- Die Wand wird alle Projektil-Basierenden Zauber oder Angriffe blockieren, außer Türmen. Diese Beinhalten:
- Zielfähigkeiten: Auflösung, Überladung and Zauberkaskade
- Skill-Shots: Wurfspeer[1] und Verzauberter Kristallpfeil [2], Durchdringender Pfeil
- Zauber die auf den Boden gezielt werden: einen fliegenden Sprösslingwurf, Befehl: Angriff[3], Lebender Schatten and Gerolltes Fass. Diese Fähigkeiten stoppen sobald sie die Wand treffen.
- Alle Fernkampfangriffe, außer Gerechter Zorn und , da deren Angriffe keine Projektile "abfeuern". während
- Diese Fähigkeiten blockt die Wand nicht:
- Sofortige Fähigkeiten wie z.B.: Runenkäfig und Arkanpuls.
- Bewegungen von Einheiten: Champions, Vasallen, Monstern, Begleitern, und einen verfolgenden Sprösslingwurf und Chaossturm.
- Zauber die auf den Boden gezielt werden die aus der Luft fliegen wie z.B.: Megainferno-Bombe und Lebendige Artillerie.
The following projectiles are described as passing over or under Windmauer and do not interact with it:
- Parallelkonvergenz
- Tiefenladung
- Willenskraft (thrown object)
- Aufgetrennte Erde
- Arkanes Ritual
- Megainferno-Bombe (while over the map)
The following projectiles are bugged and will bypass Windmauer:
- Tektonischer Stoß (the visual effect is destroyed, but the ability will still happen as normal)
The following projectiles are not destroyed when they hit Windmauer and their units will drop to the ground beside the wall:
- Wanderdüne and Imperiale Phalanx
- Köder auswerfen
- Gefesseltes Publikum
- Flammenfresser!
- Sog
- Befehl: Angriff
- Zwielichtangriff
- Lebender Schatten
- Zeitbombe
The following projectiles are destroyed when they hit Wind Wall:
- All [[Datei:Vorlage:Tip data/ranged|20px|link=Vorlage:Tip data/ranged|]][[Datei:Vorlage:Tip data/ranged|20px|link=Vorlage:Tip data/ranged|]][[Datei:Vorlage:Tip data/ranged|20px|link=Vorlage:Tip data/ranged|]] [[:Vorlage:Tip data/ranged|ranged]] basic attacks (excluding those of turrets, , , , and after firing Siphon Power)
- Item actives: , , and Spoils of War
- Blades of Torment
- Orb of Deception, Fox-Fire, Charm and Spirit Rush (the orbs, not the dash)
- Mark of the Assassin
- Bandage Toss (the bandage, not an in-flight Amumu)
- Flash Frost and Frostbite
- Disintegrate
- Ranger's Focus, Volley, Hawkshot and Enchanted Crystal Arrow
- Starsurge
- Cosmic Binding
- Rocket Grab
- Sear, Conflagration (projectiles that fly to secondary targets) and Pyroclasm
- Winter's Bite and Glacial Fissure
- Piltover Peacemaker, 90 Caliber Net (the net, not the knock-back) and Ace in the Hole
- Miasma and Twin Fang
- Vorpal Spikes
- Phosphorus Bomb and Missile Barrage
- Crescent Strike and Pale Cascade
- Infected Cleaver
- Spinning Axe, Stand Aside and Whirling Death
- Timewinder
- Neurotoxin and Cocoon
- Hate Spike
- Mystic Shot, Essence Flux, Arcane Shift and Trueshot Barrage
- Dark Wind
- Riposte
- Resolute Smite and Righteous Gust
- Parrrley
- Boomerang Throw and Boulder Toss
- Barrel Roll and Explosive Cask
- End of the Line, Smoke Screen and Collateral Damage (the projectile only, not the cone)
- Onslaught of Shadows (ghost riders, both before and after Hecarim lands)
- H-28G Evolution Turret (attacks and laser), Hextech Micro-Rockets and CH-1 Concussion Grenade (both standard and UPGRADE!!!)
- Test of Spirit
- Transcendent Blades
- Howling Gale and Zephyr
- Shock Blast
- Zap!, and Super Mega Death Rocket!
- Dancing Grenade, Deadly Flourish and Curtain Call's shots.
- Pierce
- Inner Flame
- Null Sphere
- Bouncing Blades and Death Lotus
- Reckoning
- Thundering Shuriken
- Void Spike
- Dance of Arrows and Mounting Dread
- Caustic Spittle and Void Ooze
- Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains (initial cast; not the tether)
- Sonic Wave and Cripple
- Zenith Blade (the blade, not an in-flight Leona)
- Ice Shard and Glacial Path
- Ardent Blaze and The Culling
- Pix, Faerie Companion, Glitterlance and Whimsy
- Light Binding, Prismatic Barrier and Lucent Singularity
- Seismic Shard
- Sapling Toss (when airborne)
- Double Up and Bullet Time
- Dark Binding
- Aqua Prison, Ebb and Flow and Tidal Wave
- Dredge Line and Riptide
- Javelin Toss
- Duskbringer
- Ice Blast Ice Blast
- Command: Protect (the ball will not shield the target and will snap back to Orianna)
- Spear Shot
- Iron Ambassador and Keeper's Verdict
- Prey Seeker
- Bola Strike
- Wind Slash
- Electro-Harpoon Electro-Harpoon and The Equalizer (one of the rockets while landing)
- Overload and Spell Flux
- Glacial Prison
- Jack In The Box Jack In The Box (basic attacks) and Two-Shiv Poison
- Flame Breath
- Roar of the Slayer
- Boomerang Blade and Ricochet
- Fracture
- Hymn of Valor, Aria of Perseverance and Crescendo
- Starcall
- Torment and Ravenous Flock (both the damage and healing projectiles)
- Scatter the Weak, Dark Sphere moved by Scatter the Weak and Unleashed Power
- Tongue Lash
- Threaded Volley and Weaver's Wall
- Rake and Shadow Assault
- Blinding Dart
- Death Sentence, Dark Passage and Flay (active)
- Explosive Charge and Buster Shot
- Wild Cards
- Venom Cask
- Acid Hunter and Noxian Corrosive Charge
- Piercing Arrow, Hail of Arrows and Chain of Corruption
- Condemn
- Baleful Strike and Primordial Burst
- Plasma Fission and Void Rift (existing trail is not destroyed)
- Siphon Power and Death Ray
- Transfusion (the healing projectile; the damage is not negated as it is instant) and Tides of Blood
- Shocking Orb
- Steel Tempest (third cast) and Wind Wall (two opposing Wind Walls will negate each other)
- Razor Shuriken
- Bouncing Bomb, Satchel Charge, Hexplosive Minefield and Mega Inferno Bomb (while landing).
- Rise of the Thorns, Thorn Spitters (basic attacks) and Grasping Roots