Wiki League of Legends

Plantilla:Spell data Fortificar

Fortify was a 'non-targeted' summoner spell that buffed your turrets globally. Fortify was removed from League of Legends with the November 15th, 2011 patch V1.0.0.129.


Fortify was mainly used defensively to prevent turrets from taking damage and clearing minions faster than normally. However it was also a very effective method to punish turret divers or quickly do damage to foes that got caught by pulls and taunts like Rocket Grab Rocket Grab and Puncturing Taunt Puncturing Taunt.


  • When you use Fortify, any hits to the protected tower won't proc certain abilities that would have worked before. For example, Relentless Assault Relentless Assault de Jax Jax, Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade, and Double Strike Double Strike de Master Yi Master Yi.
  • Fortify can be used while your champion is dead.
  • While fortified, a turret grants you assists and kills when it last-hits or assists in killing an enemy champion as if you were dealing the damage, and not the turret. This does not, however, apply to minion kills.


  • The bonus damage to minions is an on-hit effect and only applies to standard attacks and abilities that specifically mention applying on-hit effects (e.g. Mystic Shot Mystic Shot de Ezreal Ezreal or Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike de Nasus Nasus).
  • After the V1.0.0.129 patch update, players who achieved summoner level 4 reported having the message that they have learned Fortify. This tooltip may have been left out during the patch's installation.

Patch History[]


  • Removed.


  • Fortify Fortify can be used without breaking stealth.


  • Will now affect all allied towers, not just the forward most towers in a lane.


  • Now gives you 9 bonus damage to minions while off cooldown.
  • No longer does splash damage, but will do splash damage when improved by the corresponding mastery.


  • Duration reduced to 6 seconds from 7 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug where the splash damage was being applied to the primary target.


  • Now applies splash damage.


  • Cooldown reduced to 300 seconds from 330 seconds.


  • Fortify talent damage boost to minions increased to +9 from +6.

July 10, 2009 Patch:

  • Cooldown increased to 330 seconds from 300 seconds.
  • Duration increased to 7 seconds from 6 seconds.

June 26, 2009 Patch:

  • Reinforce (mastery) – While Fortify Fortify is able to be activated, increases damage to minions and monsters by 6. In addition, increases the armor of turrets for 10 seconds after the invulnerability fades.

May 9, 2009 Patch:

  • Cooldown reduced to 270 seconds from 300 seconds.

Semana Alfa 7:

  • Summoner Spell Fortify Fortify should now appropriately make turrets invulnerable versus magic.

Semana Allfa 4:

  • Cooldown increased to 6 minutes from 5 minutes.

Semana Alfa 3:

  • Duración de la mejora aumentada de 5 a 6 segundos.

Hechizos de invocador
