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Not to be confused with casting times.

A channeled ability is an ability that can be interrupted through specific crowd control effects. Interrupting a channeled ability is desirable either to end its effects early or to prevent the ability from successfully firing in the first place.

Casting Channel[]

The original form of channel, now called a "casting channel", is a feature of several of the game's older champions. Activating one of these abilities will cause the caster to stop other actions for a specific duration. These abilities are interrupted by crowd control effects that inhibit casting, namely: airborne, forced action, polymorph, silence, stun and suppression.

Some casting channels actively prevent the caster from making other actions (such as autoattacking, moving or casting their other abilities). However, this is a luxury and not a rule; in most cases the caster is still able to perform other actions but doing so will interrupt the channel. Most activatable items and summoner spells can be used while channeling without interrupting, which is particularly useful information for jungle Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks: as consuming Health Potions Health Potions will not interrupt Drain Drain.

Champion abilities
Champion Ability Channel duration Notes
Caitlyn Caitlyn Ace in the Hole Ace in the Hole 1 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required fire the missile. If the target dies while channeling, the ability is put on a 5 second cooldown.
Darius Darius Noxian Guillotine Noxian Guillotine ~0.25 seconds Darius is considered to be channeling during the dash. Darius must complete the channel in order to deal damage. Interrupting Noxian Guillotine does not put it on cooldown or expend mana.
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks Drain Drain 5 seconds Damage is dealt every 0.5 seconds while channeling.
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks Crowstorm Crowstorm 1.5 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required to blink and start dealing damage.
Galio Galio Idol of Durand Idol of Durand 2 seconds The taunt effect ends early upon the channel being interrupted; but the damage is still dealt in full.
Gragas Gragas Drunken Rage Drunken Rage 1 second Replenishes mana over the duration. Channeling for the full duration is required to gain the attack damage and damage reduction.
Janna Janna Monsoon Monsoon 4 seconds Health is restored every 0.5 second while channeling.
Karthus Karthus Requiem Requiem 3 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required to deal the damage. While Defying Death Defying Death, it is not possible to interrupt Requiem.
Katarina Katarina Death Lotus Death Lotus 2 seconds Damage is dealt every 0.2 seconds while channeling.
Malzahar Malzahar Nether Grasp Nether Grasp 2.5 seconds Damage is dealt every 0.5 second while channeling.
Master Yi Master Yi Meditate Meditate 4 seconds Health is restored every 0.5 second while channeling.
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune Bullet Time Bullet Time 2 seconds Damage is dealt every 0.25 second while channeling.
Nunu Nunu Absolute Zero Absolute Zero 3 seconds Damage will be dealt even if the channeling is interrupted, but the damage will be reduced.
Pantheon Pantheon Heartseeker Strike Heartseeker Strike 0.75 seconds Damage is dealt every 0.25 second while channeling.
Pantheon Pantheon Grand Skyfall Grand Skyfall 2 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required to teleport and deal the damage.
Twisted Fate Twisted Fate Gate Gate 1.5 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required to teleport.
Urgot Urgot Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser 1 second Channeling for the full duration is required to swap positions with his target.
Warwick Warwick Infinite Duress Infinite Duress 1.8 seconds Damage is dealt every 0.334 second while channeling.
Name Duration of channel Notes
Greater Relic 3 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required to capture the objective.
Capture Point Varying duration Channeling for the full duration is required to capture the objective. If the capture point is owned by the enemy, it will neutralize halfway through the channel.

All the above can also be interrupted by taking direct damage (this does not include health costs). Shielded champions are not interrupted so long as the shield remains intact.

Recently, several damage over time abilities were changed to not interrupt the above channels:

Movement Channels[]

This classification was only recently identified. Movement channels are casting channels that can also be interrupted by crowd control effects that inhibit movement, namely: airborne, entangle, forced action, polymorph, silence, snare, stun and suppression. To put it another way: all forms of crowd control will interrupt a movement channel with the exception Blind and Slow.

This is a fairly new ruling and many of the game's older channel-delayed movement abilities use casting channels. It's unknown if those abilities will be updated in the future.

Champion abilities
Champion Ability Channel duration Notes
Caitlyn Caitlyn 90 Caliber Net 90 Caliber Net ~0.25 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required dash.
Shen Shen Stand United Stand United 3 seconds Channeling for the full duration is required to teleport.
Zac Zac Elastic Slingshot Elastic Slingshot 0-Unknown seconds The range increases over the first 0.9 / 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 seconds. The cooldown is reduced by half the base amount and half the health cost is refunded if the ability is canceled, interrupted or times out.
Name Duration of channel Notes
Enhanced Recall Enhanced Recall 4.5 seconds (4 seconds with Improved Recall (Maestría de la 3ra Temporada) Improved Recall) Channeling for the full duration is required to teleport.
Recall Recall 8 seconds (7 seconds with Improved Recall (Maestría de la 3ra Temporada) Improved Recall) Channeling for the full duration is required to teleport.
Teleport Teleport 4 seconds (3.5 seconds with Summoner's Insight (Maestría de la 3ra Temporada) Summoner's Insight) Channeling for the full duration is required to teleport.

With the exception of Teleport, all the above can also be interrupted by taking direct damage (this does not include health costs). Shielded champions are not interrupted so long as the shield remains intact.

Recently, several damage over time abilities were changed to not interrupt the above channels:

Attacking Channel[]

With the release of Lucian Lucian, a new form of channeling was added to the game. Unlike previous forms of channeling, The Culling The Culling is interrupted by attack-inhibiting crowd control effects rather than casting-inhibiting effects, namely: airborne, entangle, forced action, polymorph, stun and suppression. Unlike other forms of channel, silence does not interrupt the channel and entangle will.

The only example of an attacking channel does not inhibit movement.

Champion Ability Channel duration Notes
Lucian Lucian The Culling The Culling 0-2 seconds Damage is dealt over the duration at a rate proportional to Lucian's attack speed.

Habilidades de Carga[]

Con el lanzamiento de Varus Varus, se añadió un nuevo subtipo de canalización en el juego: la carga. Una habilidad cargada tiene dos activaciones (o casteos): la primera activación se inicia la carga y el segundo dispará la habilidad. Durando el uso del Hechizo Inteligente (Smartcast en inglés), el jugador debe manteer la tecla pulsada para cargar la habilidad y se disparará al soltar la tecla. A diferencia las Habilidades Canalizadas, el jugador puede moverse libremente incluso usando Flash Flash o Pasaje Oscuro Pasaje Oscuro.

Charging is a sub-classification. The forms of crowd control that will interrupt a charged ability depends on the ability's supertype.

Campeón Habilidad Duración de la carga/tipo Notas
Varus Varus Flecha Penetrante Flecha Penetrante 0-4 segundos; casting channel El daño y alcance aumentan en los siguientes dos segundos. Varus recupera el maná si la habilidad se cancela.
Vi Vi Rompebóvedas Rompebóvedas 0-4 segundos; movement channel El daño y alcance aumentan en los siguientes 1,25 segundos. El enfriamiento de la habilidad se reduce a 3 y se recupera el mana si la habilidad es interrumpida.

Pending his rework, Arcanopulse Arcanopulse de Xerath Xerath will feature the charged mechanic. Unlike current examples of the mechanic, interrupting Xerath will automatically trigger the second activation - rather than canceling the ability.

Casting Times[]

Most champion abilities that are cast (like Disintegrate Disintegrate) have a very brief casting time that will interrupt other actions, such as movement or attacking (most will automatically have the champion continue in their previous actions, although some will interrupt previous actions indefinitely). These casting times cannot be interrupted except by the caster's death. Casting times will show a channeling bar on screen, although the bars of short casting times will often not be drawn except on very high framerates.

Champions will ignore crowd control effects while casting, with the exception of airborne/knockabout effects. This is different from crowd control immunity as the effect can persist the duration of the casting time. If a champion is knocked about while casting, the skill will still fire from the point of cast regardless of the caster's position at the time of fire (although it's worth noting that the animation will occasionally fire from the new location). For blinks and dashes, they too will move toward the selected target after the casting has finished regardless of crowd control effects suffered during the cast time.

"Casting" is sometimes referred to as "charging", although charging was assigned to a new mechanic with the release of Varus Varus.

Some notable examples of longer casting times, or casting times that are frequently labelled bugs on account of their ability to ignore crowd control:

Champion Ability Cast duration Notes
Caitlyn Caitlyn 90 Caliber Net 90 Caliber Net 0.1 seconds Caitlyn is further unable to activate abilities during the animation.
Ezreal Ezreal Arcane Shift Arcane Shift 0.25 seconds There is a wind-down animation upon landing, however this is not forced and Ezreal can move instantly.
Ezreal Ezreal Trueshot Barrage Trueshot Barrage 1 second Casting for the full duration is required to fire the missile
Kassadin Kassadin Riftwalk Riftwalk 0.25 seconds There is a wind-down animation upon landing, however this is not forced and Kassadin can move instantly.
Lux Lux Final Spark Final Spark 0.5 seconds Casting for the full duration is required to fire the shot
Tristana Tristana Rocket Jump Rocket Jump 0.25 seconds Tristana cannot move or attack during the animation, but may use her abilities
Xerath Xerath Arcanopulse Arcanopulse 0.75 seconds Casting for the full duration is required to fire the shot
Xerath Xerath Locus of Power Locus of Power 0.5 seconds Casting for the full duration is required to begin casting other abilities
Xerath Xerath Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage ~0.2 seconds The beam will appear instantly and has an ~0.5 second delay. Casting for the full 0.2 seconds is required for the beam to fire. If Xerath dies before then, the blast will fizzle.