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Control de masa (o del Ingles Crowd Control (CC)) es un termino usado para describir una habilidad o hechizo que temporalmente reduce la habilidad de pelear de una unidad. El termino 'control de masa' proviene de la habilidad de controlar al equipo enemigo durante el combate, ya sea restringiendo su contribución a la misma o su maneras de escape. En adición, el uso de un control de masa puede ayudar a tu propia supervivencia: en la misma manera que puedes evitar que escapen de ti, tu puedes evitar que te sigan.

Los controles de masa no vuelven a un enemigo inalcanzable. En el caso de los efectos de los Derribos Aereos, el objetivo se considera en el suelo para el proposito de tiros de habilidad o efectos de daño (como Champion  Morgana de Tierra Maldita Tierra Maldita).

Tipos de Controles de Masa

Este articulo contiene una version simplificada del contenido. Para el articulo completo, vea: Tipos de Controles de Masa.

The following are the current forms of crowd control that exist within League of Legends:

  • En el aire: Una unidad es considerada en el aire cuando no puede moverse, atacar o usar habilidades durante la duración. La duración no es afectada por reducción de control de masa y no puede ser removida por efectos de purificación.
    • Knockback?: Un knockback? causa que el objetivo sea lanzado en el aire en dirección contraria desde el punto de lanzamiento. La duración depende en cuanto viaja el objetivo, desde 0.75 segundos (Powerball Powerball de Rammus Rammus) hasta 1.5 (Wild Growth Wild Growth de Lulu Lulu).
    • Derribo aereo: Un derribo aereo causa que el objetivo sea lanzado en el aire en el lugar. La duración depende en cuan alto el objetivo es lanzado, desde 0.75 segundos (Powerball Powerball de Rammus Rammus) hasta 1.5 (Wild Growth Wild Growth de Lulu Lulu).
    • Pull/Fling?: Un pull? es un efecto que causa que el blanco sea lanzado en el aire en dirección hacia el punto de lanzamiento.
  • Cegar: Una unidad cegada fallara sus ataques basicos durante la duración.
  • Envolver: Una unidad envuelta no podra moverse o realizar ataques basicos durante la duración.
  • Acción Forzada: Una unidad bajo los efectos de una acción forzada no puede controlar sus propios movimientos o ataques, ademas de no poder usar habilidades.
    • Encanto: Una unidad encantada se movera hacia la fuente del encanto durante la duración.
    • Miedo: La unidad afectada correra en direcciones al azar con velocidad de movimiento reducida durante la duración.
    • Aterrorizado: La unidad blanco intentara alejarse del atacante.[1]
    • Provocación: Una unidad que es provocada intentara atacar la fuente de la provocación durante la duración.
  • Polymorph: Una unidad que es pacificada no puede atacar o usar habilidades durante la duración, ademas su velocidad de movimiento es reducida durante la misma.
  • Silencio: Una unidad que es silenciada no puede usar habilidades durante la duración.
  • Ralentización: Una unidad que es ralentizada vera reducida su velocidad de movimiento durante la duración.
  • Atrapar: Una unidad que es atrapada no puede moverse durante la duración.
  • Aturdir: Una unidad que es aturtida no puede atacar, moverse o usar habilidades durante la duración.
    • Suspensión: Una unidad suspendida es considerada en el aire por el proposito de Last Breath Last Breath de Yasuo Yasuo, pero por propositos de contrarrestración es considerado un aturdimiento.
  • Supresión: Una unidad que es suprimida no puede controlar su movimiento, atacar, usar habilidades o hechizos (incluyendo Purificación Purificación). La duración no es afectada por reducción de control de masa.

Summary Table

 Done  denotes that the action is blocked

Movement Attacking Abilities Interrupt Spells Reduction Removal
Airborne  Done   Done   Done   Done  FlashTeleport No
Blind Miss Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gif
Entangle  Done   Done  FlashTeleport Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gifArchivo:Mikael's Crucible.gif
Forced Action  Done   Done   Done   Done  Flash Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gifArchivo:Mikael's Crucible.gif
Polymorph  Done   Done   Done  FlashTeleport Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gifArchivo:Mikael's Crucible.gif
Silence  Done   Done  FlashTeleport Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gifArchivo:Mikael's Crucible.gif
Slow Reduced Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gifArchivo:Mikael's Crucible.gif
Snare/Root  Done  See notes FlashTeleport Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gifArchivo:Mikael's Crucible.gif
Stun  Done   Done   Done   Done  FlashTeleport Yes CleanseArchivo:Quicksilver Sash.gifArchivo:Mikael's Crucible.gif
Suppression  Done   Done   Done   Done  All No Archivo:Quicksilver Sash.gif

Please note the following:

  • Movement includes abilities (such as Arcane Shift Arcane Shift de Ezreal Ezreal).
    • For example, while airborne you can cast all summoner spells except Flash Flash and Teleport Teleport.
  • Ability refers to a champion's castable spells (by default Q, W, E and R).
    • Mikael's Crucible Mikael's Crucible cannot be activated where Abilities are disabled, as the item is intended to be used on allies.
  • Spells refers to the Summoner Spells.
  • Interrupt refers to whether or not the effect will cancel channeled abilities.
  • Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar removes any crowd control effect that Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash would.


Loss of Control

Crowd control is often categorized into two categories depending on whether or not the effect removes total control of the player's character.

Hard CC — The following effects completely remove control of one's character:

  • Airborne
  • Forced Action
  • Stun
  • Suppression

Soft CC — The following only remove partial control of one's character:

  • Blind
  • Entangle
  • Polymorph
  • Silence
  • Slow
  • Snare


As an alternative to the above, crowd control is sometimes categorized into two categories depending on whether or not the effect disrupts the channelling of an ability; abilities such as Requiem Requiem de Karthus Karthus and Death Lotus Death Lotus de Katarina Katarina.

Hard CC — The following effects disrupt the channelling of abilities:

  • Airborne
  • Forced Action
  • Polymorph
  • Silence
  • Stun
  • Suppression

Soft CC — The following effects do not disrupt the channelling of abilities:

  • Blind
  • Entangle
  • Slow
  • Snare


Abilities can also be categorized by what their effects inhibit.

Movement Modifiers — The following effects in some way inhibit movement:

  • Airborne
  • Entangle
  • Forced Action
  • Slow
  • Snare
  • Stun
  • Suppression

Action Modifiers — The following effects in some way inhibit the ability to attack or cast abilities:

  • Airborne
  • Blind
  • Entangle
  • Forced Action
  • Polymorph
  • Silence
  • Stun

Countering Crowd Control

Crowd Control can be countered in various different ways.


Crowd control can be prevented. All forms of crowd control can be prevented, including knockback, knockup and pull effects.


Crowd control can be removed after it has been applied. These effects can be activated while under the effects of the crowd control.

All forms of crowd control can be removed except knockback, knockup and pull effects.

Items and Spells

  • Cleanse Cleanse removes all CC except suppression.
  • Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar: Unique Active - Quicksilver: Removes all debuffs from your champion. 90 second cooldown.+60 attack damage, +45 magic resistance 3700 de oro.
  • Mikael's Crucible Mikael's Crucible: Unique Active: Removes all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences and slows on an allied champion and heals them for 150 + 10% of their missing health. 180 second cooldown.+7 health regeneration, +40 magic resist, +18 mana regeneration per 5. Unique Passive - Mana Font: Increases your Mana Regen by 1% per 1% Mana you are missing. 2200 de oro.
  • Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash: Unique Active - Quicksilver: Removes all debuffs from your champion. 90 second cooldown.+45 magic resist 1550 de oro.

Champion abilities


Crowd control reduction reduces the duration of crowd control effects by a percentage equal to its value. The reduction will stack multiplicatively with other types of CC duration reduction.


  • Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads: Unique Passive - Tenacity: The duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes are reduced by 35%. +25 magic resistance, Unique Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 movement speed. 1200 de oro.
  • Spirit of the Ancient Golem Spirit of the Ancient Golem: Unique Passive - Tenacity: The duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes are reduced by 35%. +500 health, +30 armor, +14 health regeneration, +7 mana regeneration. Unique Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 25%. 2300 de oro.
  • Zephyr Zephyr: Unique Passive - Tenacity: The duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes are reduced by 35%. +25 attack damage, +50% attack speed, +10% movement speed, +10% cooldown reduction. 2850 de oro.

Champion abilities

  • Burning Agony Burning Agony de Dr Dr. Mundo reduces crowd control by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% while active.
  • Courage Courage de Garen Garen reduces crowd control by 30% for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 seconds.
  • Ionian Fervor Ionian Fervor de Irelia Irelia reduces crowd control by 10% / 25% / 40% for 1 / 2 / 3 nearby enemy champion(s).


Slow Potency Reduction

These effects reduces the potency of movement slows. Similar effects stack multiplicatively with each other. Note: This does not reduce the duration of the effect.


The following effects are comparable to crowd control, except that the effect is caused voluntarily and affects the user rather than a target.

Self-Knockback: A champion that knockbacks itself and is temporarily unable to attack and issue movement commands. The target may still cast spells.

Self-Snare: A champion that snares itself is unable to control its movement and will ignore movement commands (included forced actions, such as fear). A champion that is snared can still be moved by airborne effects, but it will not break the snare.

Self-Slow: A champion that slows itself has reduced movement speed. Most of the current examples are connected to a channelled ability, and the slow will end when the abilities have finished casting.

Self-Silence: A champion that silences itself is unable to cast abilities. They may still attack and use summoner spells.

These effects are not affected by crowd control reduction, nor can they be removed by cleansing effects.

A note on channeling and casting animations: neither are considered forms of crowd control, however disruptive they may be. A notable example is Ruthless Predator Ruthless Predator de Renekton Renekton, which incapacitates Renekton for a fair duration of the stun - much to many player's detest.

  • Casting: The casting (sometimes "charging") of an ability cannot be cancelled by the player or an enemy except by death. Forced actions (such as taunt) will have no effect for the duration of the cast, and using airborne effects to move the player will not affect the trajectory of the skill - which will start from the point of cast, not from the player's current location. Summoner spells and most items can still be activated while casting.
  • Channeling: The channeling of an ability can be cancelled by hard CC, or by the player attempting to perform another action (such as movement, casting another ability or attacking) - a notable exception is Bulwark Bulwark de Galio Galio, which can be cast during Idol of Durand Idol of Durand without interrupting the channel. Summoner spells and most items can be activated without disrupting channeling (which is particularly useful information for jungle Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks as Health Potions Health Potions will not interrupt Drain Drain).


  • Crescendo Crescendo de Sona Sona causes the target to dance.
  • The highest continuous form of crowd control reduction can be achieved by Ionian Fervor Ionian Fervor de Irelia Irelia with 3 nearby foes, Tenacity, and Tenacious for 66.85%.
  • Tryndamere Tryndamere is the only champion in the game that can activate an ability while disabled that doesn't remove the disable. Alistar Alistar, Gangplank Gangplank and Olaf Olaf also have an ability that can be activated while disabled, but these remove the disabling effects.


  1. REDIRECCIÓN Plantilla:Listaref
