12 support
6 oppose
3 neutral
as the guy above said, Extra words means Extra confusion.
Wikis should be the goto place when someone doesn't know something about the game, and since the majority of the visitors to the wiki are new players who are just getting to the game, we need to also simplify our descriptions so they can easily understand.
Another factor is for the non natives or those who have english as their second language. while there may be a wiki for their language, the english one contains the most content and the most active community. and so it should be standardized to be able to be understood by those who doesn't have a good grasp of the language
Quote from the wiki:
"Some things must remain buried."
sounds good in paper, but in practice it'll be terrible:
1.there are god knows how many quotes. renaming them all automatically is impossible, so it has to be done manually.
2.incompatibility with the wiki
3.there are champions with the exact same quotes Pulsefire Caitlyn,Rengar,Braum
it's all down to champion design. garen is manaless because he's designed to be a beginner pick, riven and katarina are manaless because they spam abilities like there is no tommorow,
I'm for removal. most of the pages are so hideously outdated (i.e Leblanc's strategy section still mentions the slow in her chains before i edited them out) and updating them all is just a waste of time. and most people who look for guides to play a champion go to either the comment section to seek for help or to other sites such as Mobafire or op.gg
What have i just read
Rod of Ages. Attack Speed won't be impactful early on
Should've posted it as an image bud
There's really no other way, unless you create a new account that has EUW region set while creating it
You can. it'll cost RP though.
Talon as he has an easier kit than Zed.
Serious answer: He has annoying abilties that would give teemo a run for his money. first he gains a shield for just moving, then he has an AOE tornado that knocks up, he also has a wind wall that blocks projectiles, he also has a dash that, can be used theoretically infinite times, and the fact he has doubled crit chance and armor penetration on his ult and the fact kids use him in ranked and think they are yassuo, AND THE FACT YASUO HAS NO RESOURCE BAR APART FROM HIS FLOW SHIELD, is why he is considered cancer
Yes he can, but before level 6 your ganks suck
Take spellthief's edge, get W at level 1 and put them in the bush on the bot lane. you can also take spectral sickle for him,