Wiki League of Legends
For the removed mastery, see Bandit Bandit.

Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit is a passive effect granted by some items.

It grants Gold for each nearby minion killed by an ally within a 1400 range. Melee role Melee Champions gain 10 Gold when hitting an enemy champion with a basic attack or an ability that applies on-hit effects, while A distancia rol ranged champions only gain Gold. This has a 5 second per-target cooldown.

The gold generated by Bandit counts towards the Quest.


The following items will grant Bandit:

Patch History[]

  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it was generating gold from pet's basic attacks, as opposed to just champion basic attacks.
  • Bug Fix: No longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
V7.22 Added
  • Passive effect granted on support items.
    • Gain Gold for each nearby minion killed by an ally (1400 range).
    • Gain gold Gold when hitting an enemy champion with a basic attack or an ability that applies on-hit effects. This has a 5 second per-target cooldown.


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