Wiki League of Legends
For the removed runes, see Mark (runes).

Mark / Dash is a summoner spell exclusive to the Howling Abyss. It throws a snowball that, upon impact, deals true damage and over the next 3 seconds the player may reactivate the spell to dash towards the marked target and deals the same damage.


  • As with Poro Dash Poro Dash, Mark will bypass Wind Wall Wind Wall de Yasuo Yasuo and Unbreakable Unbreakable de Braum Braum and cannot be negated by spell shields.
  • Champions become untargetable while dashing.
  • Despite the fact the duration of Mark's debuff refreshes on subsequent applications, summoners still only have their respective 3 seconds to use Dash.
  • Although not mentioned, the Cleanse Cleanse summoner spell will not remove the snowflake.
  • Mark will grant vision of brush (range? PENDIENTE DE PRUEBA) while passing through, and will grant true sight of a hit target. The true sight is granted by the Mark buff, so it is lost when Dash is used.
  • The cooldown of this summoner spell is automatically reduced to 48 seconds, due to the Howling Abyss buff, which reduces the cooldown of summoner spells by 40%.
    • The cooldown can be reduced even more with other sources of summoner spell cooldown reduction.
Enfriamiento de hechizo de invocador
Enfriamiento base 360s
Cooldown reduction icon Reducción de enfriamiento
5% (Cosmic Insight rune) 342s 285s 228s 199.5s 171s 85.5s N/A
10% (Ionian Boots of Lucidity item) 324s 270s 216s 189s 162s 81s N/A
15% (Ionian Boots of Lucidity itemCosmic Insight rune) 306s 255s 204s 178.5s 153s 76.5s N/A
40% (Howling Abyss aura) N/A 180s 144s 126s 108s N/A 48s
43% (Howling Abyss auraCosmic Insight rune) N/A 171s 136.8s 119.7s 102.6s N/A 45.6s
50% (Howling Abyss auraIonian Boots of Lucidity item) N/A 150s 120s 105s 90s N/A 40s
52.5% (Howling Abyss auraIonian Boots of Lucidity itemCosmic Insight rune) N/A 142.5s 114s 99.75s 85.5s N/A 38s


  • The spell possesses the same behavior of Poro Toss Poro Toss / Poro Dash Poro Dash from the Legend of the Poro King featured game mode.
    • Mark Mark / Dash Dash was inspired by Poro Toss Poro Toss / Poro Dash Poro Dash.


Patch History[]

  • Removed: No longer uses minimap targeting.
  • Level requirement increased to 6 from 1.
  • Cooldown increased to 80 seconds from 40.
  • Mark Mark snowball width reduced to 80 from 100.
  • new: Added a glow effect to make snowballs more visible.
  • Total damage using Mark Mark and Dash Dash unchanged
    • Mark Mark damage increased to 10 + (5 × Champion's Level) from 5 + (2.5 × Champion's Level)
      • 50% of total damage from 25%.
    • Dash Dash damage decreased to 10 + (5 × Champion's Level) from 15 + (7.5 × Champion's Level)
      • 50% of total damage from 75%.
  • Mark Mark range decreased to 1600 from 2500
  • Mark Mark cooldown increased to 40 seconds from 20 seconds
  • Total damage using Mark Mark and Dash Dash unchanged.
    • Mark Mark damage reduced to 5 + (2.5 × Champion's Level) from 20 + (10 × Champion's Level).
      • 25% of total damage
    • Dash Dash deals damage equals to 15 + (7.5 × Champion's Level)
      • 75% of total damage
V5.8 Added

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