Wiki League of Legends
¡Bienvenidos a League of Legends Wiki en español, dedicada al videojuego League of Legends que todos pueden editar!
  1. Aatrox
  2. Ahri
  3. Akali
  4. Akshan
  5. Alistar
  6. Amumu
  7. Anivia
  8. Annie
  9. Aphelios
  10. Ashe
  11. Aurelion Sol
  12. Azir
  13. Bardo
  14. Bel'Veth
  15. Blitzcrank
  16. Brand
  17. Braum
  18. Caitlyn
  19. Camille
  20. Cassiopeia
  21. Cho'Gath
  22. Corki
  23. Darius
  24. Diana
  25. Dr
  26. Draven
  27. Ekko
  28. Elise
  29. Evelynn
  30. Ezreal
  31. Fiddlesticks
  32. Fiora
  33. Fizz
  34. Galio
  35. Gangplank
  36. Garen
  37. Gnar
  38. Gragas
  39. Graves
  40. Gwen
  41. Hecarim
  42. Heimerdinger
  43. Illaoi
  44. Irelia
  45. Ivern
  46. Janna
  47. Jarvan IV
  48. Jax
  49. Jayce
  50. Jhin
  51. Jinx
  52. Kai'Sa
  53. Kalista
  54. Karma
  55. Karthus
  56. Kassadin
  57. Katarina
  58. Kayle
  59. Kayn
  60. Kennen
  61. Kha'Zix
  62. Kindred
  63. Kled
  64. Kog'Maw
  65. LeBlanc
  66. Lee Sin
  67. Leona
  68. Lillia
  69. Lissandra
  70. Lucian
  71. Lulu
  72. Lux
  73. Maestro Yi
  74. Malphite
  75. Malzahar
  76. Maokai
  77. Miss Fortune
  78. Mordekaiser
  79. Morgana
  80. Nami
  81. Nasus
  82. Nautilus
  83. Neeko
  84. Nidalee
  85. Nilah
  86. Nocturne
  87. Nunu y Willump
  88. Olaf
  89. Orianna
  90. Ornn
  91. Pantheon
  92. Poppy
  93. Pyke
  94. Qiyana
  95. Quinn
  96. Rakan
  97. Rammus
  98. Rek'Sai
  99. Rell
  100. Renata Glasc
  101. Renekton
  102. Rengar
  103. Riven
  104. Rumble
  105. Ryze
  106. Samira
  107. Sejuani
  108. Senna
  109. Seraphine
  110. Sett
  111. Shaco
  112. Shen
  113. Shyvana
  114. Singed
  115. Sion
  116. Sivir
  117. Skarner
  118. Sona
  119. Soraka
  120. Swain
  121. Sylas
  122. Syndra
  123. Tahm Kench
  124. Taliyah
  125. Talon
  126. Taric
  127. Teemo
  128. Thresh
  129. Tristana
  130. Trundle
  131. Tryndamere
  132. Twisted Fate
  133. Twitch
  134. Udyr
  135. Urgot
  136. Varus
  137. Vayne
  138. Veigar
  139. Vel'Koz
  140. Vex
  141. Vi
  142. Viego
  143. Viktor
  144. Vladimir
  145. Volibear
  146. Warwick
  147. Wukong
  148. Xayah
  149. Xerath
  150. Xin Zhao
  151. Yasuo
  152. Yone
  153. Yorick
  154. Yuumi
  155. Zac
  156. Zed
  157. Zeri
  158. Ziggs
  159. Zilean
  160. Zoe
  161. Zyra

All Random games allow players to roll champions from the last 3 Free Rotations. Duplicate entries do not have increased odds.

09 octubre 2018 - 16 octubre 2018

02 octubre 2018 - 09 octubre 2018
  1. Master Yi
    Master Yi

Before summoner level 11, players have access to a different Free Rotation. This is updated less frequently than the standard rotation, and so the following may be outdated.

Última comprobación: agosto 2018

Últimos Aspectos
Diana InfernalLoading
Diana Infernal
 1350 de RP 1350
Sion MechaZeroLoading
Sion Mecha Zero
 1850 de RP 1850
Lissandra ProgramLoading
Programa Lissandra
 1350 de RP 1350
Soraka ProgramLoading
Programa Soraka
 1350 de RP 1350
Vel'Koz DefinitelyNotLoading
Este no es Vel'Koz
 750 de RP 750
Tahm Kench UrfKenchLoading
Urf Kench
 750 de RP 750

League of Legends Wiki/Importante


Blogs de la Comunidad

Zenstt Zenstt 31 mar 2015

Nothf - El cazador

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Temluis Temluis 28 feb 2014

Chak, el Maestro de la Tierra

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MatjtONNN MatjtONNN 17 feb 2014

MatjtONNN - Xith

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