Wiki League of Legends

Hotkeys are keys or key-combinations for use within a match which, when typed, provide quick access to certain aspects of the game. Commands can be typed into the chat console either within a match, or in other chat windows, though some (such as champion laughter, jokes, and dances) will only have the specified effect within a match.


Note: The Hotkeys listed here bound on their standard keys on the QWERTY keyboard. For other keyboards, default hotkeys are bound to the keys which are in the positions occupied by the following keys on the QWERTY keyboard (e.g., ' is bound to a champion's 1st ability on the Dvorak keyboard).

  • Q - Use champion's 1st ability. For abilities that target a champion, you must follow this by either left-clicking the champion or pressing F1-F5 to target a team member. Same for W, E, and R.
  • W - Use champion's 2nd ability.
  • E - Use champion's 3rd ability.
  • R - Use champion's ultimate ability.
  • Ctrl+Q - Add an ability point to the champion's 1st ability.
  • Ctrl+W - Add an ability point to the champion's 2nd ability.
  • Ctrl+E - Add an ability point to the champion's 3rd ability.
  • Ctrl+R - Add an ability point to the champion's ultimate ability.
  • Alt+Q / Q+F1 - Cast champion's 1st ability on self (must be a support spell).
  • Alt+W / W+F1 - Cast champion's 2nd ability on self (must be a support spell).
  • Alt+E / E+F1 - Cast champion's 3rd ability on self (must be a support spell).
  • Alt+R / R+F1 - Cast champion's 4th ability on self (must be a support spell).
  • Shift+Q - Smart cast champion's 1st ability.
  • Shift+W - Smart cast champion's 2nd ability.
  • Shift+E - Smart cast champion's 3rd ability.
  • Shift+R - Smart cast champion's 4th ability.
  • A or X - Attack Move (Champion moves to point, stopping to attack any enemies along the way).
  • S - Stop Command (Champion stops their current course of action).
  • H - Hold Command (Hold works like Stop, but is toggled while held down).
  • D - Cast 1st Summoner spell.
  • F - Cast 2nd Summoner spell.
  • Numbers (1 to 6) - Use consumable Item in corresponding inventory slot.
  • 1-6 - Use designated Active Ability Items.
  • B or 7 - Recall (formerly known as Blue Pill).
  • Esc - Close current window, such as the shop.
  • M - Open Map for the current Field of Justice.
  • C - Open champion statistics page.
  • G - Toggle alert ping cursor.
  • Y - Lock camera on champion.
  • Space - Center camera on champion (holding Space will hold the camera on the champion until released).
  • O - Open match stats page/leaderboard.
  • Tab - Open match stats page/leaderboard (unlike O, the screen will disappear when the Tab button is released).
  • V - Toggle retreat ping cursor. Clicking with this hotkey on an allied champion (or their icon in the upper left area of the screen) will show an alert telling that specific champion to fall back.
  • Ctrl+L - Cycle through minion health bar views.
  • Shift+L - Turn off champion health bars.
  • Shift+K - Turn off summoner names above champion health bars.
  • P - Open item shop.
  • Arrow keys - Scroll camera in the corresponding direction.
  • Alt+left click - Ping location/Open Radial Menu.
  • Ctrl+left click - Retreat Ping location/Open Radial Menu.
  • Alt+right click - Command Pet (E.g Tibbers Tibbers).
  • Shift+right click - Attack Move.
  • F2-F5 - Move camera to corresponding ally champion (camera must be unlocked).
  • F12 - Take a screenshot.
  • Alt + - removes HUD
  • Enter - Create chat cursor.
  • Shift+Enter - Open chat with "/all" already written.
  • Ctrl+F - Toggle the numeric frames-per-second and latency display.
  • Z - Open chat history.
  • ~ (tilde key) - Allows you to select only champions when using champion abilities or summoner spells.

Many more hotkeys were listed by Rioter "HoHums" here, although many are for internal use only: /hi ;)


League of Legends in-game chat gives the possibility to perform some actions during the game:

  • /help - Lists / commands and provides descriptions
  • /surrender or /ff - Starts vote for team surrender
  • /joke, /j or Ctrl+1 - Plays Champion's joke
  • /taunt, /t or Ctrl+2 - Plays Champion's taunt
  • /dance, /d or Ctrl+3 - Starts the Champion dance sequence
  • /laugh, /l or Ctrl+4 - Plays Champion's laugh provides players with the ability to chat with friends who are currently in an active session of League of Legends. For players in the AIR client, this process is as simple as opening a chat window through your buddy list. Players in-game will be able to send messages to players in the client, or even in other games of League of Legends by making use of the following chat commands, followed by a message:

  • /w or /msg "summoner name" - will send a message to another player. Summoner names are case sensitive.
  • /r - will send a message to the last player who sent you a message. Note that it will automatically add the recipient after /r.
  • /all - will send a message to all players in the current match (useful if you forgot to press shift + enter). provides players with the ability to block unwanted messages from other players through the use of the following commands:

  • /mute "summoner name" - will mute all text from a player for the duration of your current game session.
  • /ignore "summoner name" - will mute a player during this game session and all subsequent game sessions.

File Location for Keybindings[]

The file that holds the keybindings can be found here:

*\League of Legends\Config\PresistedSettings.JSON

Some people have trouble changing the keybindings through the in-game interface. Editing this file is an alternate way of changing your keybindings. In particular, the game UI forbids assigning Shift modified key-bindings to the basic champion abilities, so editing the file is the only way to achieve this. The file does say "editing it [the file] is not recommended," however, the old method of using the imput.ini file no longer functions. and as such this is the only method for getting those unsupported keybindings.

Another thing to note is that it's wise to test your key changes in a tutorial game and if it does not work, go to the in-game menu for keybindings and press the "reset to default" button.

Below is a list of changable values in the game and their default setting. It should be noted that in this file many other setting may come before the setting you wish to change; namely the Chat Settings, Floating Text settings, General settings, Hud settings, Sound settings. Settings presumably appear in the file in the order which they are modified in. Additionally, while the names and setting below are accurate, the formatting of the list is not (The list is formated like the .ini file and the .JSON uses a different syntax.)

File Syntax:

    "description": "The settings in this file are persisted server-side. This file is generated automatically. Editing it is not recommended. Modify SettingsToPersist.json to specify which settings are persisted.",
    "files": [
            "name": "Input.ini",
            "sections": [
                    "name": "GameEvents",
                    "settings": [
                            "name": "EVENT NAME 1",
                            "value": "[BOUND KEY 1]"

                            "name": "EVENT NAME 2",
                            "value": "[BOUND KEY 2]"
                    "name": "HUDEvents",
                    "settings": [
                            "name": "EVENT NAME 3",
                            "value": "[BOUND KEY 3]"









evtShowConsole = [Return],[NumEnter]
evtShowAllConsole = [Shift] [Return], [Shift] [NumEnter]

evntPlayerPing=[alt][Button 1]
evntPlayerPingDanger=[ctrl][Button 1]

evtPlayerAttackMoveClick=[Shift] [Button 2]
evtPetMoveClick = [Alt] [Button 2]
evtPetReturn = [Alt] [Button 1]

evtPlayerSelectClick=[Button 1]
evtPlayerMoveClick=[Button 2]
evtOnUIMouse4Pan=[Button 3]

evtEmoteJoke=[Ctrl] [1]
evtEmoteTaunt=[Ctrl] [2]
evtEmoteDance=[Ctrl] [3]
evtEmoteLaugh=[Ctrl] [4]

evtShowHealthBars=[Shift] [l]
evtToggleMinionHealthBars=[Ctrl] [l]
evtShowSummonerNames=[Shift] [k]

evtScrollUp=[Up Arrow]
evtScrollDown=[Down Arrow]
evtScrollLeft=[Left Arrow]
evtScrollRight=[Right Arrow]
PointerSpeed = 2
RollerButtonSpeed = 1
evtToggleFPSAndLatency=[Ctrl] [f]


.* "evtUseItem7" is the functional name for the recall or back function.

** These commands have and their default values have not been confirmed but this is what they should be following the logic of other naming and binding schema.

Below is an example file that only switches the smartcast and normal cast keys.

evtSmartCastSpell1  = [q]
evtSmartCastSpell2  = [w]
evtSmartCastSpell3  = [e]
evtSmartCastSpell4  = [r]
evtSmartCastAvatarSpell1  = [d]
evtSmartCastAvatarSpell2  = [f]

evtCastSpell4 = [Shift][r]
evtCastSpell3 = [Shift][e]
evtCastSpell2 = [Shift][w]
evtCastSpell1 = [Shift][q]
evtCastAvatarSpell1 = [Shift][d]
evtCastAvatarSpell2 = [Shift][f]
evtUseItem1 = [Shift][1]
evtUseItem2 = [Shift][2]
evtUseItem3  =[Shift][3]
evtUseItem4 = [Shift][4]
evtUseItem5 = [Shift][5]
evtUseItem6 = [Shift][6]

As of the Skarner patch (V1.0.0.123), there is now a new keybinding available: Smart + Self Cast. This new setup is nearly identical to the old smartcast except in one regard: spells that you can target on yourself you can now cast to yourself by pressing the key with the mouse over any invalid target. For example, with this setup you can apply Morgana's Black Shield to yourself by pressing the self + smartcast key and having your mouse over anything that is not an allied champion. For those of you who want to edit the input.ini file, here is an example of self + smartcast applied to the standard keys:

evtSmartPlusSelfCastSpell4 = [r]
evtSmartPlusSelfCastSpell3 = [e]
evtSmartPlusSelfCastSpell2 = [w]
evtSmartPlusSelfCastSpell1 = [q]
evtSmartPlusSelfCastAvatarSpell1 = [d]
evtSmartPlusSelfCastAvatarSpell2 = [f]

evtCastSpell4 = [r][Shift]
evtCastSpell3 = [e][Shift]
evtCastSpell2 = [w][Shift]
evtCastSpell1 = [q][Shift]
evtCastAvatarSpell1 = [d][Shift]
evtCastAvatarSpell2 = [f][Shift]

Switching primary and secondary mouse buttons[]

LoL does not support the setting within operating systems that switch primary and secondary buttons, nor does it allow the changing of these within the in-game client. To switch these buttons you must use set the following values in the PersistedSettings.JSON file (which includes settings omitted from the previous example, and be sure to use proper syntax as indicated above).

evtPlayerSelectClick = [Button 2] 
evtPlayerMoveClick = [Button 1] 
evtPlayerAttackMoveClick = [Shift] [Button 1] 
evtPetMoveClick = [Alt] [Button 1] 
evtPetReturn = [Alt] [Button 2] 
evtOnUIMouse1 = [Button 2] 
evtOnUIMouse2 = [Button 1] 
evtOnUIMouse3 = [Button 3] 
evntHudMoveableSelect = [Button 2] 
evtOrbitCamera = [Ctrl][Button 2]

This list does not encompass all mouse functions and requires expanding.

Patch History[]


  • Default hotkeys for joke, taunt, dance, and laugh have been changed.
    • Joke changed to Ctrl+1 from Shift+1.
    • Taunt changed to Ctrl+2 from Shift+2.
    • Dance changed to Ctrl+3 from Shift+3.
    • Laugh changed to Ctrl+4 from Shift+4.


  • Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default, instead of L.


  • Fixed a bug where Ctrl+F didn't display a Ping/FPS overlay.


  • Fixed a bug in which the Show/Hide HUD keybinding would always be F5, despite the selection in the options menu.


  • Added a new ping functionality: you can now ping to signal your teammates to fall back.


  • Added new keybindings for "Self+Smart cast" for abilities and Summoner Spells. Casting with these binds will first try to smart cast the ability; if there is no target or an invalid target under the cursor, it will attempt to self-cast the ability.


  • Added two ignore options: "/ignore ally" for ignoring the allied team, and "/ignore enemy" for ignoring the enemy team.


  • Smart cast now defaults to Shift and self cast now defaults to Alt. These can be changed in the keybinding menu.


  • Mouse wheel scrolling on the minimap is now disabled by default.


  • Right-clicking an allied portrait will no longer move you in the direction of your ally.
  • Ignoring or muting a user will now also ignore their minimap pings.


  • The HUD can now be hidden using Alt+[-].
  • Responding using the "/r" function will now correctly respond to the most recent person that whispered you.
  • The mouse wheel can now be used to scroll up and down in the shop.


  • The level up spell hotkey has been changed to holding down Ctrl while pressing the spell hotkey (Q, W, E, R). It is no longer Alt. This can be changed in the keybinding menu.
  • Holding down Alt and pressing a spell hotkey will now cast the spell on yourself if it is self-castable, or cast the spell under your mouse cursor if applicable. This is referred to as "Smart Casting" and can be rebound in the keybinding menu.
  • F1-F5 keys can now be used to cast spells on yourself or your allies. Click the spell, then use one of the F1 (self) through F5 buttons (allies).
    • F1-F5 keys can now be clicked or held down to center the camera on yourself or allies.


  • Pressing Esc should now deselect a controlled pet.


  • "/help" can now also be accessed with "/?".
  • "/surrender" can now also be accessed with "/ff".
  • "/nosurrender" can now also be accessed with "/noff".
  • "/w" can now also be accessed with "/msg".
  • Fixed an issue that was causing "/r" to incorrectly remember the last person who whispered you.


  • Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default instead of L.


  • Added new keybindings for "Self+Smart Cast" for abilities and Summoner spells. Casting with these binds will first try to Smart-Cast the ability; if there is no target or an invalid target under the cursor, it will attempt to Self-Cast the ability.



  • Added chat commands:
    • "/r" replies to the last person who whispered you.
    • "/mute <player>" will block all in-game chat from that player.


  • Added "stop command" and bound it to V.
    • Holding down H works like the stop command until the key is released.


  • Added "Chat history toggle" and bound it to Z.

July 10, 2009 Patch:

  • Holding down the tilde key (~) will now allow you to select only champions.

June 26, 2009 Patch:

  • Added Alt+Enter command for full screen/windowed mode toggling.

May 29, 2009 Patch:

  • Scoreboard can now be activated by holding down the Tab key.

May 9, 2009 Patch:

  • Shop can now be toggled with P.

April 25, 2009 Patch:

  • Holding down the Spacebar will now lock your camera to your champion until you release it.

April 18, 2009 Patch:

  • Removed the "click to upgrade" button for ability level-ups.
    • You can now level up skills using Alt+Q, Alt+W, Alt+E, and Alt+R.

Alpha Week 7:

  • Added "Minion health bar toggle" and bound it to L.
  • All health bars toggle now bound to Shift+L.

Alpha Week 6:

  • Esc now closes the chat box and erases any text in it.

Alpha Week 5:

  • Pressing Esc now works to close all menus.
  • Health bar toggle is now bound to L instead of F.
  • Added hold position/stop key and bound it to H.
  • Added an attack move command and bound it to X.
  • Scoreboard toggle now bound to O instead of T.
  • Teleport Home Teleport Home is now bound to B and has been added as a button in the HUD.