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Ignite is a targeted summoner spell that deals true damage over a duration, applying [[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]] [[:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|Grievous Wounds]] on the target, and revealing them for the duration.


  • Ignite Ignite provides players an offensive utility and damage spell that scales with level. Throughout Season 2 and Season 3, the spell was nearly ubiquitous in all lanes, as the extra kill pressure was highly valued. The changes to Heal Heal and Exhaust Exhaust in Season 4 provided powerful tools to defend against all-ins, causing Ignite Ignite to fall out of favor among all but the most aggressive roles and weakening aggressive champions and strategies overall. In Season 9 Ignite Ignite regained its original lower cooldown and is now heavily favored among supports and 1v1 kill lanes.
  • A well-placed healing reduction debuff from Ignite Ignite can severely limit the effectiveness of enemy healing items, as well as healing abilities from champions like Soraka Soraka, Aatrox Aatrox, Vladimir Vladimir, Volibear Volibear, and Warwick Warwick. It is considered a direct counter to Dr Dr. Mundo, Soraka Soraka, Aatrox Aatrox and Swain Swain because they are reliant on their healing-based abilities and ultimates. The healing reduction debuff also applies to life steal and spell vamp effects from items and abilities such as The Bloodthirster The Bloodthirster and Soul Siphon Soul Siphon de Morgana Morgana.
  • It should be noted that Ignite Ignite deals true damage and therefore cannot be mitigated by any form of damage reduction, although shields and invulnerability will absorb the damage.

Effectiveness comparison[]

Plantilla:Summoner spell comparison table


  • Ignite's damage scales with the user's level.
  • Cleanse Cleanse removes the damage-over-time component of Ignite Ignite, but not the healing reduction.
  • Plantilla:Sis healing debuff does not reduce shields or health boosts like Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm de Janna Janna or Wild Growth Wild Growth de Lulu Lulu.
  • Multiple uses of Ignite Ignite on the same target will refresh its duration and does not provide a stacking effect.
  • Ignite Ignite does not stack with any other abilities that apply [[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]] [[:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|Grievous Wounds]], such as Hail of Arrows Hail of Arrows de Varus Varus.
  • Taking damage from Ignite interrupts Recall as of patch V5.3; other channeled abilities are unaffected.
  • The cooldown of this spell can be reduced by summoner spell cooldown reduction.
Enfriamiento de hechizo de invocador
Enfriamiento base 360s
Cooldown reduction icon Reducción de enfriamiento
5% (Cosmic Insight rune) 342s 285s 228s 199.5s 171s 85.5s N/A
10% (Ionian Boots of Lucidity item) 324s 270s 216s 189s 162s 81s N/A
15% (Ionian Boots of Lucidity itemCosmic Insight rune) 306s 255s 204s 178.5s 153s 76.5s N/A
40% (Howling Abyss aura) N/A 180s 144s 126s 108s N/A 48s
43% (Howling Abyss auraCosmic Insight rune) N/A 171s 136.8s 119.7s 102.6s N/A 45.6s
50% (Howling Abyss auraIonian Boots of Lucidity item) N/A 150s 120s 105s 90s N/A 40s
52.5% (Howling Abyss auraIonian Boots of Lucidity itemCosmic Insight rune) N/A 142.5s 114s 99.75s 85.5s N/A 38s


  • The icon for Ignite Ignite shows great resemblance to Pyromania Pyromania de Annie Annie since they are both icons of a hand holding a flame.
  • Ignite Ignite and Chilling Smite Chilling Smite (and Mark Mark on Howling Abyss) are the only summoner spells that deal direct damage to enemy champions.


Patch History[]

  • Total true damage reduced to 70 − 410 from 80 − 505.
  • Cooldown reduced to 180 seconds from 210.
  • Total true damage increased to 80 − 505 from 70 − 410.
  • New Effect: Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.
  • Level requirement reduced to 9 from 10.
  • [[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]] [[:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|Grievous Wounds]]
    • Reduces all healing received by 40%.(Previous change from V5.22 reverted.)
  • [[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]][[File:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|20px|link=Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds]] [[:Plantilla:Tip data/Grievous wounds|Grievous Wounds]]
    • Reduced to 40% healing reduction from 50% healing reduction.
    • Grievous Wounds now only affects self-healing instead of all healing.
  • Ignite now interrupts champions who attempt to recall while Ignited.
  • Reveals target for the duration. Doesn't reveal stealth.
    • Bug: Stealthed targets are revealed.
  • New particles.
  • Cooldown increased to 210 seconds from 180.
  • Now only usable on enemy champions.
  • No longer usable on minions (still usable on jungle monsters).
  • Now removes stealth when used.
  • The damage over time can now be removed by Cleanse Cleanse.
  • Fixed a bug where its visual effect would sometimes persist far beyond the actual duration.
  • Now removes stealth when used.
  • Fixed a bug where itcould be cast while in stasis from Zhonya's Ring Zhonya's Ring.
  • Damage per level reduced to 20 from 25.
  • Can no longer be removed by Cleanse Cleanse.
  • Fixed a bug with the tooltip cooldown value that made it seem shorter than it actually is.
  • Can now be removed by Cleanse Cleanse.
  • Now also reduces the target’s healing and regeneration by 50%.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ignite Ignite from being cast while silenced.
  • Range increased to 600 from 550.
V0.9.25.24 Added
  • Deals 50 damage plus 25 damage per level over 5 seconds. This damage is not lowered by armor or magic resistance.
  • Burning Embers (mastery): While your Ignite Ignite spell is on cooldown, your champion has an additional 10 ability power.

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