admitted to using the wiki for browsing/catching up on lore - so this is your opportunity to make sure they do your character justice in the future! Add citations and help make it super easy for the outsourced narrative writers to keep the canon consistent!
Additional changes are planned for the Champion-collection pages with the intent of compiling all champion-related collectibles, including Summoner Icons and Ward Skins - but that's for the future. We're still deciding whether or not to keep this a subpage of League of Legends or expand it to span all game titles (NAME/Collection or NAME/LoL/Collection).
Thank you for reading. Any and all feedback continues to be welcomed.